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Several students from the SFD InvenTeam traveled to Boston last week to participate in the 2014 EurekaFest. Mr. Savinell, last year's Engineer Club advisor and one of the trip's chaperones, received a 2014 InvenTeam award. On the final day, all the students at the conference competed in the Duck lift-off challenge. This took team work, engineering design, finance, construction, etc with the goal to see who could lift more ducks with their invention! Ali Baird was on winning team. She got the gold duck award!
Congratulations to Jacob Gilmore and Brandon Krietemeyer who were both selected for Academic All-Ohio for Boys Track and Field.
Please note: both Grandparents Day programs will start at 8:30am, followed by mass at 9:45am. The dates/times printed in the Summer Guide mailed home were incorrect. 
Grandparents are invited to attend one of the days designated, according to the student's last name:  
A-L: Friday, October 31, 2014 
8:30am breakfast followed by mass at 9:45am 
M-Z: Friday, March 27, 2015 
8:30am breakfast followed by mass at 9:45am 
Grandparents will receive a reminder card in the mail, IF you provide us with their name, address and zip code. Please email all addresses to Karen Cofojohn at or mail to the school: 4212 Karl Rd, Columbus, 43224.
Pure love of God is the precious pearl found by all who are in search of Heaven; in exchange for it they are ready to sell all they possess. In fact, we notice that the first Christians were not content with observing the commandments of God. They also put into practice the counsels, abandoning everything with a true spirit of detachment. Hence it can be truly said that they were "of one heart and one mind." [Acts 4:32] The words "mine" and "thine" no longer existed for them. (Sermons 20; O. IX, p. 173)
 To view more from the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales, please visit "Daily with de Sales."