DBSA Logo New 

302.537.6500 ext. 4 

302.542.7999 Cell

Located Next to Harpoon Hanna's

Fenwick Island, DE 19944


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2014 SUP Festival & Race Calendar      

Summer Help Wanted!
Join Our Team in 2014!
Own Your Own Board This Summer
Layaway is Simple
20% Down and Pay the Rest Between Now and June 
Check This Out!  New Interactive Suplove Board Builder      
Suplove Bamboo Adventurer
Use this new tool to pick your rail color and traction pad.  Super Cool!
Antiquing: Year Round Fun in Southern Delaware


January 2014
News, Events and Specials
Free Carbon Fiber Paddle w/ Purchase of New SUP


Save $199.95 this month when you purchase a new, in stock paddle board.  Carbon Fiber is lighter, stiffer and more efficient for paddling.  The color of BLUE is the only color available. 


You can even combine this offer with our simple layaway plan.  Now what are you waiting for? 


BIC Sport Carbon-Fiberglass Adjustable SUP Paddle
FREE BIC Sport Carbon-Fiberglass Adjustable SUP Paddle w/ New Board Purchase This Month


No other discounts or special offers can be applied to this offer.

Delaware Events and Vacation Planning


Planning your next trip to Delaware? Check out the Official Tourism site for the State of Delaware.



Book your hotel with their Travelocity booking engine, find upcoming events and take advantage of their trip planner to assist you with creating the perfect itinerary for your next getaway.  

We're Located Next to Harpoon Hanna's, Fenwick Island, Delaware

Delmarva's Original NightSUP

Our Waterfront Location Next to Harpoon Hanna's 39084 Harpoon Road
Fenwick Island, DE 19944


Best Wishes for a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year!



George and Janis
Stroke It with Us!
302.537.6500 Shop
302.542.7999 Cell

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Free Adjustable
Carbon Fiber Paddle

$199.95 Savings.  During the month of January 2014 get a free adjustable carbon fiber paddle with the purchase of any NEW board purchase from our existing stock.  This can not be combined with any other discounts or offers.
Offer Expires: 1/31/14