November Wellness

~When you begin to touch your heart or let your heart be touched, you begin to discover that it's bottomless, that it doesn't have any resolution, that this heart is huge, vast and limitless. You begin to discover how much warmth and gentleness is there, as well as how much space.~
Pema Chodron

Being vulnerable. Embracing each moment with an open heart.  Giving yourself permission to relinquish any ego attachments, any fears. Expanding the fullness of who you are from a place of authenticity and trust.

For many, this does not come easily. We may have learned that protecting ourselves for dear life is essential. So energetically, we may put up a wall, an amour around our heart space to protect us from feeling exposed. While this may make you feel "safe", it cuts you off from FEELING on a very core level. 

Some of us have become quite adept at this. Not wanting or allowing others to see the truth of who we really are. What moves us, inspires us and frightens us. This appears to provide us with a sense of security. While this may be true, you cut yourself off from the divine flow of the pulsation of life. The exquisite opportunities and blessings that are presented to you in each moment. 
If he/she saw the real me, what would they really think? Our authentic selves come to the surface more fully when we display our vulnerabilities. Especially in our relationships with others. When we are vulnerable and trusting, this is when we are most beautiful. We radiate and exude a divine light. We shine abundantly in all ways.

If you really desire to blossom, to expand the fullness of who you are, it is necessary to risk. To risk being seen. To risk being loved. In Marianne Williamson's classic book, "A Return To Love", she states, "Adam was standing naked in front of Eve, but not embarrassed." Not physically naked, but emotionally naked. This is who I am, with all my beauty and flaws. Perfectly imperfect.

This has been an ongoing process (and practice) for me. As I continue to deepen my love of yoga, the walls I have put up to protect myself are tumbling down. I am taking risks, letting myself be seen, expressing my true feelings from my deep heart. I am risking without attachment, letting others know how I feel no matter what transpires. The more I, we, cultivate and nurture ourselves in loving ways, the more this is reflected back to us.

What comes to mind, is a song I heard most recently by my dear friend Krie. Her song, "My Vulnerability is Worth the Cry" from her debut album is truly inspiring. It is about risking, no matter what happens. I recently heard her perform this at a benefit in NYC and it brought tears to my eyes. A gentle reminder of the softening of my heart, an opening in my Soul.  Here are a few lines:

~ Everything I've done~
~And everything I want to be~
~ Is all that I AM and all that you SEE~ 
(Check her out on ITunes "I Love How We've Arrived")

So dear ones, be willing to take a chance and surrender your fears, especially as it relates to others. The more we allow our hearts to open, the more receptive and expansive we are. To the beauty and gifts that can only be found in the present. Be courageous and allow the sweetness of life and others to touch you. Trust yourself. Be love. 
From my heart to yours.
With Love, Denise 

Denise is a holistic fitness, yoga and spiritual teacher. She moves and inspires others to be the best they can be. Through her love of movement, she authentically integrates what will empower others to shine their light and live from a place of openness, joy and ease. Her deep spiritual connection shines through her work she lovingly shares with others. For more information on offerings, kindly contact 917-902-2061 or email For inspirations on living authentically, please visit
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