3/28/2014 - In This Issue:


BOE Budget Update
There is a public Town Council meeting on Wednesday, April 2nd at 6:30 pm at the New Canaan Nature Center. This is a public hearing and parents will be given the opportunity to speak.  The final vote on the 2014/2015 budget will take place April 9th. 
For the most recent update on the Budget, click here.
Monthly Calendar
Upcoming Events
Sound Tiger Family Outing 3:00 pm game
TC Public Hearing- Parents Can Speak! 6:30 pm @ Nature Center
NCPS Tech Night
6:30 - 8:00 pm @
Final Vote on Budget 7:30 pm @ Nature Center
12:15 pm Dismissal
Professional Learning Day
Spring Vacation
4/22 & 4/23
Kindergarten Orientation

Quick Links
Join the PTC!
Click here to order your directory and join the South School PTC. 

South School Spiritware
Click here to purchase car magnets and South School apparel.

Lunch Menu
Click here to see the monthly lunch menu.
Click here to see student lunchtimes.
PTC Contacts and 
Room Parent List
Click here to contact members of the PTC Board and Room Parents.

PTC Volunteer Opportunities
Get involved! 

NCPS Board of Education Links
Be in the know!
Meetings of the Board are live on Cablevision channel 78 at 7:30 p.m. and rebroadcast on Thursdays at 7:30 p.m. and Mondays at 4:00 p.m. 

Administration Notes
From Joanne Rocco and Matt Kascak
Kindergarten Orientation Dates
Our Kindergarten Orientation sessions for incoming kindergarten students and their parents will be held on April 22 and 23. Invitations will be sent soon by mail to parents who have registered their children for kindergarten.

Kindergarten Registration Has Begun

If  you, or anyone you know, has a child who is eligible to attend kindergarten next year, please complete the online registration forms and return them to Central Office as soon as possible. It is very helpful for us to have incoming kindergartners registered early so that we can begin to plan for next year and the number of class sections that will be needed. Our Kindergarten Orientation sessions for students and parents are planned for the week of April 21. All parents who have already completed and submitted the registration paperwork will be invited to attend one of these sessions with their child. Thank you.


Upcoming Half-Day:

Friday, April 11 is a Professional Learning Day.  School will be dismissed at 12:15 p.m. for all K-4 students.


We Welcome Our New Campus Monitor
We welcome our new campus monitor, Mr. Jay Jaffer, to South School. We are excited to have Jay join our staff, and we appreciate his efforts to help us maintain a safe and secure campus. 

Grade 2 OLSAT Testing 

During the second week of April, all second graders in New Canaan Public Schools will be given the Otis-Lennon School Ability Test (OLSAT). The OLSAT is designed to measure abstract thinking and reasoning abilities that underlie academic learning. This assessment, combined with achievement and other performance information helps us develop a full picture of your child as a learner. Your child's OLSAT information will be mailed to you when scores are returned to us from the scoring service.


A practice test will be administered on Monday, April 7th. The actual test will be administered over two days: Tuesday, April 8th and Wednesday, April 9th. All
testing will be done in the morning. The length of time for testing is relatively short and very appropriate for the attention spans of second grade students.


Since this is a reasoning assessment, there is no way for children to study for the OLSAT. We suggest a good night's sleep, nutritious breakfast, arriving at school
on time, and wearing comfortable clothing on testing days.


If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Kascak at matt.kascak@ncps-k12.org.

School Notes
Spring Music Concerts - Next Week!

Mark your calendars and get your cameras ready: 

Kindergarten Concert - Monday, March 31st at 9am
1st Grade Concert - Tuesday, April 1st at 9am
2nd Grade Concert - Wednesday, April 2nd at 9am
3rd Grade Concert - Thursday, April 3rd at 9am
4th Grade Concert - Friday, April 4th at 9am

Please remember to bring your photo IDs to enter the school.  If you pre-ordered your South School Sings the Classics CD, you can pick up your copy at the concerts. We'll also have a limited number of CDs for purchase. 
CDs purchased either online now or at the concerts, are $20 each. Click here to pre-order your copy.  See you at the concert!
From the Health Office 
It is that time of year again when lice infestation could start. We would like to prevent potential problems especially with recitals and vacations coming up. Lice infestation could come from almost anywhere. Hats, combs, and brushes are but a few potential sources. Proper control depends on us working together for case finding, proper treatment, and preventing the continued spread of lice. Families can help by screening their own children and educating their children about sharing of combs, brushes and hats. All cases of lice detected at home should be reported to the school nurse as soon as possible so that we can immediately implement control measures. Your help is appreciated. 
Please notify the Health Office with any injuries or hospitalizations that may affect your child in school.
New Canaan Summer Enrichment

Thinking about opportunities for your child this summer?  The New Canaan Summer Enrichment catalog is now uploaded on the district website.  Please check out our camp offerings.  Along with some of our returning favorites, this year we are offering a Lego Robotics camp and a Flight Team camp using a real flight simulator.  We also have a brand new Summer Arts Academy, replacing the longstanding Art Camp that closed last summer.  In addition to the visual arts, we are pleased to include music, theater design and dramatic arts.  These are week long sessions where pre-enrollment is required.  Check out our complete offerings at www.newcanaan.k12.ct.us/summer.

PTC Notes
South School Family Event with the Sound Tigers - this weekend!

Join your classmates for an exciting night at the Bridgeport Sound Tigers Ice Hockey Game! 

Sound Tigers  
vs. Hartford Wolf Pack   
Sunday, March 30th at 3:00 PM at Webster Bank Arena
600 Main Street, Bridgeport, CT     

Special discount pricing of $21. Come see the Sound Tigers and South School hold the flag on the ice during the national anthem! All students and staff will be seated together.  Click here to order tickets. See you at the game!
Congratulations South School Readers!

Together, you turned South School and Ms. Rocco's and Mr. Kascak's hair blue in support of reading!!

All students are invited to a student-only celebration performance by magician Danny Magic on Tuesday, April 8th @ South School, during school hours.  Prizes for top readers and top fundraisers will be awarded at this event.
2014-2015 PTC Executive Board Slate
The Nominating Committee is pleased to announce the slate for the 2014-2015 PTC Executive Board.


Malia Frame & Suzanne Harrison

Co-VP Ways and Means:

Debbie Raymond & Traci Pascarella

VP Programs: 

Sarah Haddad

Co-VP Social:

Nancy Roeder & Liz Janiga

Co-VP Board of Education:

Susan Gelvin & Katie Van Dussen


Amy John with Anne Schimmeck (2015-2016)

Director of Communications:

Leslie Bisesi


Melissa Coffman

Teacher Liason: 

Michael Messina 


Please join us at the May PTC general meeting to confirm, congratulate, and thank these wonderful women for volunteering of their time and energy to help lead our PTC!


Contact Kristen Grzymski (kristen_grzymski@yahoo.com) with any questions.

NCHS Scholarship Drive - Sunday, April 6th, 2014

New Canaan High School's annual "Scholarship Sunday" will be held on Sunday,  April 6,  from noon-4:oo pm. 
This is the day that NCHS students wearing Scholarship Drive t-shirts canvass New Canaan neighborhoods to raise funds for college scholarships for fellow NCHS students.  For over 45 years the NCHS Scholarship Foundation has provided need-based financial aid for NCHS graduates pursuing higher education.  Last year, the Foundation raised over $ 110,000 from local businesses, residents, service clubs and memorials and awarded  73 need-based scholarships grants.  Please open your doors and your hearts on Sunday, April 6th, and give generously to the NCHS Scholarship Foundation.  Donations may be handed to the student volunteers on Scholarship Sunday, sent by mail to the NCHS Scholarship Foundation, New Canaan High School, 11 Farm Road, New Canaan, CT  06840, or made online at http://www.nchsscholarship.org.  Checks should be made out to "NCHS Scholarship Foundation".


Special Thanks to...
A big thank you to the Nominating Committee: Kristin Grymski, Suzanne Fredricks, Marlous Lagarde, Jennifer Breitfelder, Anna Angilletta, and Robin O'Connell, for their hard work in forming the PTC board for next year.
Community News
News from the Chamber of Commerce
The 2014 iBlast Card is HERE! Buy your I-blast card and receive discounts at your favorite New Canaan retail stores. Cards are $20 each - South School will receive $5 back from each sale! Click here for more info and to purchase your card.   Please be sure to indicate "South School" in the notes section when you complete your purchase. Your card will be delivered by mail. Also, click HERE for information on the New Canaan Gift Certificate Program--a new initiative that allows you to buy a gift certificate that is good at over 50 New Canaan retailers --a great teacher gift!
New Canaan Library - Books, Blues & BBQ! Friday, May 30th.  Tickets on sale!
Get fired up! The New Canaan Public Library presents: Books, Blues & BBQ.  This fundraising party returns for its third year on Friday, May 30 from 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. under the tent, rain or shine. The band, Tangled Vine, will be back and have you dancing the night away, and the party will feature great-tasting, authentic barbecue.  Don't miss out on the fun.  Support the library and order your tickets today. Click here for more information. 
New Canaan Historical Society

2014 Colonial Summer Camp: Three week-long sessions: June 22 -27, August 4 -6, and August 11 - 15. For boys and girls ages 5-16. Camps are Monday-Friday from 

9:15 a.m. - noon.  History comes alive when you explore the museums, play traditional games, make colonial and Native American crafts, bake & cook old fashioned treats, try stenciling, printing and woodworking.  Please call or email the Society for more information and to register. 203-966-1776 or newcanaanhistorial@gmail.com.

2014 Colonial Summer Camp: Three week-long sessions: June 22 -27, August 4 -6, and August 11 - 15. For boys and girls ages 5-16. Camps are Monday-Friday from 

9:15 a.m. - noon.  History comes alive when you explore the museums, play traditional games, make colonial and Native American crafts, bake & cook old fashioned treats, try stenciling, printing and woodworking.  Please call or email the Society for more information and to register. 203-966-1776 or newcanaanhistorial@gmail.com.

Published by the South School Parent Teacher Council.    
Please send all submissions to: southptc@newcanaan.k12.ct.usa