Al's House
  Your Coffee Break  
 News You Can Use
      for Business and Personal Development 
Number 133                                                                                         August 15, 2014 
In this Issue
Shayna's Success Stories
Rolling Notary
Your 2 cents
Your Money/Your Life
Read on to find your free gift
Something to think about.. .

   Make each day a masterpiece!

Tom Peters


"While one may encounter many defeats, one must not be defeated." 


Tips and Tricks


We want to make your life easier and less stressful so we are adding a handy tip in each issue to help make

that happen.


Use empty toilet paper rolls to organize and 

store  cords.  
No more tangles.
 More at my


We like to hear from you!
We want to know from you how we are doing. Comments, questions and article submissions are always welcome. We will send you a free eBook as a thank you for participating.
Our Friends
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Great Music

Midtown Creperie

Website Design

Green's Nutrition 

Empresso Coffee House

Constant Contact  

Online Computer Geek 


Musings -

    Your Name Says It All

       Whatever name you choose for your company should define what you do and contain a creative tagline.  We use the wisdom of Napolean Hill, conceive-believe-achieve. This appears as part of our masthead and anywhere else we can include it.

       The key to creating your brand is having a very clear name and tagline and consistency.  It should contain information about your product or your promise, (i.e. "Are you in good hands?")  This very familiar tagline/slogan promises that they will take care of you and make you comfortable with their product.

       When potential customers are trying to find you one of the first places they look is If you are consistent with your message you will receive a higher ranking on the search engine. Since most people don't look beyond the top four or five listings it is important that you can be found near the top of the list.

       Google has its own proprietary system for ranking its listings. The uniformity of your information is what moves you nearer the top of the list.  Google will also look for keywords in your profiles that may also affect your ranking.  

       Create a master profile that you can customize for each application. It is very important that the core information be reliable consistent, and truthful.  Your minor edits should just reflect your demeanor as it applies to the current situation.

       The best way to create and maintain good ranking is to be precise and consistent with your message, and post it anywhere you can.  You do want people to find you, don't you?

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      Shayna's author DonnaUpshaw is available for custom cartooning and also has a line of wonderful note cards to bring smiles to your clients.. Click here to follow Shayna's Success Stories  from the beginning of her adventures.

   Left Stars


Your Money-Your Life

Live Your Ideal Life 

       We have written often about important it is for your business to have a vision statement, but it is just important for you to have a personal vision statement for a guide. 

       Often personal statements are done in the form of  Vision Boards.  As you read through magazines, or the mail, cut out 

pictures of the things you really want for your life.  Your pictures

 may include the perfect house, a new car, better job or travel.  Your board is going to be different than anybody else's.

       It is amazing how a Vision Board works. 

 Having pictures to remind you of what your ideal vision looks 

like subtlety makes you take actions that will take you closer to

these wishes.

       You do have to take action, not just look at the pictures,

 but if you do you will be surprised how much of your ideal life 

will be achievable.





          We have openings on our Board of Directors.
Are you ready to pass on your success?

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Who Are We?
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 is a team of  creative professionals whose mission is to fully understand your vision and goals, and bring to the table innovative solutions and fresh ideas, in order to define and implement projects to completion.  It is our priority to build successful, long
term, and trusting relationships.


Rolling Notary
We come to you to help with your 
document verification needs
Approximetly 80% of notarial acts in the United States is the Acknowledgment.  Jurats comprise most of the remainder.  You must be able to tell your Notary what you need-they can't choose for you. 
 (209) 465-1503

Our Foundation Partners

 Other Creations Foundation, Inc.  partners with the most well respected aid organizations in the Assistance Community.

You can choose where your donation will match your values

 and do the most good.

We will help you manage your annual donation budget and send you a summary report at tax time.

Email us if you are interested in donating your time?