This Week at Prince of Peace...

Fourteenth Sunday After Pentecost                            August 21, 2016

This Sunday's Readings
Isaiah 58:9b-14; Psalm 103:1-8; Hebrews 12:18-29   
GOSPEL:  Luke 13:10-17
Now Jesus was teaching in one of the synagogues on the sabbath. And just then there appeared a woman with a spirit that had crippled her for eighteen years. She was bent over and was quite unable to stand up straight. When Jesus saw her, he called her over and said, "Woman, you are set free from your ailment." When he laid his hands on her, immediately she stood up straight and began praising God. But the leader of the synagogue, indignant because Jesus had cured on the sabbath, kept saying to the crowd, "There are six days on which work ought to be done; come on those days and be cured, and not on the sabbath day." But the Lord answered him and said, "You hypocrites! Does not each of you on the sabbath untie his ox or his donkey from the manger, and lead it away to give it water? And ought not this woman, a daughter of Abraham whom Satan bound for eighteen long years, be set free from this bondage on the sabbath day?" When he said this, all his opponents were put to shame; and the entire crowd was rejoicing at all the wonderful things that he was doing.

Missed last week? Check out last Sunday's sermons, music and more by clicking here! 

Please remember in your prayers this week...
Recently Added  
Greta Kunkle
Jacob Jackson (grandson of Deborah & Chuck Dixon's friends)
Daniel Kimmel (friend of Megan Bruening)
Claudia Rodriguez
Louise Pascal (aunt of David Rogers)
Gina Farrar & family on the loss of her father
Family of Kathy Drake (friend of Dave & Nancy Swanson)
Birth of Madeline Grace Dunn (daughter of Pastor Christine & Drew Dunn)
(Click here for the birth announcement email
Continuing Prayers
Click here for Continuing Prayer List located below. 
*Please notify the church office of anyone else needing prayers, or if the concern is resolved.    
Coming Up at Prince of Peace
This Weekend...
Saturday, August 20 - Worship will be held at 5:00 pm
Sunday, August 21 - One Sunday Worship service will be held at 9:30 am

    Next Weekend...  
Blessing of Backpacks at all services! Bring your backpack for a blessing!!
Saturday, August 27 - Worship will be held at 5:00 pm
Sunday, August 28 - One Sunday Worship service will be held at 9:30 am

Looking Ahead...
Saturday, Aug 20        5:00 PM           Worship
Sunday, Aug 21           9:30 AM          Worship (only 1 Sunday Service)
Tuesday, Aug 23         10:00 AM         Quilters
Thursday, Aug 25       6:30 PM           Body & Soul at MD Soccerplex
Saturday, Aug 27        5:00 PM           Worship
Sunday, Aug 28                                   Blessing of Backpacks
                                    9:30 AM          Worship (only 1 Sunday Service)
                                    10:45 AM         Confirmation Parent Info Session
                                    11:30 AM         Confirmation Guide Huddle
Wednesday, Aug 31    7:00 PM           Interfaith 5K Prep meeting
Monday, Sept 5          
                        Labor Day - Church Office Closed
Monday, Sept 5                                   Montgomery County Interfaith 5K Run/Walk
Thursday, Sept 8         7:30 PM           Women's Book Group
Sunday, Sept 11                                  Sunday School Rally Day & Picnic
Sunday, Sept 11          6:00 PM           Confirmation Theme Events begin
Thursday, Sept 15       7:30 PM           Books & Beer Men's Book Club
Saturday, Sept 24        7:00 PM           Farewell for the Sullivans
 Click here for a complete calendar


Congratulations to Pr. Christine, Drew and big brothers Carter, Jackson and Cooper on the birth of Madeline Grace Dunn! Click here to see the birth announcement email!

Summer Worship schedule: 
From Memorial Day Weekend (5/29) through Labor Day Weekend (9/4), we'll have ONE SUNDAY SERVICE at 9:30 am
followed by fellowship! The Saturday 5 pm service will also continue each weekend.     

The September Glad Tidings deadline is Sunday, August 21. Please submit your articles, photos, etc. to Martha Rogers.
2017 Stewardship Campaign ~ The Stewardship Committee is about to kickoff the annual campaign with a series of small group meetings. If you would like to be included in one of the first meetings, please sign up in the Narthex or email Chuck Dixon.  
The Body and Soul program will meet on Thursday, August 25 at 6:30 pm to walk the paved trails at the MD Soccerplex. Meet at 6:30 pm at the pool entrance (18000 Central Park Circle, Boyds; off Shaeffer Rd). Bring water. For inclement weather, call Marybeth at 240-644-4146 to check whether the activities are canceled. Questions? Contact Marybeth Stockman.     

KIDS: Bring your backpack with you to worship on August 27 or 28! We will bless your backpacks during the children's message as you begin a new school year. If you don't attend school or daycare, bring a coloring book or some other item that you do 'work' in at home. BIG Kids (middle & high school): Please bring your backpacks too and join the younger kids up front that day. The more the merrier!
Confirmation Parent Info Session! Parents of first and second year confirmation students are invited to hear more details about the Confirmation program and the plans for the upcoming year on Sunday, August 28 at 10:45 am in the Fellowship Hall. The first Confirmation class Theme Night will be held on Sunday evening, September 11 at 6:00 pm in the sanctuary. We're looking forward to seeing our returning students and welcoming new ones! Please contact Sherry Kienzle or Susan Hawley with any questions. The 2016-2017 Confirmation schedule is on the website.

The Interfaith 5K is less than a month away! Stop waiting and REGISTER today!
Prince of Peace has partnered with Shaare Torah and the Islamic Society of the Washington Area to host the first ever Montgomery County Interfaith 5K on Labor Day, September 5, at the Soccerplex in Germantown. Proceeds from this event will benefit Gaithersburg HELP. We still need sponsors! If you work for or own a business in Montgomery County that might be willing to be a sponsor, please contact David Malmgren. Sponsorship levels start at $275. Mark your calendars now for this great, family fun event.

Join us on Rally Day, September 11!
*   Our fall Sunday School season kicks off at 9:45 am! And...
*   We are having an Old Fashioned Church Picnic immediately after the 11am service. Fellowship committee will provide fried chicken, and we are asking the Congregation to bring salads (pasta, potato, macaroni, etc.), coleslaw, rolls, and desserts. Please sign up at church or online so that we have an idea of how many people will attend. We hope that you join us for a fun day of fellowship!

The Serving in Worship schedule for August & September has been posted on our website and the bulletin board in the narthex. Please review it and make arrangements for any conflicts. Thanks!   

Hey kids! Would you like to have the excellent opportunity to praise the Lord in song and have fun learning some great music? Then come out and join the Prince of Peace Hand Bell Choir! The Hand Bell Choir will begin rehearsals for the Fall 2016 season and we are looking for new members!! The Hand Bell Choir is for children age 7 and older; we will rehearse each Thursday from 6:30-7:15pm beginning Thursday, September 8. We need a minimum of 6 children to form the choir. Signup in the narthex or contact Danielle Drobny for more info.

Tables for All is a fun adult fellowship program in which potluck meals are shared with other members of Prince of Peace. The meals are hosted at the homes of church members; guests provide some of the food. The 2016-17 series will consist of three rounds: Oct-Nov, Jan-Feb, and March-May. The exact dates and times are determined by mutual agreement of the host and guests. The usual host and guest list includes eight people. This program is just for adults, but we can help identify potential babysitters. After you sign up, you'll be provided with a schedule letting you know when you are hosting and/or attending. The food assignment is also specified: main dish (host), side dish, salad and bread, or dessert. Tables for All is a wonderful way to meet others at Prince of Peace and to reconnect with old friends. Sign up in the narthex or email Lisa Woodard by Sunday, September 18.

The Social Ministries Committee would like to thank the congregation and community for their generous donations to the 2016 School Supply Drive. The Interfaith Clothing Center was thrilled to receive our donations and it was a big help towards their goal of equipping 2,500 children with backpacks and school supplies needed to begin the school year. Donations from Prince of Peace included 30 backpacks and over 600 school supply items! A very special thanks to Lisa Woodard for coordinating the drive again this year.
Save the Date! On Saturday, September 24, Dick and Sandy Moore will host a farewell party for Lesa and Steve Sullivan before they move to Florida. Watch for details and RSVP info in early September.

The Men's Book Club kicks off its 2016-17 campaign with Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption by Laura Hillenbrand. Unbroken is a biography of World War II hero Louis Zamperini, a former Olympic track star who survived a plane crash in the Pacific theater, spent 47 days drifting on a raft, and then endured more than two and a half years as a prisoner of war in three brutal Japanese prisoner-of-war camps. We will meet on Thursday, September 15 at 7:30 pm at the home of Steve Von Wald. All men of POP and their male friends are invited for beer, munchies, and good fellowship. Please RSVP to Steve.

Looking for a fun Service Project for the Summer? In addition to quilts, Lutheran World Relief distributes Baby Care Kits, Personal Care Kits, Fabric Kits, Fleece Tied Blankets, and School Kits. Consider making some this summer and we will deliver them with the quilts in August. For complete directions, see We have some wonderful donated baby sweaters, so if you are willing to make one or more Baby Kits, we can get you started. We also can use new or like-new baby layette items. Contact the Office for more info.
Don't forget to bring donations for Gaithersburg HELP! Canned fruit & tuna are their most needed items right now. Please be sure to pick up a can or two when you go to the store to help keep the pantry in constant supply this summer. Donations can be dropped off in the foyer.

The July/August Glad Tidings is available on our website!  

Lutheran Disaster Response brings God's hope, healing and renewal to people whose lives have been disrupted by disasters in the United States and around the world. When the dust settles and the headlines change, LDR is still there to provide ongoing assistance to those in need. Visit the ELCA Disaster Response webpage to donate or learn more about how you can help.
We are experiencing phone problems in the Office. If you do not get through, please wait a few minutes and try again. Email is a great way to reach us: Office, Pastor Steve, Pastor Christine      

VolunteerSpot is our new way to stay informed and sign up for volunteer opportunities at Prince of Peace. An email is sent for each need, as it is identified. The message contains a link that makes it easy to add your name as a helper. Here are our current volunteer requests:
Worship Volunteers (Ushers, Snack volunteers, Greeters) 
There is a button with a link to current volunteer opportunities on our church web page; you can also click on the specific Volunteer Need above or here to see the complete list. Thank you for sharing your time and talents!! 
Please remember in your prayers this week...
Continuing Prayers - PoP Members
Eardie Baka, Carol Barotti, Elizabeth Langum Chung, David family, Goodwin family, Laura Hampe, Steven Hill, Jessica Jeffery, Roy Johnson, Pat Juhrs, Mike Langum, Remi Langum, Kaitlyn McGurgan & her family, Sandy Moore, Heather Robinson, David Rogers, James Rogers, Martha Rogers, Sherry Schiebel, Julie Stokes, Nancy Swanson, Laura Wilson.

Continuing Prayers - Family & Friends
Scott Baka (son of Eardie Baka), Shea Baldwin (daughter of Becca & Jeremy Baldwin), Margaux Bereston (friend of Cherie DeGeorge), Carol Buck (friend of Sherry Schiebel), Fred Chamblin (father of Tracy Solomon), The Rev. Jeong & Nam Cho (parents of Claire Cho), Sydney Clark (friend of Cathy Berninger), Joanne Claycamp (mother of Gregg Claycamp), Keith Cobb (father of Allan Cobb), Gilda & Khaleesi Damiani (friends of Tonya Meyer & Amy Ceralde), Victor DeGeorge (uncle of Mike DeGeorge),  Gary Dellinger (cousin of Donna Von Wald), Paula Everitt (relative of Amy Rossmeisl), Nathan Farrar (nephew of Richard Farrar), Stephen R. Farrar (brother of Richard Farrar), Ruth Garretson (grandmother of Kelly Garretson), Kelly Gibson (sister of Dan Gibson), Karen Griese (mother of Kari Oakes), Joni Hanley (friend of Jean Bernstein), Haris (friend of Greg Von Wald), Mary Christine Hevner (sister of Judy Wooldridge), Janet Howard (friend of Nettie Horne), Mario Ierardi and family (friend of Debra Aplan), Christopher Johnson (son of Roy Johnson), Kim (friend of Donna Von Wald), Will Kong (friend of the Forish/Schambura families), Bill Kratz (father of Laura Garretson), Lisa Law (friend of Lisa Adams' friend), Tim Leiss, Mark Miller (friend of Butler family), Debbie Mulhern (friend of Martha Rogers), Ray Nopper (friend of Andrea Goble), Jo Ann Oddo (grandmother of AJ Oddo), Amanda Pickard (friend of Kathryn Riley), Bill Prueter, Linda Prueter, Ted Prueter (father of Bill Prueter), Greg Rayman (uncle of Julie Stokes), Prema Ramanathan, Johanna Roberts (sister of Jon Conary), Cindy Shaw (cousin of Lisa Adams), John Shay (friend of Mike & Cherie DeGeorge), Richard Sherman (cousin of Gordon Gipe), Pauline Shumaker (mother of Lisa Conary), Evelyn Stephens (mother of Jon Conary), Jessica Stieber (daughter of Jim McNerney's friend), Roberta Stover (aunt of Tracy Solomon), Howard Weidemoyer, Jerry & Carol Weisdock (parents of Jean Bernstein), Dianne Werley (friend of Ann Callahan), Kathy Williams (stepdaughter of Ann Callahan), Katina Williams (friend of Steven Hill), Matthew Wolejsza (son of Nancy & Chet Wolejsza).  
*Please notify the church office of anyone else needing continuing prayers, or if the concern is resolved.   
Attendance Last Weekend 
Saturday                              5:00 PM                 24
Sunday                                 9:30 AM                55
Total:                                                                     79

Serving in Worship Sunday

9:30 AM
Team Leader                    Crawford Griffith
Altar Guild                        Laura Hurst
Communion Asst.          Laura Hurst & Elizabeth Cockerham
Lector                                   Judy Bruening
Acolyte                                 Annie Hampe
Ushers                                  Tom Kettler & Aubrey Merchant-Dest
Greeters                               Nancy & Chet Wolejsza
Snacks                                  Susan Hawley
Prayer Writer                     Rebecca Claycamp
Counters                              Bob Butler & David Rogers
Cookie Brigade                 Muma family (Bake & Deliver)

              Click here for a complete Serving in Worship schedule.          
Contact Information

Church Office:


Church Council:

Pastor Steve

301-980-0160 (cell)

Pastor Christine:

703-517-0728 (cell)
Visit Pastor Christine's blog at: 


Sermon mp3 downloads are available at:

Monthly Newsletters ("Glad Tidings") are available at:

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 Subscribe to us on  YouTube