This Week at Prince of Peace...

The Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost            November 8, 2015

This Sunday's Readings
1 Kings 17:8-16; Psalm 146; Hebrews 9:24-28 
GOSPEL:  Mark 12:38-44
As Jesus taught, he said, "Beware of the scribes, who like to walk around in long robes, and to be greeted with respect in the marketplaces, and to have the best seats in the synagogues and places of honor at banquets! They devour widows' houses and for the sake of appearance say long prayers. They will receive the greater condemnation."
            He sat down opposite the treasury, and watched the crowd putting money into the treasury. Many rich people put in large sums. A poor widow came and put in two small copper coins, which are worth a penny. Then he called his disciples and said to them, "Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the treasury. For all of them have contributed out of their abundance; but she out of her poverty has put in everything she had, all she had to live on."

Missed last week? Check out last Sunday's sermons, music and more by  clicking here!

Please remember in your prayers this week...
Recently Added  
Susan Collis (mother of Jill Spivak)
Sarah Gowing
Eardie Baka
Margaret & Tom Mahan (parents of Julie Boyce)

Continuing Prayers
Click here for Continuing Prayer List located below. 
*Please notify the church office of anyone else needing prayers, or if the concern is resolved.    
Coming Up at Prince of Peace
This Weekend...  
Saturday, November 7 - Worship will be held at 5:00 pm
Chili Cook-Off will be held at 6:30 pm!
Sunday, November 8 - Worship will be held at 8:30 & 11:00 am
Sunday School will be held at 9:45 am
Adult Study "Divine Drama" at 9:45 am
Grace Notes will play at both Sunday services!
The Adult Choir will sing at the 11:00 am service
Celebration of Danielle & Claire after the 11:00 am service!

    Next Weekend...  
Saturday, November 14 - Worship will be held at 5:00 pm
PoP Playgroup will meet at the Gaithersburg Library at 1:00 pm (new time)
Sunday, November 15 - Worship will be held at 8:30 & 11:00 am
Sunday School will be held at 9:45 am
Adult Study "Divine Drama" at 9:45 am
Gregg Claycamp will sing and play guitar at both Sunday services!
Service Project at The Village at Rockville at 1:00 pm
New Members Dinner will be held at 4:30 pm

        Looking Ahead...
Thursday, Nov 5         7:30 PM           Grace Notes
Saturday, Nov 7          7:45 AM          Men's Group
                                    5:00 PM           Worship
                                    6:30 PM           Chili Cook-off
Sunday, Nov 8             8:30 AM          Worship
                                    9:45 AM          Sunday School
                                    9:45 AM          Adult Study "Divine Drama"
                                    11:00 AM         Worship
                                    12:00 PM          Danielle & Claire Celebration
                                    12:30 PM          Racial Justice meeting
                                    1:00 PM           Youth Handbells Rehearsal
                                    6:00 PM           Confirmation Theme Event
Monday, Nov 9           7:30 PM           Finance Committee meeting
Tuesday, Nov 10         10:00 AM         Quilters
                                    7:30 PM           Church Council meeting
Wednesday, Nov 11    7:30 PM           Adult Choir Rehearsal
Thursday, Nov 12       7:30 PM           Women's Book Group
                                    7:30 PM           Grace Notes
Saturday, Nov 14        7:45 AM          Men's Group
                                    1:00 PM           PoP Playgroup at Gburg Library
                                    5:00 PM           Worship
Sunday, Nov 15           8:30 AM          Worship
                                    9:45 AM          Sunday School
                                    9:45 AM          Adult Study "Divine Drama"
                                    11:00 AM         Worship
                                    1:00 PM           Youth Handbells Rehearsal
                                    1:00 PM           Village at Rockville Service Project
                                    4:30 PM           New Members Dinner
Thursday, Nov 19       6:00 PM           Faith-Full Families
Thursday, Nov 19       7:30 PM           Men's Book Club "Books & Beer"
Sunday, Nov 22                                   New Members Reception
                                    9:30 & 12          Directory Photo Sessions
                                    12:30 PM          Interfaith Run Planning meeting
                                    6:00 PM           Bible Art Journaling Class
Wednesday, Nov 25    7:30 PM           Thanksgiving Eve Service
Sunday, Nov 29           9:30 AM          Advent Intergenerational Event

                                                Click here for a complete calendar

Debt Reduction Update: The good news continues! We made additional principal payments in both September and October, reducing our mortgage balance to $345,062.
To put things in perspective, our mortgage balance was $714,578 when we refinanced on January 1, 2011. That loan comes due next year so we will be working with our Mission Investment Fund partners to get a new loan. The goal is to refinance as little as possible, so as we've said before every dollar really makes a difference!
Finally, we also want to thank everyone for their regular budget support of Prince of Peace. Because of the generosity of our members, we have been able to meet our other regular commitments, including making our budgeted benevolence contributions to both the Synod and all the other organizations that we support. Thank you!


Come join us for our Chili Cook-Off this Saturday, November 7 at 6:30 pm (right after the Saturday service)! If you've got a great recipe to share, enter your Chili, Cornbread & Pies in the competition. And as an added bonus, we'll have dance instructors who'll teach us how to do the Texas Two Step. This event is for everybody, adults, youth and children. Come and have a ton of fun! Signup in the narthex or contact Pamela Cook or Melanie Zobel for details. Youth Volunteers are needed as well!

This Sunday Help us celebrate the 10th Anniversary of Danielle Drobny's and Claire Cho's service to Prince of Peace!
As the Music Coordinator, Danielle provides inspirational piano and organ music every Sunday, as well as teaches our youth the love and joy of music through Handbell choir and other special performances. Claire provides beautiful and inspiring piano and violin music for Saturday evening services. Claire also serves as the Adult Choir Director, orchestrating monthly choir programs and conducting Christmas Eve Cantatas and Services. Please join us for a short reception after the 11:00 am service on November 8th to congratulate and thank Claire and Danielle. 
Our Racial Justice Team will meet on Sunday, November 8 at 12:30 pmin the youth center (conference room). If you are interested in being part of this task force or want to know more, please contact Pastor Christine. 

The Dec/Jan Glad Tidings deadline is THIS Sunday, November 8. Please submit your articles, photos, etc. to Martha Rogers.

The November Glad Tidings is available on our website! Many Thanks to Martha Rogers for putting together another great issue!

A New Member Orientation Dinner will be held on Sunday, November 15 at 4:30 pm for anyone interested in joining the church or just wanting to learn more about our church community. Contact Pastor Steve or Pastor Christine if you are interested in attending.
Join the Women's Book Group for fellowship and a lively discussion of The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah. Donna Rose hosts the gathering at her home on Thursday, November 12 at 7:30 pm. RSVP to Donna.

On Saturday, November 14 at 1:00 pm (new time), the Playgroup will visit the Gaithersburg Library Discovery Room (18330 Montgomery Village Ave). The playroom is stocked with toys and games, a puppet theater, climbing fort, and a play grocery store to enjoy. In the main children's area, there are lots of cozy places to read and great books for all ages. PoP Playgroup is a great way for families and their babies/toddlers/preschoolers to connect with each other. Please contact Jamie or Lauren with any questions!
Our next Social Ministry Serving opportunity as a congregation will be at the Village at Rockville on Sunday, November 15 after the late service.Volunteers will help the residents prepare for Christmas by writing, addressing, and stamping Christmas cards or wrapping Christmas presents! For more info, please contact Donna Rose. 

Faith-Full Families' Thanksgiving event will be held Thursday, November 19 from 6-7:30pm in the Fellowship Hall. Families with pre-school - elementary age children, and their siblings, are invited for dinner, crafts, a Bible story and fellowship. Email Judy Bruening or just come! We will provide a main dish. If you would like to bring a side dish/salad or a dessert, sign up in the narthex or email Judy. If you just have younger children you are welcome to join us for fellowship, too. Mark your calendar for our Advent event on Thursday, December 3rd. Questions? Contact Judy.

Books and Beer, the men's book club at PoP, will discuss Garth Stein's The Art of Racing in the Rain,
a heart-wrenching but deeply funny and ultimately uplifting story of family, love, loyalty, and hope. . . [A] beautifully crafted and captivating look at the wonders and absurdities of human only a dog could tell it." Next meeting is Thursday, November 19, at 7:30 pm Garry Linton's home. All men from PoP are welcome. Please RSVP to Garry.

Christmas Pageant Reimagined: 'Twas the Light Before Christmas! Everyone is invited for a fun "instant" Christmas play hosted at Prince of Peace on Sunday, December 6. This three-and-one-half-hour, rehearsal-to-cast-party adventure provides a Christmas celebration for kids and adults as they rehearse a simple song, create a keepsake prop, and experience that Jesus is the true light of the world. Non-acting-guests (arriving at 3:00 pm) will enjoy delightful music, a hilarious, engaging play, a Christmas carol sing-a-long, and the after play cast party - all while celebrating Jesus' birth in a new and refreshing way. 'Twas the Light Before Christmas takes place from 1:30-5pm on Sunday, December 6. For more info, contact Lisa & Jon Conary. To sign up to be a part of the cast, please email or sign up in the narthex. 

An Updated Photo Directory is Under Construction! A draft has been posted in the narthex. Please review your entry, correcting any contact info that has changed. Place a check mark if the info is up-to-date. Also, check out your photo - if it is out-of-date or missing, please come to our final Photo Sessions on Sunday, November 22.

Our Adult Study "Divine Drama" continues Sunday at 9:45am in BYC conference room. Join us for this year long, in-depth course that examines the Bible as a whole and its major themes. This is a great opportunity for anyone who wants to delve deeper into their faith and God's word. You do not need to attend every week-come when you can. Questions? See Pastor Christine.  

We are excited to be leading a work camp trip again this year. We will be traveling to
Braxton County, West Virginia from June 25 - July 1. This trip is open to rising 9th graders (in 2016) through graduating 12th graders (in 2016). Much of our service and work will be centered on roofing, painting, drywall, and light construction.
Interested? Contact Pastor Christine ASAP.

Enjoy fresh flowers on the Altar? We have one opening left this year: Dec 20th. Flowers may be given in memory or honor of a person or special occasion. A donation of $30 covers the flowers for a week, and they are yours to take home after the late service. Contact the Office or sign up in the narthex. Thanks! 
Tired of sleeping late on Saturday morning?  Do you want to get together with a group of 'somewhat' spirited spiritualists? Do you want to dig a little deeper into the weekly scripture? Do you like coffee and donuts? All this can be yours for the very low price of absolutely free. Just show up around 8am for the Men's Group on Saturday mornings. Bibles, thoughts, discussions, etc. will be provided at no additional cost. 

The Fall Festival at the Village at Rockville is coming up: Saturday, November 14, 9:30am-2pm. Come enjoy shopping for wonderful treasures, handmade crafts, baked goods and fudge, and much more. Enjoy a delicious lunch 11am-1:30pm and a Village Chorus & Chimes Concert at 2:00pm in the Chapel. Independent Living Cottage tours at 11am, 12pm, & 1pm. Donations of baked goods and used household items, books, and jewelry are needed. Call 301-354-8460 if you want to make a donation. All proceeds benefit the residents of The Village at Rockville (formerly the National Lutheran Home) which is located at 9701 Veirs Drive, near Wootton Parkway in Rockville. For more details, pick up a flier from the Social Ministry table in the foyer.

Bible Art Journaling:This year we are offering a devotional class which encourages you to engage actively with the word of God through doodling, illustration, and note-taking in your Bible. We will meet once a month, but you do not need to attend every session. Our next meeting is Sunday, November 22 from 6-7:30pm. It's not too late to join in the fun! Please bring a 'journaling Bible' with you to class. Questions? See Pastor Christine.

Give Thanks! Prince of Peace will host the annual Thanksgiving Eve Service on Wednesday, November 25 at 7:30 pm. This is a joint service we hold each year, together with Good Shepherd and Christ the Servant Lutheran Churches. Our choir will sing, Pastor Steve and Pastor Christine will preside and Pastor Leila Ortiz from Good Shepherd will preach. Following the service, we'll have a special dessert reception! Please sign up to bring a dessert or contact Pamela Cook. Thanks! 

Make an Advent wreath for your home! We'll have the supplies to create a beautiful Advent wreath during our Intergenerational Event on Sunday, November 29th between services (9:30 - 11:00) in the Fellowship Hall. This event replaces Sunday School. Your $5 donation for candles helps offset the cost. Please bring your wreath form if you have one. When you are finished enjoying your wreath, please place the foam ring in the box in the narthex. Questions? Contact Janet Levine.

Thank you for your donations of peanut butter and jelly! During our annual fall drive, members of Prince of Peace donated 91 jars of peanut butter and 42 jars of jelly for Gaithersburg HELP. Your contributions will help to address the ongoing problem of hunger in our community. We will continue to collect non-perishable food items throughout the year, so please keep the donations coming in!
Join us for Sunday School each week at 9:45 am!  For younger students we continue to use a rotational model which provides an experiential approach similar to VBS. For Middle and High School students, we use cool and quirky workbooks and short films to explore relevant topics. Your kids won't want to miss it!!
The Women's Bible Study is studying and discussing the Gospel of Mark this Fall on Tuesdays at 12:30 pm. This is an open, fluid group of women. All are welcome to join us. Feel free to bring a bagged lunch. If you have questions or want to be included on our email distribution list, please contact Pastor Christine.  
Want to praise the Lord in song and have fun learning some great music? Then join the Prince of Peace Hand Bell Choir!  The Hand Bell Choir is for children in 3rd-7th grade and we are looking for new members!! Rehearsals are on Sunday afternoons from 1-1:45pm. Please signup in the narthex or contact Danielle Drobny for more info.  
Please consider giving to the ELCA Disaster Response to assist with the refugee crisis in the Middle East and Europe. Visit the ELCA Disaster Response webpage to donate or learn more about how you can help.   
Pastor Steve will be leading a trip to the Holy Land in September of 2016!
Brochures are available online and in the narthex. Contact Pastor Steve for more info.              
We are experiencing phone problems in the Office and voicemail is not working.  If possible, please send an email instead of calling.     
Please remember in your prayers this week...
Continuing Prayers
Lisa Adams, Emily Adams Muhler, Scott Baka (son of Eardie Baka), Becca, Jeremy, & Shea Baldwin, Carol Barotti (former PoP Administrator), Margaux Bereston (friend of Cherie DeGeorge), Madelyn Berkeley, Allen Bernstein (father-in-law of Jean Bernstein), Micah Biello (grandson of Vickie & Brad Smith), Becky & Nick Biello (daughter & son-in-law of Vickie & Brad Smith), Marjorie Blackburn (sister-in-law of Nettie Horne), Rosemarie Blanco (mother of Judy Bruening), John Bokor (grandfather of Michelle Cockerham), Joanne Catteltt (friend of Sherry Schiebel), The Rev. Jeong & Nam Cho (parents of Claire Cho), Elizabeth Langum Chung, Sydney Clark (friend of Cathy Berninger), Joanne Claycamp (mother of Gregg Claycamp), Leon Crookshank (father of Steve Crookshank), Gilda Damiani (friend of Tonya Meyer & Amy Ceralde), Brittany Daniel (daughter of Cherie & Mike DeGeorge), Amanda Dantus (friend of Tracy Barr), David family, Donica (friend of Sherry Schiebel), Kathy Drake (friend of Dave & Nancy Swanson), Andrianne Emmons (friend of Sherry Schiebel), Nathan Farrar (nephew of Richard Farrar), Stephen Farrar (brother of Richard Farrar), Terry Forish, Ruth Garretson (grandmother of Kelly Garretson), Torie Gensch (friend of Sherry Schiebel), Kelly Gibson (sister of Dan Gibson), Andrea Goble, Goodwin family, Joni Hanley (friend of Jean Bernstein), Rob, Lucy, & Luke Harbert (friends of Megan Bruening), Haris (friend of Greg Von Wald), Ralph Heckel, Leonard Hepner (father of Donna Von Wald), Mary Christine Hevner (sister of Judy Wooldridge), Steven Hill, Lisa Holmes (friend of Lisa McGurgan), Wes Horne (brother of Nettie Horne), Janet Howard (friend of Nettie Horne), Mario Ierardi and family (friend of Debra Aplan), Jessica Jeffery, Christopher Johnson (son of Roy Johnson), Doris Johnson (mother of Donna Nelson), Roy Johnson, Pat Juhrs, Brenda Kapp (friend of Cynthia Watter), Kim (friend of Donna Von Wald), Dan Kohler and family (friends of Valerie Corbin), Bill Kratz (father of Laura Garretson), Greta Kunkle, Mike Langum, Remi Langum, Roberta Lucas (friend of the Forish family), Carole Mattis (friend of Donna Von Wald), Jim McNerney, Mark Miller (friend of Butler family),
Sandy Moore, Debbie Mulhern (friend of Martha Rogers), Jayson Musser (friend of the Butler family),   Ray Nopper (friend of Andrea Goble), Jim Oliver (husband of Sherry Schiebel's friend), Sonnie Oliver (friend of Sherry Schiebel), Bridget Pavlak, Bill Prueter, Linda Prueter, Ted Prueter (father of Bill Prueter), Greg Rayman (uncle of Julie Stokes), Ed Rebisz (relative of Dick Weis), Diane Rench (friend of Richard Farrar), Heather Robinson, Jessica Rogers (friend of Pamela Cook), Martha, David and James Rogers, Zach Rogers (friend of Pamela Cook), Kathy Rossmeisl, Sally & Richard Sawyer (parents of Sarah Bolek), Wilma Schambura (friend of Forish family), John Shay (friend of Mike & Cherie DeGeorge), Pauline Shumaker (mother of Lisa Conary), Pastor Les Stano, Matt Stokes, Nancy Swanson, Suzanne Szaloczi (friend of Sherry Schiebel), Kathy Tezla (relative of Sofi Yanevskyy), Lindsay, Chris, & Carson Vidler (niece of Madelyn Berkeley), Liz Wagner (aunt of Lisa McGurgan), Howard Weidemoyer, David Weis (son of Dick Weis), Joy Weis (daughter-in-law of Dick Weis), Dianne Werley (friend of Ann Callahan), Dan Whithaus (friend of Joan Beeler), Harold Wilkey (husband of Cynthia Watter's aunt), Kathy Williams (stepdaughter of Ann Callahan), Laura Wilson, Matthew Wolejsza (son of Nancy & Chet Wolejsza)
*Please notify the church office of anyone else needing continuing prayers, or if the concern is resolved.   
Attendance Last Weekend
Saturday                          5:00 PM              [not held]               
Sunday                             8:30 AM                    61
                                           11:00 AM                   84
Total:                                                                    145
Serving in Worship Sunday
8:30 AM                              11:00 AM
Team Leader                    Jean Bernstein                    Gordon Gipe                     
Altar Guild                        Donna Rose                         Ann Callahan
Communion Assts.        John Zimmermann           Ann Callahan
Lector                                   Elizabeth Cockerham      Debbie Chan
Acolyte                                 TBA                                       Sean Thompson
Ushers                                  Lori Kohne &                      Tom Kettler & David Malmgren
                                                Elizabeth Cockerham                     
Greeters                               Donna Rose &                    Julie & Matt Stokes
                                                Judy Logeman
Snacks                                  Lori Kohne                          Tracy Solomon
Prayer Writer                     Sherry Schiebel
Counters                              Jim Herron & Bob Butler
Cookie Brigade                Susan Potemra (Bake) & Gordon Gipe (Deliver)

              Click here for a complete Serving in Worship schedule.          

VolunteerSpot is our new way to stay informed and sign up for volunteer opportunities at Prince of Peace. An email is sent for each need, as it is identified. The message contains a link that makes it easy to add your name as a helper. Here are our current volunteer requests:
Volunteer Need   
Worship Volunteers (Ushers, Snack volunteers, Prayer Writers, Acolytes, etc.) 
There is a button with a link to current volunteer opportunities on our church web page; you can also click on the specific Volunteer Need above or here to see the complete list. Thank you for sharing your time and talents!!  
Contact Information

Church Office:


Church Council:

Pastor Steve

301-980-0160 (cell)

Pastor Christine:

703-517-0728 (cell)
Visit Pastor Christine's blog at: 


Sermon mp3 downloads are available at:

Monthly Newsletters ("Glad Tidings") are available at:

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Follow us on Twitter:  @PoPGaithersburg
 Subscribe to us on  YouTube