March 7, 2014

Walk with a Doc Newsletter

Good morning! How has your week been? At WWAD World HQ it's been incredible! You know Snakes on a Plane? Never saw it, but it's the opposite around here. It's like Puppies in the Big House. Why are we so fantastic at HQ? So good! Involves an upcoming leader, Pharell, Walt, and Willy Wonka.
Walt? Our team just finished Neal Gabler's biography of Disney. Impressive recount of a phenomenal individual. 

Dr. Jennifer Hone

Got a call a few months ago from Dr. Jennifer. She was calling from Santa Barbara <cool> and the American Indian Health & Services <no idea what that means, but sounds cool>. That's nothing, this is what moved us. Diabetic patients can have a tough haul (that's why we fight so hard here). They have many doctor's appointments scattered throughout the year (eyes, feet, kidneys, teeth, heart, endocrinologist, and more). That makes for a formidable challenge. Our patients mean well, but that many visits are hard to keep and make it difficult to stay compliant. Dr. Hone recognized the problem, stepped out of the box, and decided to make a difference. 
"We're going to do a Diabetes Day, David. Our patient will come in at either 8 a.m or 12:30 p.m.- we will check vitals, give immunizations, and get lab work. Then they see the endocrinologist, get a foot exam, a retinal exam, get nutrition education one on one and in a group followed by dental x-rays. Then we have a diabetic cooking class followed by a delicious, healthy lunch then we Walk with a Doc. We start the whole thing over at 12:30 p.m. Walk with a Doc will be at noon and 4:30."
Dr. Jennifer Hone. #Hero 
Field Trip

Our team was honored to share your program at the CDC this Tuesday. Jackie Epping and her team were incredibly generous with their time and their advice. We literally felt like Charlie in the Chocolate Factory only without the girl turning into a blueberry. We shared many of your programs and their feedback was quite positive. These are bright minds leading the country in a very positive way; it was a great visit. 
Pharrell Williams - Happy (Official Music Video)
Pharrell Williams - Happy (Official Music Video)

Stay Hungry.
Stay Foolish.
Stay 150! (20 today)


We love the walk. Love it!


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