Read your August Forecast HERE


Greetings and sending birthday wishes to all of you Leo's! I love your warmth and capacity for demonstration.

The sun is in Leo, but we still have a Jupiter and Mars entrenched in the waters of Cancer for most of the month.( Mars moves into Leo on August 27th)

And it's noisy Jupiter, the mover and shaker, who now provokes Pluto and Uranus.

Jupiter Makes the Rules
On August 7th Jupiter opposes Pluto, and then squares Uranus on the 21st. Look for decisive actions taken on the world political stage during these two weeks. Mars did the heavy lifting last month as he stormed the doors of tradition on July 27th (Mars opposite Pluto) and July 31st (Mars square Uranus.)

The two planets work very differently. Mars attacks; Jupiter overrules. So, in essence, Jupiter will further refine and enforce any changes that were initiated by Mars in July. This newsletter is about astrology, but you don't have to dig too deeply to find out that there are many changes happening in world government and finance. This challenge to Uranus and Pluto - now by Jupiter - will further solidify the changes (which I believe to be good) coming our way.

Mercury Makes You Smarter           

The other busy planet this month is Mercury!  After moving into Leo on August 8th , he challenges Saturn to breakdown structures on the 11th, and then quickly forms a trine to Uranus on the 14th,  implementing new ideas and alliances.

Mercury and Uranus - the Signature of Genius  

Mercury and Uranus working in harmony is a marker of genius. It also signifies that doors to Universal wisdom are opened for all to access more easily. Mercury rules logic and the process of connecting your ideas. Uranus works as a catalyst and he helps you think outside the box. 

You made it through Mercury retrograde in July, now you can embrace his other side - logic, clear vision, and brilliant ideas. Mercury represents your rational mind, and as the planet nearest the Sun, he guides you in how to apply your will.  In his most positive form he helps you unite your mind, conscious will (Sun) and your physical body (Earth). Achievement of this unity is true intelligence.

To get your mind warmed up - here are 5 key phrases of Mercury and Uranus working in harmony.

1)      Creating inventions or learning new technology

2)      Reworking an old project

3)      A sudden solution to a problem

4)      Resolution of a long standing dispute

5)      Gaining insight into the workings of Universal law and intuition

So, these summer days are actually a good time to get your notebooks out and let your ideas flow; preferably by the swimming pool or a lazy river, or course.

Don't forget to check your August horoscope! 

Maya White

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