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New Moon Eclipse         

Tuesday Nov. 13,
2:08 PM Pacific Time

Sun and Moon in Scorpio  

"Your reputation
precedes you, Madam"


The Scorpio New Moon of November 13, 2012 comes to us during a time of Mercury retrograde, and with Mars aligned with the degree of the Galactic Center at 26 degrees of Sagittarius.Think of this as an exclamation point on what is already a significant and important time. The Galactic Center speaks to our place in the Universe, and our participation in conscious evolution.


Mercury today, through retrograde or backwards motion, leaves Sagittarius and enters the last degree of Scorpio Mercury retrograde sign - through he back door, so to speak. The final degree of any sign is considered an anorectic or critical placement, so Mercury also imparts a critical message for this Solar Eclipse; having the courage to speak your mind - uncensored.


Scorpio is about intensity, depth and mystery. As the namesake sign of the 8th house of astrology, it's also about what we cannot do alone. The 8th house represents shared resources and the joining of energies to impact something larger than what one can reach when flying solo. The 8th house also represents our core life energy and the process of creation and transmutation.


 As a house of shared resources, one of the big secrets to launching the phoenix side of Scorpio is selection of the right partners.  Neptune, finally moving ahead in direct motion, assists us in making the partnerships work out right. The retrograde karmic phase of Neptunian obligation (or payback) is even for now, and we are free to fly.  And it's time to get real about what is going on in the recesses of our inner worlds.


 "Honey, do you like my dress?"   

Don't ask that question unless you really want to know the answer because Mars in Sagittarius is compelledDivine Feminine to speak the truth. In fiery Sag, the warrior planet Mars is much too busy exploring new horizons to waste time pretending to care about something he has no interest in.

Although the verity of Sagittarius becomes tempered by age and wisdom, one of the core values of Sagittarius is frank speech, and this drive adds a double edge sword to the Scorpio New Moon. We can be truthful without being destructive. Sometimes it's difficult - but not impossible.

"I never met an eclipse I didn't like."   Really

Solar Eclipses are good because they trigger events. Think of the eclipse like a reboot to your computer; sometimes it just gets funky, and needs a fresh start. Sometimes it's inconvenient, other times it hurts, but always as participants in the life school of planet earth, we must trust that there IS a rhyme or reason to all that we experience in this lifetime.

Scorpio and the 8th house also represent the currency, or days of our lives. Scorpio highlights the value of our efforts and how we change and transform in response to challenges. If we think of our life force as a gift of energy and breath, we come to a place of 'getting right' inside of ourselves. This in turn leads us to 'getting right' with our spiritual core, whatever that may be for each individual.

This is the phoenix's song for today - rise up, speak out, and sing your truth.




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Aries (Mar 20 - Apr 19)

     Negotiation. Sometimes we have to give a little in order to gain a lot, and this is such a time for you, Aries. Yes, the giving can feel like a sacrifice, but look at is as an investment.


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Taurus (April 20 - May)
  Partnerships. The month of November brings you to that place in the road where you realize that you can't go it alone, Taurus. Whether it's a romantic or business partnership, you need it. Here's the secret . .  


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Gemini: (May 21- June 20)

  Buckle down. This is your month to make headway, Gemini. Although exercise is good, if you want to get anything done you must resist the urge to run around in circles; you know, those endless errands that can . . .    


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Cancer (June 21 - July 21)
 Cancer Sun sign
    Shadow boxing. It's critical that you are heard and acknowledged now, Cancer. You may have to speak just a bit more forcefully than usual to get your point across. Don't allow . . .


Leo (July 22 - August 22)

     Bright Star.You may have a chance to read about yourself in the news this month, Leo. In some way, you are an object of favorable attention. You will be honored for your contribution to others, so enjoy the limelight; this is a sincere . . .   


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Virgo (August 23 - Sept 22)

     Decision Day. November looks sooo good on you, Virgo. This month is perfectly suited to your elegant nature. Finances are looking good, and you have your thinking cap on straight. Use your clear mind as well as your intuition . . .   


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Libra (Sept 23 - Oct 21)


   Money Walks. Pay very close attention to your fianc�s this month, Libra. If you have any doubt - at all - about a decision to spend money, wait until you are absolutely sure. With Venus in your sign until the 22nd, . . .

Scorpio (Oct 22 - Nov 21)
Scorpio sun sign

    Sleepless Nights. You must take a stand this month, Scorpio. Be clear, and don't back down. You are so close to achievement of a long held dream, but you must let the Universe clearly know that you are determined and ready for . . . .


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Sagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)

          Freedom. Enjoy the new level of peace, Sagittarius. You have pondered and been responsible for long enough - now it's time for the reward of freedom. To add to your energy flow, Mars has been adding drive and passion to . . .

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Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)


      Flow. Your energy is good, and your motivation is even better. Pacing is your secret ally, and timing is critical now, Capricorn. Keep moving, but don't go so fast that you miss subtle hints and clues from the Universe. Don't be held back by . . .   




Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)


      Get Physical. Tending to the physical is your most direct way to access the spiritual at this time, Aquarius. Get into every aspect of your body and you will be free to soar in the non-physical realm. This advice applies to . . .   



Pisces (Feb 19 - Mar 19)


    Soulmates. What you want and need to do cannot be done alone, Pisces. While you are choosing your companions, take time and analyze what skills they bring to the table. Teamwork brings exponential possibilities to your life, but also consider . . .