Corney & Lind Lawyers


12 February 2013
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Next Free Client Seminar


for SMEs - Contracts / Terms & Conditions 

Our next free Client Seminar is -

Why all SMEs must review their Contracts in 2013 especially in light of the PPSA, Unfair Contracts regime and for effective debt recovery. (Nathan Donovan, Senior Associate)


Tuesday 26 February 2013

7.30 - 9.00am

in our new Training Room


There is limited free car parking under our building which we would like to make available to those with mobility concerns. Please let our office know if you need one of these car parks. Otherwise there is ample car parking across the road at the Royal Brisbane Hospital.


Go to the Invitation and RSVP today (an email is fine).   


Who will benefit from this seminar?

  • Business owners
  • Managers
  • Accountants
  • School Business Managers / Bursars
  • Accounts Receivable Staff
  • Contract Administrators

Open to all clients, potential clients and those just wanting to learn more.


If you have trouble viewing the Invitation then simply contact our office or send us an email:


Other planned seminars in our Client Seminar Series



19 March 2013


7.30 - 9.30am

Elder Law (a repeat seminar)


Estate Planning - 5 Key Estate Planning steps to take now that will save your loved ones thousands of dollars (Andrew Lind, Partner); and

Moving into a Retirement Village - 6 things you should know before you sign (Kristel Winkler, Associate).


Find out more 


16 April 2013


7.30 - 9.00am


Testamentary Discretionary Trusts in Estate Planning Seminar on how Testamentary Discretionary Trusts (TDTs) can be used in your Will for effective income splitting and asset protection. (It is recommended that you have first attended our Elder Law Seminar). (Andrew Lind, Partner)


Charity & NFP reform update

Start with our Charities & NFP Reform overview summary page.


UBIT start date has been deferred. Read more.

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Contact Us

Phone: (07) 3252 0011


Email:  Email Us 

