
Midsummer Farm CSA  

Weekly Newsletter:  

Share Pick Up #3  


Greetings Midsummer Farm CSA subscribers!

In the basket this week ... we have endives and mustard greens instead of lettuce as we wait for the next round of lettuce to grow bigger.

We will also have more baby arugula and the cilantro is ready or harvesting - bright and tender! I think the combination of the endive greens and arugula along with cilantro and mustard as highlights make a great salad combination...

This June is bit cooler than most but the garden is growing well if not as fast as in other years. It is strange how different the weekly harvest is from one year to another... The greens like the cool weather and are growing well, but the the hot weather stuff like cucumbers and basils and tomatoes are taking their time. The potatoes are thriving and the fingerlings are actually getting ready now - so we will have more potatoes in the baskets this week as well.

Mustard greens can be hot and spicy. They are usually best raw rather than cooked and best mixed in with other greens. My favorite way to use them is in tuna or salmon salad. Just make the salad the way you normally do, but add a small amount of finely chopped mustard greens. It is so bright and delicious!

And berries ! We'll have more strawberries and I believe there are enough raspberries for everyone to get a container!

Blueberries - still green - to come ....

I got organic portabella mushrooms for the mushroom share! Would be great stir-fried with the mustard and endive greens.... 

Always feel free to email me with any questions you may have or if you find yourself needing some recipe inspiration!

Very best and thanks,
Midsummer Farm

Phone: 845-986-9699

Endive and Fingerling Frittata 

4 small fingerling potatoes, cut into evenly sized pieces
3 cups of endive leaves, coarsely chopped
2 tbsp olive oil
1 medium onion, sliced into thin crescents
2 garlic cloves, finely minced
salt and pepper to taste
6-7 large eggs
1 tsp of chopped fresh herbs

In a large skillet, heat 1 tbsp of olive oil on medium heat. Add onions, cook until starting to soften and become translucent. Add potatoes and garlic, cook until potatoes are just starting to get fork-tender. Add endive leaves, and cook just a minute or two until starting to wilt. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Take all off heat and let cool down a bit.

Break eggs into a large bowl and beat well. Add rest of ingredients and stor thoroughly. Add a bit more salt and pepper. Meanwhile heat the other tbsp of olive oil in the skillet you used for the vegetables on very low heat.

Once oil is warm, add the egg mixture and cover. Keep on low heat and cook for about 20-30 minutes or until the top center is relatively firm. Take off heat and let middle firm up rest of the way before cutting. Enjoy! 


Endive and Arugula Salad 

a large handful of coarsely chopped endive leaves
a large handful of arugula leaves
one granny smith apple, cut into small cubes
some green grapes
a handful of walnuts

olive oil
a white wine or champagne vinegar
salt and pepper
some chopped fresh cilantro leaves (optional)
some grated parmesan cheese (optional)

Mix first 5 ingredients together in a large bowl. In a small bowl, throughly mix together the dressing ingredients. When ready to serve, toss with dressing. 


RECIPE:  Guacamole

This is my favorite way to make guacamole...

2 avocados
1 big bunch of fresh cilantro leaves, finely chopped
2 tbsp cumin
about 3 tbsp of finely chopped onion
salt and pepper to taste

Peel and cut flesh off avocados. Mash with a fork until consistent in texture. Add rest of ingredients and mix thoroughly. Taste for salt, and add more if necessary. Eat right away before the avocados turn brown!





Midsummer Farm Contact Info:
Barbara and Mark Laino
Midsummer Farm
156 East Ridge Road
Warwick, NY 10990

Holistic Health Counseling Contact Info:
Barbara Taylor-Laino
Barbara Taylor Health
156 East Ridge Road
Warwick, NY 10990

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