


Wing Ding 35 has come and gone with 9,243 delegates enjoying GWRRA's convention, or as we call it, "GWRRA's Family Reunion." Greenville was a great host city and the facility did an awesome time taking care of all of our Vendors, Members and guests who attended. A special "THANK YOU" to all our Officers, Event Management Team, Rider Ed folks, and Volunteers who worked so hard to take care of all our Wing Ding attendees.

If you have a story, travel tip, or fun share from your trip to Wing Ding, please send them to me here! Also remember, if you did not go to Wing Ding, but had a great trip someplace else and would like to share your travel story, Gold Book story, travel tip, or unique Chapter Fund-Raising event, send them to me also. We are always looking for Member articles for your e-Newsletter - keep them coming!

As you probably know, the next Wing Ding, Wing Ding 36, 2014, will be returning to Madison, Wisconsin. Madison is one of our Member's favorite cities and everyone becomes a "cheesehead" when they get there! You can register for Wing Ding 36 at  All the other details about Wing Ding 36 will be coming soon!
I'd also like to hear from those Members who have a four (4) digit membership number or lower. Please send me an email ( with your membership number, date you joined, where you live and what you ride. If you can send a picture, I will feature some of you in upcoming issues. Thanks Dave, for your suggestion!
It is great to read such a variety of our Chapter, District and Regional newsletters as they are sent in to us. Reading about all the different activities, rides, events and fund-raising activities that our Members and Officers organize is inspiring! Just to name one, I want to compliment the New York District staff for representing GWRRA so well at Americade. Thank You! Your newsletter is so full of wonderful information, including great Rider Education materials to keep our Members thinking about rider education and safety. Great newsletter!!

In last month's enews there was a broken link on where you can locate your local Chapter. We apologize for that error and hopefully this is the correct link and correct address. Please click  here or go to this address to find your nearest Chapter.

Remember to check out GWRRA's website for all the latest news, benefits, updates and information. One more request: please forward this copy of Wingin' It to all your friends who ride! THANKS!!


Thanks for all your continued support! Ride safe and FIND-A-FRIEND!


Ed Price 

GWRRA Events Manager | Wingin' It Editor


Gold Wing Road Riders Association | 



"Friends for FUN, Safety & Knowledge"

800-843-9460 | 623-581-2500 (in Phoenix) | Fax 877-348-9416

In This Issue
Joke of the Month
Looking for YOUR Articles
Inspirational Quotes
GWRRA & Facebook
Member Riding Tip
Mobile Phone Tip
News From Germany
WING WORLD magazine
Rescue Plus Reminder
Wing Ding Update
Rider Ed Article
Free Download
Member Travel Story
Member Feedback
Officer Article
Member Ride
Another Member Story
Gold Book Story
Your Opinion Matters
Featured Member Benefit
GWRRA Benefits
Quick Links
Join Our Mailing List


Chicken  Surprise   


A couple go for a meal at a Chinese restaurant and order the "Chicken Surprise"...the waiter brings the meal, served in a lidded cast iron pot. 

Just  as the wife is about to serve herself, the lid of the pot rises slightly and she briefly sees two beady little eyes looking around before the lid slams back down.
   "Good grief, did you see that?" she asks her husband. He hadn't, so she asks him to look in the pot. He reaches for it and again the lid rises, and he sees two little eyes looking around before it slams down.

Rather perturbed, he calls the waiter over, explains what is happening, and demands an explanation.

"Please sir," says the waiter, "what did you order?"
The husband replies, "Chicken Surprise".   
"Ah!  So sorry, "says the waiter, "I bring you Peeking Duck."



Sent in by
Tom Hendricks, TX-U 
Thanks, Tom!

Looking for Articles


Remember, we are looking for articles for YOUR e-Newsletter! 


Travelogues, Member

and Officer profiles, Chapter activities, your stories about how joining GWRRA has positively affected your life, etc.


And don't forget those great Gold Book stories.


Please send your stories to me here.




A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds. -Bacon



Where we go and what we do advertises what we are.  Author Unknown

Sent in by Tom Hendricks, TX-U
Have questions or privacy concerns about becoming Socially Connected with your GWRRA Facebook friends... 
Click Here: Facebook 101

Chapter KY-A went on an over night trip to Jenny Wiley State Park, south east KY.

Lots and lots of hills and parking lots with switch back turns going to your room.
Some folks were putting rocks and blocks of wood to chock their wheels. 

Here is what I did to my bike. This works really well with trikes as a cheap emergency brake. 

Squeeze front brake lever then wrap a ball bungee cord around the front brake lever. With a bike in first gear and bungee cord on the front brake... it will not roll off the hill.

Bridwell Terhune
MSF Rider Coach #136275 
GWRRA # 611040  KY-A

In case of emergency,

(ICE) is a program that enables first responders, such as paramedics, firefighters, and police officers, as well as hospital personnel, to contact the next of kin of the owner of a mobile phone to obtain important medical or support information (the phone must be unlocked and working).  


The phone entry (or entries) should supplement or complement written (such as wallet, bracelet, or necklace) information or indicators. It encourages people to enter emergency contacts in their mobile phone address book under the name "ICE".  


Alternatively, a person can list multiple emergency contacts as "ICE1", "ICE2", etc.




1. There is now an events page where Members can post their own events to our website. Try it out! 

2. The official rules for the Ticket to Ride contest are online and Members can check how many points they have.
Click here to check your points. 


Since July 4, 2013
the abbreviation GWRRA
has an additional meaning:

It does not only stand for  

Gold Wing Road  

Riders Association,  

founded 1977 in the US,  

currently active in 53 countries and since 1980  

also present in Germany.


 Now, GWRRA is also a synonym for Gold Wing Rock'n 

 Roll Academy!


The "academy" was set-up in July, 2013 by the District Germany and was presented during the overseas delegate reception at Wing Ding 35 in Greenville, SC.

At the same date the corresponding website went online at the homepage of the District Germany  

( Please go to menu bar item "District Germany" and as a next step please click on Rock'n'Roll Academy. You should see now an English explanation. Otherwise, please click on the English flag which brings you directly to the English description. 

What's it all about?
The "academy" is intended to be a platform for collecting and presenting mainly rock songs as well as country & western songs expressing the senses of freedom and adventure which come along with riding a Gold Wing. 

Enjoy listening to the
collection of songs.

Feel free to forward this email to your circle of friends.

And...don't forget to turn your loudspeakers on and to pump up the volume!

GWRRA rocks!

J�rgen Petri


GWRRA-The Power of a Global Family
District Director Germany
"Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge!"


We have a new look! 
Please visit 

Our new magazine web site:
  • Easy to read
  • Easy to navigate
  • View current and past issues of Wing World magazine
  • Visit our current list of advertisers
  • PLUS Much More!
For advertising opportunities please call one of our Account Executives at
(or  623-581-2500 in Phx. area) ext 231, 250 or 219

To view the magazine online or to sign up as a trial Member, please contact Member Services at 800-843-9460 or, in the Phoenix area, 623-581-2500.
  • I tried to catch some Fog, I mist.
  • When Chemists die, they barium.
  • Jokes about German sausage are the wurst.
  • I'm reading a book about anti-gravity. I can't put it down.
  • A dyslexic man walks into a bra.
  • Broken pencils are pointless.
  • I didn't like my beard at first, but it grew on me.
  • Energizer bunny arrested, charged with Battery!

 Submitted by  

Tom Hendricks, TX-U

August_2013 Tip


Rescue Plus Reminder  

Tow Truck
 Remember to sign up for Rescue PLUS! It will add more miles and more vehicles to your standard FREE 
Rescue towing package from GWRRA. PLUS, it only costs $25 per year to upgrade the entire family!!

Sign up NOW by calling



And remember, non-members can purchase Rescue PLUS for only $80 with all the same benefits!

Call NOW!
Wing Ding 36 will return to Madison, Wisconsin in 2014!

Check out to register, NOW!


Rider Ed Article:
submitted byJoe and Gracie Mazza

Assistant International Directors Rider Education

Motorist Awareness Director


Wing Ding 35  


Greenville, South Carolina proved to be an excellent choice for this year's Wing Ding. The venue was more than adequate to hold the many vendors, and the city itself was both beautiful and accommodating. Of course, the weather could have been better for the many Members that chose to ride, since it rained off and on the whole time we were there.


As for Rider Education in general and Motorist Awareness in particular, it was a very successful endeavor. We were pleased to be able to serve so many Members with the materials we had available at our table. We also had three Motorist Awareness Seminars that many Members took advantage of. We brought 150 "Look Twice, Save A Life" yard signs with us and they were gone by the end of the first day.  We also handed out 50 "Motorcycle, Motorist Awareness Videos" and 30 Motorist Awareness Seminar CD's. Bumper Sticker handouts totaled 450.


It was such a pleasure at the Masters Luncheon to recognize those MA Coordinators who went above and beyond this past year in bringing the message of "Sharing The Road" to the motoring public. Region N led all Regions in activities, materials distributed and seminar presentations. Kyle and Mitzella Craig, Region N Ride Educators and Wayne and Elva Grant, Region N MA Coordinators are to be congratulated on a job well done.


The following coordinators received Merit Awards: William Bell, Chapter MA Coordinator for Leesburg, Virginia; Larry and Brenda Penepent, Region H MA Coordinators; Dave and Shiela Chavez, Region I MA Coordinators; and Bill and Mervi Bannasch, Wisconsin District MA Coordinators. This years MA Coordinators of the year were Nate and Danelle Kinion, Florida District MA Coordinators. It was also a joy to see Larry Stiles be inducted into the GWRRA Hall Of Fame. Larry has been stalwart in the area of First Aid/CPR for many years and a good friend to boot. Congratulations to all award winners.


The most satisfying part of Wing Ding is the comradeship. Being able to visit with friends we get to see only once a year and to also enjoy all the evening events with our Chapter participants who attend with us annually is most satisfying. We are looking forward to Wing Ding 36 in Madison, Wisconsin. We hope you are as well.


It is Finally Here... And It's FREE! 
Download Your Copy Today On iTunes!
Member Travel Story-- (4 part travelogue)

San Francisco or Bust!

submitted by: 
Leonard/Marilyn Woelfel
Chapter MN-C


July 12: Cortez to Georgetown, CO.  Leaving Cortez, it was 57 degrees, certainly a change from 120 a few days ago.  Beautiful scenery, green trees are back and the mountains.  We stopped at Silverton and traveled onto Million Dollar Hwy - no shoulders or guard rails and lots of cliffs.  Myron has been experiencing bike noise and found it worse today. Guys are thinking CV shaft bearings. Jerry had gotten out the Gold Book and the first number he called was Mike Vaillancourt. Mike just happen to be the Colorado Asst. District Director-Western Slope.  Mike said he would meet us in Montrose and we followed him home.  When asked how he got off of work he said he told them he had an emergency and left.  Mike was great allowing us to use his garage, tools and helped to diagnose the problem. Plan is to pick up the parts tomorrow outside of Denver, so they put the trike back together and on the road to Georgetown.  It was great, everyone had CB's, Myron was able to tell us what speed felt the most comfortable. Driving I-70 between two rock walls was the prettiest interstate that I've been on.  Besides the excitement with the trike, Leonard discovered he was missing his cell phone. Leigh Ann called it and found out that it was at Clifton gas station, 200 miles west! It was found, but we're headed east! They were kind enough to mail it to our home address.



July 13: Georgetown to Ogalala, NE. The temperature was a low 49 and by 7:48 it was 61 degrees. Half of our group went to Mount Evans and the others went to Myron's to get the trike fixed.  They picked up the parts and fixed the bike in Walmart's parking lot! Mount Evans has an elevation of over 14,000. No guard rail, but most of the way I was able to see the road below or there were grassy slopes which made me feel more comfortable. Good thing I'm not driving - it doesn't work very well when you shut your eyes or just look at the mountainside, take a few deep breaths and try to relax. It doesn't mean I haven't "instructed" Leonard to just keep his eyes on the road and not the valley!  They say there are 400 mountain goats and 400 bighorn sheep in the mountains; We did see mountain goats up close. At the top it was hazy and I thought it was probably from the altitude and light cloud cover, but a young CO man (who ran up the mountain!) said it was hazy from the fires this summer.  Read More


MEMBER FEEDBACK: colored GW logo
As for us younger Members - we embrace technology and love information...and we want it all the time! For Chapter D, we communicate constantly with the Members.  We text when we are at conventions so we can all meet up for dinner or to attend a seminar because they lost track of time with the vendors.

We have attracted people in their 30s and 40s and they ride with the older Members...most are in their late 50s early 60s, but we have charter Members still attending the gatherings each month who are in their 80s.  We send out the newsletter (thanks for the promo) via email on the 1st of each month so everyone knows what is going on and we mail it out to those who don't have email.  

We have a website and a Facebook page with almost 500 Members from around the world.  I post weekly events on the page and ask Members to RSVP that way. Members post pictures about the ride they were on which encourages others to attend.  We have recruited new Members via the Facebook page in other states and have hooked them up with active Chapters.
I send out an email at the beginning of the week with all the events for the rest of the month.  Mid-week I send out another email about the weekend activities. Then again on Friday, I send out another email with a reminder for the weekend activities because plans can change from the beginning of the week to the end of the week.  You are always informed in Chapter D!  I have been told by people who visit the Chapter after getting my emails for 6 months that I was so persistent they had to come meet me.  We have had people who were Members for years and never got involved with a Chapter come visit us and now plan to participate in GWRRA activities. Never give up on those you have not met yet...they could be the next TEAM Member!


Terri M. Kozlowski- GA, D Chapter Director

Gold Book ad
Officer Article:
submitted by: Ed & Linda Johnson

International Directors   

Membership Enhancement Program  


Written by: Phillip &Terri Kozlowski  

GA- D Chapter Director

Don't Let Them Sit Alone


As a Chapter Director the monthly Gathering is a very busy day for us.  We are doing last minute things to make the Gathering successful; confirming items or answering questions of TEAM Members; we want to say hello to each Member and visitor that comes to the Gathering...we are busy!  However there is one item we must immediately attend to and that is a new GWRRA Member or potential Member visiting our Chapter for the first time.  This visitor is very important to GWRRA and to your Chapter...a future Officer!  They need to feel welcomed, special, have questions answered and to know that they matter to GWRRA and to your Chapter. 


I understand that we all have times when we do not want to be social or we just want to be with our friends because we haven't seen them in awhile, but as a GWRRA Member, especially an Officer, you need to be proactive when it comes to first time visitors.  Have a plan in place on how your Chapter will handle a first time prepared for more than one at a time. Have a Welcome Packet prepared for them.  As a Chapter Director we need to greet them but we cannot spend the entire time with them as we have other duties to take care have a few friendly Members sit with the visitor...never let them sit alone. 


These trusted Chapter Members need to let the guest know what the Chapter does for FUN...where the Chapter has ridden...answer questions about the Welcome Packet...why are people buying tickets (only if they ask)...why they choose to participate...why they love GWRRA. They need to get to know the visitor...what kind of bike do they have...where do they live...ask about their family. If you get the visitor to personally connect to more than one Member you will more likely get them to return.   Read More



Member Ride 1
Submitted by: David and Lisa Turnipseed
GWRRA # 358333
I am sending you this letter about a recent ride my wife Lisa and I took starting May 5th 2012. We left Milton, WV and rode our 2012 GL 1800 down to Texas to visit friends and family. While on our visit we rode down to the Big Bend area on the Border of Texas and Mexico. Although the roads are not winding and hilly, there is something to be said about riding under the big skies especially during the sunrise and sunsets in the southwest desert country. Leaving Big Bend State Park we rode the river road along the Rio Grand where temperatures at one point got to 106 degrees, and if I would suggest a ride it would have to be the road from Terlingua, Tx to Presidio on route 170.

Member trip 2 The road passes through country that still has an old Calvery fort (Fort Davis) that was used to protect the settlers from the Comanche and Bandits.  In all we arrived back in Milton, WV and put 2,874 miles on our bike. I have only been a Member for one year, but look forward to contribute to the Association in any way possible. I must say that since joining, I have tried to get other people I know to join in my area. There seems to be one point all say that leads to them not feeling welcome or not active and it is that as life goes on, some Chapters with aging Members have activities which are centered around meeting somewhere to eat and have fund-raisers for a cause; There is not much emphasis around getting together to ride the motorcycles we all love. And, as with any organization, we have to be careful that we accept new faces and Members with open arms and expand our normal routines to keep younger members interested. Member trip 3

That being said I do enjoy GWRRA and look to become helpful in any way possible.
During my trip I had the pleasure to meet several GWRRA Members from Kentucky to Texas and they were all very friendly and always asked if we needed any help. If there is ever a rider Member or not in my area, I will go out of my way to render aide in any way possible. Thanks GWRRA Members.

Another Member Story:
submitted by:
Gene A Hanselman
Member #135067, Chapter OH-D3
"Dippy Eggs"

Through the years many arts, crafts and skilled trades have been lost in the name of progress. Included in those losses are the old time favorites passed down from tradesmen to apprentice, father to son and mother to daughter. Some of these are my all time cooking sensations and favorite delectables like Stiruum, Revel Soup, home made Macaroni & Cheese and the "Dippy Egg." 


Mornings at our family table always included a meat, tators, toast and mom's great dippy eggs. They were fried to perfection in an iron skillet with the hot meat drippings gently ladled over them with a metal spatula, which finished the cooking process. Those were the best eggs ever and being from our own chickens in the orchard made them even better. I think back to those simple times when I sit down to eat breakfast. Scrambled, over, over easy, soft boiled, hard boiled, Benedict, poached or microwave, they are never the same as Mom's "Dippy Eggs." I'm not advocating we all eat unhealthy diets of high cholesterol or saturated fats, just a taste of good "mom" style cooking once in awhile would suffice. 


Many of those lost entities are far from their replacements. We have lost many of the great solo workers we depended upon to sustain our life and times. Gone is the complete "Blacksmith Shop", where the proprietor could fix everything and anything. Repairing machinery, tools, wagons, home items and even make shoes and apply them to horses - few individuals can work a team of horses now. 


It was one individual mastering many different skills. America is now served by a handful of huge dairies spread throughout the country, where less than 40 years ago statuesque barns stood throughout the countryside and housed small herds of milk cows. The whole phenomenon of lost skills not only applies to farms and agriculture, but to industry, home and all businesses, large and small. 


America has gone soft. We have given away our heritage for the good life. A life where people can't live without electricity, remotes, smart phones and all other space age technology, made in far off countries. Americans no longer live as commoners or try to take care of their own. Middle income means $250,000 or less, usually a lot less. Wealthy individuals get undue tax increases and must pay expensive insurance premiums for employees of their businesses. The government tries to control and nurture us with stricter rules and regulations which only adds to less independence.  Read More



A BIG thank you to Lunasee for donating an ASL 1000 2 wheel side lighting kit (retail value for $199.95) for the GWRRA Find a Friend program. Congratulations to Gary Meyerholtz from IN!!


Lunasee's unique and patented active wheel lighting system makes your wheels glow at night unlike anything else on the market, making you more visible to motorists.



The patented Lunasee Active Side Lighting system uses our specially formulated LERtape (Light Emitting Rim) applied directly to your wheel's rim. It's weightless and nearly invisible in daylight.


As the wheels rotate, the LERtape is charged by four hidden high intensity LEDpods, one each mounted on the frame or forks of your motorcycle and targeted at the LERtape. The glowing LERtape creates continuous rings of light without any wires or lights on or in your wheels.


Purchase on or from your dealer.  


For more information about GWRRA's Find-A-Friend program click here


Gold Book Story 
submitted by:  Clyde Hadley

Member # 342862

Great Service On The Road!


Last summer five friends and myself headed out on our bucket list ride, to ride Route 66 from Chicago to Santa Monica pier in California, a ride that is on most people's list of things to do. We left from Toronto, Canada and our destination was Toronto, Canada! We did not have a specific plan, other than to ride as much of Route 66 as possible, and our only time line was to be home in about 30 days. Along the way we took many detours to visit sites or ride interesting roads. 


It was the planning for this trip that actually got me riding a Gold Wing. I decided that if I was going to start taking more cross country tours, I should do it on the Cadillac of motorcycles. After buying my 2010 Wing in the spring of 2011, I immediately joined GWRRA. 


Preparing for my 30-day adventure included going on the GWRRA website to ask for advice, upgrading to Rescue Plus, and making sure I packed my Gold Book. The last two decisions turned out to be wise ones.  


After celebrating our bucket list objective at the Santa Monica pier, our group headed up coastal highway 1 through California, Oregon, and Washington before heading back into Canada to cross through the Rockies. Along the return route, I was experiencing some tire pressure problems the day before the July 4th holiday and I could not find a local dealer who could help me. So I pulled out my Gold Book and contacted Holeshot Motorsports in Langley, British Columbia. I separated from the group for a few days so I could ride straight there for some service. The service people at Holeshot were fantastic, taking me in the day before my actual appointment and only an hour before closing. Everything was resolved and I met up with my friends for our ride through the mountains and then down to South Dakota to spend a few days in Sturgis before heading home.  Read More


2012 GWred 

Your Opinion Matters!

 Remember to check out GWRRA's Homepage at 

 to let us know your opinion on a variety of subjects in our polls. 


We'd like to give you the results of the last survey we have posted on the home page.


Do you perform some of your own maintenance on your motorcycle/trike?

  • Yes 88% (831)
  • No 12% (116)

  • Total votes: 947 

    We always have a current GWRRA topic. To let us know your opinion,  

    Check it out!

    Member Benefit of the Month


    Gold Wing Road Riders Association (GWRRA) is pleased to remind you of two Member Discounts in our Benefit Program.

    • Big Bike Parts---code="BBP01GWRRA".
      Big Bike Parts is celebrating it 30th anniversary and has found a way to benefit you, GWRRA's Members. GWRRA Members now receive a 10% discount on the price of any accessory purchased direct from on all of Big Bike Parts product lines, including: Show Chrome Accessories, UltraGard Covers, Hopnel Soft Goods, Prairie Dog ATV products and TireGard TPMS Systems. All that is needed is entering the special GWRRA coupon code "BBP01GWRRA" at checkout.


    • GWRRA Wireless Center- FREE BlackBerry's and more at the GWRRA Wireless Center! Huge savings on phones and accessories - many phones free, plus exclusive rebates put cash back into your pocket! Shop and compare plans and phones from all the major carriers and brands. You'll get the same great rate from the carrier you choose, plus a better phone at a better price. Visit to save on all your wireless needs!  

    GWRRA Member Benefit Discounts!

    Special 4 DVD package pricing.  

    Includes all 4 instructional DVD's.


    sku: 4081006




    Regular Price: $36



    Click Here to purchase! Or call 1-800-843-9460.


    Special price for August... $28.00,

    plus shipping.



    Offer Expires: 8/31--mention August Wingin' It



     Contents copyrighted by GWRRA, Inc. �2013