Happy New Year everyone! It's 2013...already! Personally speaking, this year went by so fast and I can't believe I have been retired one full year. It has been a great year and I sincerely hope it was just as good for you and your families. Rose and I wish you and yours a very happy, healthy and prosperous 2013!
Have you made your new years resolutions or don't you believe in that process? I remember when I was younger, I made a very long list each year. There were many items on that list including many action items, like classes to take, losing weight, going to the gym, spending more time with my kids, getting more organized, etc, etc. Now, I don't make a list, I just know what I wish to do and if I get to it OK, and if not, that's OK, too! No more pressure to get things done! I want and have time to go to the gym, I am losing weight, love spending time with the grand kids and visiting with my friends from GWRRA around the country. I would love to hear from you and hear your resolutions, especially if they pertain to GWRRA! Write me here.
In last month's Wingin' It I wrote about the new Wing, the F6B. I asked for your opinions and below you will read a few of the responses and as you will read, the responses I received were unfavorable towards the the new design. If you like the new design, we would like to hear your thoughts. The pictures are here again for you to see.
 | F6B |
 | F6B |
Now is a good time to review some of the GWRRA benefits that you, our Members, have access to for FREE. Some are discount programs, meaning you get discounts on these programs, items or services because of your membership in GWRRA and some are absolutely FREE for the same reason. I won't go through all of them this month, but will highlight a few of them and will cover more of them in future issues. Many frequent readers of Wingin' It know to look at the "Featured Benefit of the Month" section, but this time I will cover some that may not have been featured there.
We have a large GWRRA community who post and read GWRRA's Bulletin Boards. There are many subjects there to view and/or post comments and questions on. Everything from buying your next Gold Wing to looking for parts to talking politics to asking computer related questions to getting travel tips. The Bulletin Boards are a great place to go if you are a new Member and you want to meet new friends and find out more info about GWRRA and its Members. It is also a nice place to go and just chat on the general board. If you need help logging in, follow the directions on the front of the board at http://gwrrabbs.org/ or if you need further assistance call our friendly Member Services folks at 800-843-9460.
Obviously, two of the biggest benefits GWRRA Members receive are the Wing World magazine and the Gold Book Service Directory. Wing World is the industry's best when you are looking for information about the Gold Wing motorcycle. And, the Gold Book is something that every GWRRA Member I know carries in their trunk (both m/c and car, like me). Please give kudos to the home office staff, including Member Services, for an awesome job. (It's the team effort, with Andrea's help, that makes the Gold Book)
GWRRA offers discount programs for travel and vacations, hotels, car rentals, insurance, identity protection, motorcycle parts, financial services and even pet insurance! Just go to http://gwrra.org/benefits.html and check out all the benefits that GWRRA offers our Members.
Also, remember to check out GWRRA's website at www.gwrra.org and spend some time looking around. There are many new features, links and products for you there. As mentioned in previous issues you can even chat live with one of our incredible Member Service Agents (during normal business hours).
I am very grateful for all the folks who sent articles in for this month's issue. Below you will see a great article from Terri Kozlowski, a Chapter Director from Georgia, about "Chapter Enthusiasm." Joe Mazza sent in an article about "Windscreens" and it will make you think. I would to love your hear your opinions on this article. Again, thanks to Gene Hanselmann for his "Holiday" article as well as Bill and De Ann Gray for their article explaining many of GWRRA programs. And, thanks to Larry Hurt and Mike Bonner for their articles about "An Amazing Ride & Story" and "A Visit Abroad." Finally, don't miss the latest survey below. We also take a look back one year ago at the same question and see those results. See how our Members have changed in their views in one year!
Please send me your articles, opinions, tips, jokes, Chapter stories, or Gold Book adventures! Thanks for all your continued support! Ride safe and FIND-A-FRIEND! FRIENDS FOR FUN, SAFETY & KNOWLEDGE! 
Editor, Wingin' It
40 to Phoenix
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Make sure you get all the latest information and sign up for the 4th annual 40 to Phoenix run here!
Looking for
Remember, we are looking for articles for YOUR e-Newsletter!
Travelogues, Member
and Officer profiles, Chapter activities, your stories about how joining GWRRA has positively affected your life, etc.
And don't forget those great Gold Book stories.
Please send your stories to me here .
"As I get older, I pay less attention to what men say.
I just watch what they do."
Andrew Carnegie
"When we have done our best, we should wait the result in peace."
J. Lubbock
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Wing Ding 35 is at the TD Convention Center (formally the Carolina First Center) in Greenville, South Carolina, just minutes from the airport and historic downtown. So plan on riding in, parking the bike and enjoying the ceremonies, hundreds of exhibits, manufacturer demo's, seminars, entertainment and more all in one location! We look forward to seeing you in Greenville, South Carolina next July 3-6, 2013!
Don't forget to take advantage of our preregistration bundle this month only!
Visit our web site www.wing-ding.org
for more information.
GWRRA is on
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Check out GWRRA's Facebook page and sign up to follow us! It is easy!!
NO Winger Left Behind
(cont.) by
Bill & Dea Ann Gray Region H Director
MAD About MEP, REP, LTP, GWRRA and Wing Ding
What's a Wing Ding? Why is he MAD? Believe it or not, these are legitimate questions often asked during Chapter gatherings. New and prospective Members are clueless as to what these mean.
Officers, are you guilty of using acronyms with new Members present? For the benefit of new Members and others who may not totally understand, avoid acronyms in your monthly gatherings.
Program directors should give a brief explanation as to what they do before they give a report when new Members are present. Brief definitions:
Motorist Awareness Division (MAD...changed to MAP - Program) The main goal is to educate the motorist community.
Membership Enhancement Program (MEP) The main purpose is the retention of Members.
Rider Education Program (REP) Rider Education is intended to make the motorcycle riding environment safer by increasing motorcyclist skills and awareness.
Leadership Training Program (LTP) This program reflects training that focuses on leadership skills yet the goal is to have "something for
Gold Wing Road Riders Association (GWRRA) The Gold Wing Road Riders Association (GWRRA) is the world's largest single-marque social organization for owners and riders of Honda Gold Wing/Valkyrie motorcycles -- and some would say, the world's largest family.
Wing Ding - the world's largest Gold Wing trade show and "family reunion."
Lastly, Couple of the Year Program (COY) - This program provides an opportunity for local Chapters to recognize and honor a couple each year for their dedication, accomplishments and participation within the Chapter.
All that being said, there should be NO WINGER LEFT BEHIND in gatherings with our education, program talks and discussions. Fear and confusion comes from lack of understanding. Let's change this starting today!
Quotable Quotes!
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Here are some quotes sent in by our Members!
If you have some you'd like to send to me, send them here! Bikes parked out front mean good chicken-fried steak inside.
A friend is someone who'll get out of bed at 2 am to drive his pickup to the middle of nowhere to get you when you're broken down.
These were sent in by
Tom Hendricks
Rescue Plus Reminder
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Remember to sign up for Rescue PLUS! It will add more miles and more vehicles to your standard FREE
Rescue towing package from GWRRA. PLUS, it only costs $25 per year to upgrade the entire family!!
<><><><><><><> Sign up NOW by calling 800-843-9460!
And remember, non-members can purchase Rescue PLUS for only $80 with all the same benefits!
Call NOW!
Rider Education Article
submitted by
Joe & Gracie Mazza
Assistant International Rider Education Director
by: James R. Davis
I would like to present an article by James R. Davis and then comment on it.
There has been a trend over the past few years of even bigger windscreens showing up on our bikes. You cannot attend a major rally without seeing at least one vendor of these "super duper", "larger-than-life", "aerodynamic", "custom made", "Co-rider friendly", pieces of plastic.
I like having a good windscreen in front of me. I like cutting most of the wind that buffets me during a long ride. I like having the bugs hit something other than my teeth. I like raindrops splashing on the plastic and then sliding up over my head. READ MORE
 Joke of the Month
Motorcycle wisdom of the road
* Midnight bugs taste best. * Saddlebags can never hold everything you want, but they CAN hold everything you need. * Home is where your bike sits still long enough to leave a few drops of oil on the ground. * The only good view of a thunderstorm is in your rearview mirror. * Bikes don't leak oil, they mark their territory. * Never mistake horsepower for staying power. * If you don't ride in the rain - you don't ride. * A bike on the road is worth two in the shed. * Young riders pick a destination and go. . . Old riders pick a direction and go. * A good mechanic will let you watch without charging you for it. * Sometimes the fastest way to get there is to stop for the night. * Winter is Nature's way of telling you to polish your bike. * Well-trained reflexes are quicker than luck. * The best alarm clock is sunshine on chrome. * A friend is someone who'll get out of bed at 2 am to drive his pickup to the middle of nowhere. * There's something ugly about a NEW bike on a trailer. * Practice wrenching on your own bike. * Never be ashamed to unlearn an old habit * Maintenance is as much art as it is science. * If you ride like there's no tomorrow - there won't be. * Gray-haired riders don't get that way from pure luck * There are drunk riders. There are old riders. There are NO old, drunk riders. * No matter what marquee you ride, it's all the same wind. * Only a Biker knows why a dog sticks his head out of a car window.
Remember, send me your best, clean jokes here!
submitted by 
Gene Hanselman
Member #135067, Chapter OH-BGrowing up as a young boy in the Midwest states on a farm with German descendants meant hardwork, long hours, few friends and high parental expectations. It also meant intense activities and religious holiday extravaganzas. New Years, Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas celebrations meant surprises, food and family togetherness.January 1st was just another day of work and chores on the farm. Usually it was the cold and wind that caused any and all problems. We had to make sure all the animals had food, water and plenty of straw for warmth and cover. Our family lunch menu consisted of roast pork, bar-b-q ribs with sauerkraut and mashed potatoes. I was fortunate if I got to watch the parades and bowl games until chore time came. At least we stayed at home and did not have to hustle around to go somewhere. READ MORE
submitted by
Terri M. Kozlowski
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
Georgia Chapter D Director
2010 Georgia District Couple of the Year
Too Enthusiastic...NOT
I have been told recently, by more than one person, that I am too enthusiastic for Georgia Chapter D, which Phillip and I have been Chapter Directors for four years. This enthusiasm seems to be upsetting to some people outside the Chapter. Since I was told this I have been surveying the Members of Chapter D, as well as Members outside the Chapter, to see if my over enthusiastic demeanor is troublesome. The majority of the Members seem to believe that it is my enthusiasm for Chapter D that helps to make the Chapter successful...FUN...and growing.
Let's take a look at what enthusiasm is: it is an absorbing possession of the mind by any interest or pursuit; lively interest, keen interest. Enthusiasm is the energy and force that builds momentum of the human soul and mind. The energy, which has as its central element is the will, produces a force of character and is the sustaining power of all great actions.
It is said that enthusiasm is contagious. Whatever you do enthusiastically people will like it more...it is more FUN. That is why apathy can be overcome by enthusiasm. Enthusiasm can only be awakened by two things- an idea that takes the imagination by storm (GWRRA) and an intelligent plan for carrying the idea into practice
(a successful ...FUN...growing Chapter), which I believe is the Chapter Director's main responsibility. To quote Emerson, "Enthusiasm is the mother of effort, and without it nothing great was ever achieved." You cannot lead a Chapter with pessimism and cynicism and expect anything positive to happen. You must lead them with optimism, energy and enthusiasm for GWRRA, and it begins in your Chapter.
Enthusiasm keeps you young at heart. It is the sparkle in your eyes when you see a friend, it is the swagger in your walk, it is the grip of your handshake, and the irresistible urge to hug someone to show you care and are happy to see them. Samuel Ullman said that, "We grow old by deserting our ideals. Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul." The true secret to never growing old is to carry the child like spirit into old age which means never losing your enthusiasm.
There is real magic in being enthusiastic. It absolutely makes the difference between mediocrity and accomplishment. So, those people who told me I was too enthusiastic for Chapter D are not going to affect me. If anything it gives me more enthusiasm to...stay young at heart...to continue to be successful...to have more FUN ...and to keep growing. How enthusiastic are you?
Visiting Abroad - New Zealand
by Mike Bonner Chapter NY-U
I had the pleasure of being in New Zealand for an extended working vacation. I have to say it is a beautiful country. Most of my time was spent up north in Auckland, but I did have the opportunity to go to the South Island a few times. If you want adventure and beautiful scenery for a great ride on your bike, this is the place. Day rides only, as the main roads are not lighted. Get up early, ride, enjoy the sites and the friendly people.
Christchurch is a must to visit and Queenstown is one of the best places to go for a small town in the mountains. On the ride, stop off and go bungee jumping or you can pan for gold in an old gold town.
If you have a group, you can send your bikes by container. 10 bikes to a container makes it affordable to make the trip. Sell your bike there or bring it home for about the same price.
I would recommend starting off in Auckland. Touring the north of the island and then going south. Home stays and farm stays are the best, as the people are so great and the food is terrific. Hostels are available in many places. If you are looking for a place to go for an extended vacation or maybe just a month of riding, this is it.
Member Feedback
Here is some feedback I have received on the New Gold Wing, F6B, that I wrote about in last months Wingin' It.
If you don't mind, I will stay with my 1990, 1500 Gold Wing that has been made into a trike. IT LOOKS LIKE A GOLD WING THAT I KNOW. Thanks, Ron If that's the '' BEST '' of what Gold Wing is gonna look like I won't ever get another one.!!! Steve
I'm writing to you as a long time Honda rider and very avid rider period! My feeling is Honda, ONCE AGAIN, took another step back with the new Gold Wings! I will keep this short, simple and to the point. I have an 08 Gold Wing which I bought used and I have wanted to buy a new one since then. HOWEVER, when the 2012's came out with the tri-color ugliness of the body and BMWesque design, I knew I would have to wait longer! I would have to wait for better paint schemes (pearl white hopefully) and not duplicating another manufacturer's designs. Oh well, now they are trying to look like Harley's (again)!
I showed the new designs to my wife and she said, "no way!!" Now not only are they ugly (again) but they took away the passenger comfort and storage space! If you want a Harley, buy a Harley, I have no problem with that. I cannot wait for Honda to go retro (like every other manufacturer seems to do) and go back to the 01-10 design! They make the most reliable engine made, now lets gets a few designers that make a Wing a Wing again! I hate to buy anything else but with what Honda has done to their Wing, I may have to bail! I know like this being my opinion there will be arguments....sorry I don"t care! If I am going to spend $27,000+ on a motorcycle, I want something that not only is dependable, but is unique to their company. I guess I will have to go to BMW. Thank you for your time,
An Amazing Story and Ride
submitted by Larry Hurt
An idea that started from a comment in one guy's garage became a dream motorcycle trip to Washington D.C. Five veterans that are members of N.E. Oklahoma Patriot Guard Riders put their heads together & made it happen. It was a trip filled with beautiful scenery & great memories shared with awesome friends.The five of us left on our trip September 14, 2012 in the pouring rain. The rain followed us most of the first day. We rode through the beautiful mountains of West Virginia & Virginia before heading to the D.C. area. Read More
Your Opinion Matters!
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Remember to check out GWRRA's Homepage at www.GWRRA.org
to let us know your opinion of a variety of subjects in our polls.
We'd like to give you the results of the last survey we have posted on the home page.
Why do you continue to renew your membership in GWRRA?
- GWRRA Benefit Programs (Rescue Program, discounts, etc.) 7% (34)
- Wing World magazine 12% (56)
- Continue Friendships 8% (38)
- Annual Convention Wing Ding 1% (5)
- GWRRA Programs (i.e. Rider Ed., Leadership Training, MED, etc.) 12% (57)
- GWRRA Message Boards 3% (15)
- All of the Above 47% (227)
Total votes: 485 *********************************************************************************************** Compare these results to January, 2011 when the same question was asked.
- GWRRA Benefit Programs (Rescue Program, discounts, etc.) 10% 273
- Wing World magazine 15% (386)
- Continue Friendships 12% (314)
- Annual Convention Wing Ding 5% (120)
- GWRRA Programs (i.e. Rider Ed., Leadership Training, MED, etc.) 17% (431)
- GWRRA Message Boards 8% (199)
- All of the Above 11% (294)
Total Votes = 2,603 We always have a current GWRRA topic. To let us know your opinion, Check it out!
Featured Member Benefits of the Month
Gold Wing Road Riders Association (GWRRA) is pleased to remind you of two Member Discounts in our Benefit Program. * Financial Services: Show Your GWRRA Pride! - No Annual Fee GWRRA� Visa� Credit Card Program, with Rewards Program, low introductory APR on Purchases and no balance transfer fees for 6 months.Click here to Earn bonus points for FREE airline tickets, merchandise, cash-back and more at participating merchants. Enhanced Visa� Platinum benefits, including 24/7 Emergency Customer Service and 100% Fraud Protection, Auto Rental and Travel Accident Insurance and much more. Competitive interest rates, plus 3 card designs or upload your own picture!
CardPartner, under the ownership of United Missouri Bank, offers a co-branded credit card program for GWRRA. |
* VPI Pet Insurance: VPI Pet Insurance provides healthcare coverage for your dog, cat, bird, hamster or other exotic pet. As a member of the Gold Wing Road Riders Association, you'll receive a 5% group discount on your VPI policy. Plus, owners of multiple pets are entitled to receive additional discounts! With coverage from VPI, your pets are protected if they are injured or become ill. VPI policies are easy to use and reimburse you for eligible veterinary expenses related to surgeries, hospitalization, X-rays, prescription medications and more. Best of all, you're free to visit any veterinarian, anywhere in the world. Benefit only valid in the United States. For more information call 877-PETS-VPI or click here today!
GWRRA Member Benefit Discounts!
45% |
Made in USA Flag/Shield shirt
Regular price: $15.99
GWRRA is proud to offer this great new t-shirt that was MADE IN THE USA.
100% cotton with GWRRA shield on top of the flag.
US Flag on the side.
Available in Small thru 2xl.
Special price for January.....$10.99
Offer Expires: 1/31--mention January Wingin' It
Contents copyrighted by GWRRA, Inc.