Featured Member
Reutlinger Community for Jewish Living (Danville, CA)

We are very proud to announce that our Featured Member for the month of August is the Reutlinger Community for Jewish Living.

To read the featured story, visit our website      
Please visit their website:  http://www.rcjl.org/ 

Innovation of Members for Members

The Be Fit Brain Gym at Charles E. Smith Life Communities

The word "gym" conjures up treadmills, weights, and aerobics classes. However, the new Be Fit Brain Gym, an extension of the Post-Acute Care Center at Charles E. Smith Life Communities, is, as its name implies, the opposite: it is a cognitive gym, designed to provide innovative memory programs for individuals who could benefit from specialized cognitive retraining and rehabilitation therapy. This gym is quiet.

Click here to read more 

Please send any articles about your innovations to rachel@ajas.org for consideration 

A big thank you to all of the AJAS communities who participated in Project Avodah! We have filled over 450 backpacks, exceeding our goal of 350 bags. The bags are now on their way to Beit Avraham and CEO Yaron Raz in Haifa, Israel. These bags of school supplies will be given to children at the beginning of the school year.

President & CEO Mark Garilli with residents of Tower One/Tower East

To see more photos of residents filling their bags, check out our Facebook page! 
Upcoming Events

Remedi SeniorCare CEU Session 


Click the photo for more information
and to register
Menorah Manor (St. Petersburg, FL):

Robert Goldstein Named Southwest Region Chair of LeadingAge Florida

Robert Goldstein has been named Southwest Region Chair of LeadingAge Florida. Goldstein is chief executive officer of Menorah Manor, a senior health care organization based in St. Petersburg, Florida. Goldstein has worked in the senior healthcare field for over 30 years, and has spent 18 of those years with Menorah Manor as the administrator and chief operating officer. Goldstein is also a board member of Florida Association of Homes for the Aging Health & Services Corporation.



Click here to read more 



Seashore Gardens (Galloway, NJ):

Seashore Gardens Opens Alzheimer's Sensory Trail & Healing Garden 

Seashore Gardens Living Center formally opened its Alzheimer's Sensory Trail & Healing Garden with a dedication ceremony and Open House Garden Tea Party on July 12, 2015.  The garden was made possible through generous donations from the community, and support from AtlantiCare and the Rutgers Master Gardeners of Atlantic County.


 The ribbon cutting ceremony featured a string of flowers and garden shears. Pictured (left to right) are Helene Hordes, SCLC Board Member Robert Hordes, SGLC Chairman of the Board Jason Goldstein and his son, Luke, Seashore Gardens Foundation President Richard Cohen, Steve Callender, General Manager Tropicana Atlantic City, Senator Jim Whelan, Judy Schlank, SGLC Executive Director Janice Cambron and SGLC CEO Marty Klein.



Click here to read more and see pictures 


Montefiore (Cleveland, OH):
The David and Freda Robinson Residence Opens at The Weils with Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony

The Weils, a Montefiore senior living community in Chagrin Falls, recently celebrated the opening of The David and Freda Robinson Residence, an assisted living memory care community. The Weils held a ribbon-cutting ceremony hosting more than 75 guests, including individuals and families who generously contributed gifts to fund the $4 million project. Jeffrey and Marti Davis, along with his mother Lois Davis, kindly donated the lead gift of $300,000 to name the new memory care pavilion after his grandparents.


Left to right:Christopher Horn, Bainbridge Township Trustee, Steven Willensky, chair, Montefiore Housing Corporation, Evan Lubline, The Weils administrator, Lauren Rock, Montefiore past president and CEO, Jeffrey Davis, chair, Montefiore Foundation, Seth Vilensky, Montefiore president and CEO and Larry Mack, Montefiore board chair.


Click here to read more

Jewish Home of Eastern Pennsylvania (Scranton, PA):
Leadership Transition: From Glassman to Kornblatt

After 3 years at the helm of the Jewish Home as its President and Chairman of the Board, Alan Glassman passed the gavel to Marshall Kornblatt. The transition to Kornblatt highlighted the first time in the Jewish Home's 99 year history that a resident of Luzerne County was elected to serve in the Home's highest position.  



 Alan Glassman transferring gavel to new President Marshall Kornblatt.



Click here to read more


Remedi SeniorCare
Survey Success: Focus on the Resident Rather Than the Regs


 Providing quality care and avoiding survey issues involves not only doing certain things but doing them in a timely manner. Few would argue that turning and repositioning a dependent resident is a valuable approach to preventing pressure ulcers. But if this intervention is performed just once a week rather than every few hours there is limited benefit to the resident and significant survey risk to the facility...So in the face of such ambiguity how do facilities achieve compliance and how do surveyors fairly judge the care delivered in nursing homes? 



 Click here to read more


Several new jobs have been posted recently on the AJAS careers page; visit 

Want to see your community's events and programs featured on the AJAS website?   
Send articles, events, videos and artwork to Rachel Stevens at rachel@ajas.org   

This month's e-update is sponsored by our friends and partners at:

Association of Jewish Aging Services
  2519 Connecticut Ave NW Washington, DC 20008 · 202-543-7500