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Welcome to my world of Stories of Passion and the Paranormal.


Check out what's new! And what's planned for 2015!


A word about my latest release. TOUCH ME is near and dear to my heart. I often dreamed of finding a matchmaker who could help me find my one true love. And I guess, I sort of did. Before the arrival of online dating (Yes, I'm that old!), there were dating newsletters delivered via snail mail. I joined one of those singles newsletters to start dating. It took me a while, but I finally found the right man. We've been married for twenty-three years now. I always say that was the best $30 I ever spent! But, boy, it would've been a lot easier if I could've gone to a matchmaker like the heroine in TOUCH ME and let her tell me his name.


Although TOUCH ME has been published once before, I have revamped and revised the book extensively, updating it as well as adding an epilogue. I hope you enjoy the new version.


Beverly Rae  


Beverly Rae -

Jane Jamison - 










About Touch Me ~


Sloan Janson's best friend gets married days after being matched by a so-called matchmaker. He's convinced his friend is the victim of a money-hungry con artist. He's ready to track down the matchmaker and expose her, but from the moment he meets her, he wants to expose her in a much more personal way.


Cally Matthews can tell a person their true love's name simply by touching them. Although helping people find each other is wonderful, matchmaking is both her gift and her curse. Then when Sloan Janson comes to her small Texas town, ready to discredit her, her special ability goes haywire.


Torn between regaining her ability and hoping for love, Cally must make an impossible decision. Will she make the choice? Or will she run?


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Excerpt Setup:


Sloan Janson's out to expose Cally Mathews as a fraud and a con artist. He's tracked her down and runs into her at the one gas station in her hometown of Lawson, Texas.


Excerpt Begins ~  


"By the way, a friend of mine wanted me to look up an acquaintance of his. Her name's Cally Mathews. Do you know her?"


Luke stopped short, causing Sloan to barely keep from bumping into the other's massive torso. Within seconds, good old boy Luke transformed into one menacing hulk. With one eye squinted shut, Luke moved his other eye slowly up and down, measuring every inch of Sloan.


Is this how a chicken feels when it knows it's about to get its neck wrung?


Between learning a new meaning for the word fishing and his sudden empathy for chickens, he'd eat a lot more red meat in the days to come.


"Everybody round here knows Miss Cally." Luke's inspection hardened and his tobacco-laden breath assaulted Sloan's nose, hurtling a gargantuan dose of secondhand stench straight into his nostrils. If he developed lung cancer later, he'd hold Luke responsible. "You say you're a friend of a friend?"


Sloan tried hard not to squirm before the older man's piercing gaze. Somehow he imagined Luke wouldn't appreciate his real reason for finding Cally. "Sort of. She matched my friend to a woman from here. Her name is, or was, Lisa Callow."


Relief flooded him when another transformation returned Luke's wide, yellow smile. He blew out pent-up air, letting the worry of getting his ass kicked seep from his body.


"Oh, sure. Lisa got hitched up with some city boy from Dallas. So he's your friend, huh?" At Sloan's nod, Luke continued, "Well, it won't take you long to find Miss Cally."


He chuckled and started his slow walk. "Hell, it wouldn't take long to find anyone in this little town. I 'spect if a person stood in one spot for a while, why, he'd most likely meet up with the person he's looking for in no time at all."


As if on cue, an early model red Honda Accord pulled beside the one gas pump. A trim brunette slipped out of the car, pulled the gas cap off, and started filling the tank. Coppery highlights glinted in the sun, catching and holding Sloan's attention.


He wasn't usually taken by the looks of a girl. At least not that fast. But the more he studied her, the more he liked what he saw. His investigative training kicked into gear, making assumptions based on her appearance.


Trim figure without being too toned. Keeps fit and eats right, but doesn't work out. Check.


Nice silky hair, but not teased and I'll bet it's all hers. None of those weird hair extensions things. Check.


Round butt. Not too small and not too big. Check.


Boobs are good and they look real. Check.


Dressed conservatively, yet still shows off her figure. Not a stripper. Check.


Maybe she's a secretary? Or the local school teacher? Does Lawson have its own school?

Yeah, she's hot.


What was she doing stuck in Lawson? Most girls who looked like her couldn't wait to move to a big city where the prospects for a husband were better.


Luke's smile grew warmer when he saw the young woman. "Miss Cally, you enjoying your summer vacation?"


Cally looked up from the pump and her heart-shaped face lit up in recognition. "Oh, hi, Mr. Dobbs. I'm relaxing, but I miss my students. And how are you and Lena? Are the kids-?"


As though she'd finally noticed Sloan, she stopped in mid-sentence, eyebrows jumping up, emphasizing the brilliant blue orbs beneath them. Her next words came haltingly out of her mouth, as though they traveled through water to reach his ears. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize you were with someone."


Sloan's gaze locked with hers and an electric shock ran through his body. Heat scorched through him, stunning his brain into inaction. She jumped when he did and he knew she'd felt a similar jolt. Transfixed, he stared into her startled eyes, unable and unwilling to let go of their tenuous hold.


He knew her. Yes, he definitely knew her.


Or was she someone he should know? Had he seen her somewhere before? Maybe in the news?


Puzzlement rippled through him, causing the words forming in his mind to jumble together. But how could he know her? If he'd met her before, he would've remembered.


Had he seen her photo somewhere? Had she come to the newspaper or had he run into her at a club? He didn't think so. Because, yeah, he would've remembered her.


Plus, he'd never visited Lawson before. Even more alarming was the knowledge that he wanted her, though not only in a sexual way-damn, how he'd love to lie between her legs, right now, right here-but in his gut, in his spirit. Rob's words came back to him.


"Until it happens to you, you just won't get it. Lisa and I were meant for each other. We're talking about fate. Destiny."


That was bullshit, but how could he explain his sudden and intense desire to be with Cally?


He willed his tongue to speak, fighting to ignore the odd sensations. He had to keep his thoughts trained on his goal. After a couple of failed attempts, he forced what he hoped was an affable expression on his face, and offered her his hand. "Hi. I'm Sloan Janson."


Without a sound, without an acknowledgement of any kind, Cally whipped around, pulled out the gas pump and slammed it into its holder before jumping into her car. Sloan stared after her as her car squealed out of the parking lot, leaving behind gas fumes and dust.


What just happened? He'd never gotten a reaction like that before. Then again, he'd never felt a reaction like the one he'd experienced.


Simultaneous emotions of nervousness, excitement, and elation rushed through him, socking him in the gut. Basking in the warmth continuing to course through his body, he turned to Luke, hoping for an explanation. But judging from the older man's expression, he couldn't expect much help.


Luke scratched his chin and frowned. "Well, ain't that something? I ain't never seen Miss Cally act so strange."


End of Excerpt


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What's Coming Up in 2015?




  They're hard as rocks, hotter than the Texas sun, and ready to step in whenever a good man is needed. In the saddle or in the bed, the Rock Hard Cowboys never let a woman down.



COWBOY HEARTS - Book 1 - Spring 2015

COWBOY UP - Book 2 - Spring 2015

COWBOY HARD - Book 3 - Spring 2015






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