A daily practice of some spiritual nature can keep your heart and mind open to possibility, even to miracles...
Practicing a Spiritual Discipline
Practicing a Spiritual Discipline
Practicing a Spiritual Discipline
A daily practice of some spiritual nature, such as meditation, can help you keep your heart and mind open to possibility, even to miracles, and give you support and encouragement when the daily trials of modern life threaten to overwhelm you.
Jim Morningstar in this excerpt from Life InWellness Series Class #11: Finding Meaning, shares how daily spiritual connection can transform a routine existence into an extraordinary adventure and exquisite fulfillment.  Click below for the complete class on Finding Meaning (48 min. for $9) or the 12 Class Life InWellness Series.   
Turning on Your Brilliance and Joy...
Turning on Your Brilliance and Joy with Therapeutic Breathwork
Turning on Your Brilliance and Joy with Therapeutic Breathwork
Jim Morningstar, PhD, introduces a comprehensive form of breathwork that integrates both fast and slow breathing techniques to balance the nervous system, sustain emotional equilibrium and mental clarity. It blends ancient techniques with modern research to deliver simple diverse tools for healing and growth - turning on your brilliance and joy!

September Breathwork Certification Training Modules
Register Today for September 15-18 Breathwork 
Certification Modules #6 - #9
*learn the specialized techniques developed by expert healers
*receive supervised experience and gain confidence as a practitioner
*integrate breathwork into your professional practice
         * gain certification as a Professional Breathworker
Movement and Touch in Breathwork  with Steve Moe
  Steve Moe
Breathworker Certification Training - Module 6    September 15, 2016 9 am - 5:30 pm
Effective use of body contact and movement to support deep healing.       Tuition: $160 
Shamanism and Breathwork  with Teri Nehring, MSE, and Tamarack Song
Breathworker Certification Training - Module 9    September 16, 2016 9 am - 5:30 pm
Shamanistic techniques to fully embrace your sacred self in breathwork.   Tuition: $160
Teri Nehring
Breathwork and Healing Trauma with Jim Morningstar, PhD
Breathwork Certification Training - Module 7      September 17, 2016 9 am - 5:30 pm
Latest neuroscience applications and trauma research integrated with breathwork.  Tuition $160
Sexuality and Ethics in Breathwork with Jim Morningstar, PhD and Steve Moe
Breathworker Certification Training - Module 8     September 18, 2016 9 am - 5:30 pm 
Boundaries and breakthroughs in healing with safety in breathwork.            Tuition $160

For more information on: Breathwork Training Modules or contact: Jim Morningstar 
Therapeutic breathwork has assisted professionals in a wide variety of the he
aling arts to facilitate their clients to:
  • Resolve chronic holding patterns in mind, body and spirit, 
  • Release emotional material stored within the cellular memory, 
  • Unravel relationship patterns that interfere with a sense of personal well-being, 
  • Experience self love in their bodies. 
Breathwork Modules Descriptions
Breathwork Modules Descriptions
These are all nonresidential day trainings held right at Transformations. Call or send in the registration to reserve a place in thetraining circle.  Open the doors to continued learning and growing with one of the most incisive healing modalities available today.
Training Venue and Accommodations
Transformations is located on a tree lined property in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.  Hotels and motels are nearby and provide a range of lodging choices.  A list of these are provided including contact information with registration or before hand upon request.  
The Transformations Breathworker Training Program is one of the longest standing breathworker training programs in the world. Our trainings are certified by the International Breathwork Training Alliance www.breathworkalliance.com
and approved for continuing education credits through NBCC and NAADAC.