Our reality conditions our wellbeing 24/7. Scientists are now confirming what healers and philosophers have taught for centuries: we have a dramatic influence on the reality in which we live....
How We Create Our Reality and Our Wellness...
How We Create Our Wellness
How We Create Our Wellness
Our reality conditions our wellbeing 24/7. Scientists are now confirming what healers and philosophers have taught for centuries: we have a dramatic influence on the reality in which we live. In this excerpt from LIWS #12 Transcending, Jim Morningstar, PhD, shares how How We Create Our Reality with our thoughts and behaviors. Learn ways to help make wellness affirming shifts that immediately enhance your life satisfaction and happiness. For the complete Transcending class (52 minutes for $9) or the 12 Class Life       InWellness Series:click on buttons. 

Therapeutic Breathwork Certification: August 11-14
Therapeutic Breathwork Certification
Therapeutic Breathwork Certification
Jim Morningstar, PhD, introduces a comprehensive form of breathwork that integrates both fast and slow breathing techniques to balance the nervous system, sustain emotional equilibrium and mental clarity. It blends ancient techniques with modern research to deliver simple diverse tools for healing and growth. Training is now available: Certification Training Modules August 11-14 and Sept. 16-19.

A Love & Wisdom Breath Intensive: 
August 21, 2016 - August 26, 2016
Immerse Yourself in the Energies of Master Breathwork Teachers

  Jessica Dibb      Jim Morningstar     Leonard Orr        Sondra Ray        Markus Ray
Experience the profound transformational impact, power, and wisdom of breathwork practices with four of today's top practitioners and visionaries: Rebirthing Breathwork with Leonard Orr, Liberation Breathwork® with Sondra Ray and Markus Ray, TherapeuticBreathwork™ Jim Morningstar,and Integrative Breathwork with Jessica Dibb. 
Leonard Orr with Jim Morningstar
Leonard Orr with 
 Jim Morningstar
Sondra Ray
Sondra Ray
 During the week you are guided on at least four significant breathwork journeys, and through individual talks and a panel discussion you learn how breathing practices can be used to relax, heal, regulate hormones and emotions, maximize human potential, access deep parts of your psyche and soul, and connect with the divine.
With more than 150 years of collective practice, these master teachers also share their insights on relationships, presence, intuition, body types, longevity, spiritual mastery, and more.


The site of our Intensive is Omega Institute, the nation's foremost educational retreat center. As a visitor to our Hudson Valley home, you join a long tradition of people who have made their way to this spectacular region known for its natural beauty, art, and cultural innovation.