Affirmations: Give Yourself a MentalMakeover: gives precise information on using one of the most powerful tools for changing your way of thinking to be more effective and satisfying. 

Affirmations: Give Yourself a Mental Makeover...
Affirmations: Giving Yourself a Mental Makeover
Affirmations: Give Yourself a 
 Mental Makeover precise information on using one of the most powerful tools for changing your way of thinking to be more effective and satisfying. Building on PEP Class #2: The Analysis Game in which subconscious "shadow" beliefs are uncovered, Jim Morningstar, PhD, gives the technique for transforming these negative beliefs into positive tools for your mental makeover.
We Become What We Think About
This is a very simple truth...and it is a lifelong process to master. I have taught and lived this for years and still have to monitor my mind daily to be aware of the influence of media programming and my own subconscious - the rewards are mind blowing and the alternatives deadening. jm
Personal Effectiveness Principles
with Jim Morningstar, PhD
Jim Morningstar, PhD, introduces PEP
Jim Morningstar, PhD, introduces PEP
The Personal Effectiveness Principles is a series of eight two hour classes enabling participants to gain 
clarity about their ability to maintain a healthy lifestyle and success in utilizing the resources of their world
Class members learn and practice:
>principles for thinking clearly, acting passionately and responsibly and obtaining fulfilling results in their unique way,
>how to help create an environment that will sustain ongoing positive life changes for themselves and others.