Jim Morningstar, PhD, introduces the healing of trauma...and identifies those most likely to be severely effected by the traumatic events we all experience at some time in our life.
Introduction to Breathwork and Healing Trauma
Intro to Breathwork and Healing Trauma
Intro to Breathwork and Healing Trauma
Jim Morningstar, PhD, introduces the healing of trauma with the use of breathwork and other incisive clinical techniques. He defines trauma, states likely causes and different categories of trauma as well as identifying those most likely to be severely effected by the traumatic events we all experience at some time in our life.
The Courage of Genuine Forgiveness...

Enlightenment joyWho is waiting for a hug from you that says 
you accept them and release all past hurts or fears in relationship to them? Both parties win when the offer is genuine. It might have to start with feeling it in your heart first and then communicating it non verbally until you are ready to share it directly without expectation of a specific response.
Breathwork and Healing Trauma: 
a new comprehensive experiential audio course 
by Jim Morningstar,PhD

The aim of this Breathwork Training Module is to elucidate the role that  trauma plays in our development on all levels and the importance of the use of breathwork in healing the effects of trauma, as well as to engage in exercises and learn techniques which can safely and effectively be employed when working with trauma in a healing session to assist in integrating clarity and passion into one's life.
Course topics include: 
Definition of Trauma
Causes of trauma
Specific symptoms
Biological nature of trauma and                  Mindfulness 
Breathwork and Healing Trauma
Thirteen tools to use in conjunction             with Breathork
Spirituality and Trauma Healing
Basic Treatment Principles
Compassion Fatigue

Jim Morningstar
Jim Morningstar
Jim Morningstar, PhD, is a clinical psychologist who has worked with healing trauma using therapeutic breathwork for 35 years and has compiled the latest research from the field of neurobiology and contemporary clinical practice into this 4 hour audio course, complete with interactive exercises and tested techniques.
This course is suitable for all who deal with healing trauma.