What do you get when you bring together the foremost practitioners, researchers and authors of breathwork in the world?
Truly a "Breathiest of Champions" October 18-23, 2015.

Breath Immersion 2015: From Science to Samadhi 

Oct. 18-23 at Kripalu Center

What do you get when you bring together the foremost practitioners, researchers and authors in the field of breathwork in the world? Truly a "Breathfest of Champions." Educational, experiential, inspirational and groundbreaking. This conference will advance your personal and professional healing and mastery skills at whatever level you are now. See the astounding lineup of faculty and presentations at the gorgeous Kripalu Center. Register now!

Breathing Life Into Mud by Jim Morningstar
Breathe with the Universe
Without our divine spirit we are simply a collection of molecules made up of a rather small sample of elements on our planet. The Bible suggests that human life was initiated by God's breathing life into mud. I see this as a symbol of the creative act that puts our spirit into our cells and makes them a living body. Our breath is both a symbol and a vehicle to life mastery. Read More...

Newly Revised and Updated...
Breathing in Light and Love: Your Call to Breath and Body Mastery
2015 eBook by Jim Morningstar, PhD 

It was 20 years ago that Breathing in Light and Love was first published. At that time it was approximately 20 years since I first experienced the technique of "rebirthing breathwork." So it is fitting after 40 years of intimacy with the breath, to update the evolution of this form of breathwork and my growth with it.
~Learn from a Pioneer and Master Practitioner
~Read the inspiring accounts of participants
~Discover your own breathwork
~Fit your breathing to your body type
~Breathwork and Your Call to Greatness
~Becoming a breathworker