Two types of breathing that can change your life...the first allows you to calm and nurture yourself throughout the day in dealing with the challenges of everyday existence.

Two types of breathing that can change your life...
Two Types of Breathing
Two Types of Breathing
the first allows you to calm and nurture yourself throughout the day in dealing with the challenges of everyday existence. I call this "maintenance breathing." The second type of breathing brings you back to being centered and resourceful when under high stress or even crisis. This is called "therapeutic breathwork." Both can be learned and practiced by anyone. 
To maintain your calmness and serenity...
Thick Nhat Hanh
slow your breath down to 5 to 6 breaths per minute. It will help greatly to be in a quiet environment and to focus simply on each inhale and exhale for 4 minutes. But even if you cannot do this, slowing your breath will help greatly. Research had shown conclusively that this reduces high blood pressure. Practice makes it easier and easier to initiate when you need it most.
Therapeutic Breathwork in Water - September 12
Lake view
Spend the day renewing your life. Wet breathwork takes us back to our first breath and the original aliveness that is our birthright. We will help clear physical, emotional and mental inhibitions to bring vitality and joy into your current life. Jim Morningstar, PhD, has been conducting wet breathwork sessions since the 1970's. The sumptuous setting on Lake Michigan provides the perfect environment for your new birth.