There is an ancient ceremony passed on to us that brings unity to all the diversity and opposition amongst the peoples of the earth...
There is a ceremony that brings unity...
Sacred pipe ceremony
Sacred pipe ceremony
to all the diversity and opposition amongst the peoples of the earth. The Native American sacred pipe commemorates the oneness of all inhabitants of this planet. Using the elements of nature, the power of the human spirit and the support of those who have gone before us, the pipe ceremony is a powerful initiation into traditions that speak to us on a soul level.


Enjoying what is and seeking adventure
We walk down the road of life with two legs, one that loves the perfection of what is in the present moment, the other beacons us to explore what is beyond. Fulfillment comes in finding the right balance for you, knowing that to proceed along the road requires the moments of unbalance it takes to move forward.  Jim Morningstar

Return to the Elements: BEING NURTURED BY NATURE

(A 3-DAY outdoors experience) 

Jeremy Youst and Jim Morningstar are your guides

August 27-29, 2015


 Is it time for you to take a break and reconnect with the  

deep healing elements of nature?

Northshore Devils Lake

Join us as we create a Sacred Circle and return to our essential nature - fire, water, earth and air will become our allies - through sacred pipe ceremony, medicine wheel teachings and a purfication sweat lodge we will blend the joy of being in nature with the individual paths of our spiritual growth.

The high energy of coming home to the safety of Mother Earth and the freedom of Father Sky shall uplift our hearts, bodies, minds and souls. We will expand our senses and nurture ourselves with grace, ease and pleasure - a total renewal for the body, mind and spirit.


Location: Broadwing Breath Center, Spofford, NH

Program runs 9 am Thursday - 6 pm Saturday


To register contact Jeremy: 603-363-4331