Tap into the healing and renewing energies of Nature wherever you are with these simple practices...
Inipi - The Rite of Purification
Native American Sweat Lodge
Native American Sweat Lodge
The Lakota term for sweat lodge is 

Inipi which means 'to live again'. Inipi is a purification rite and is necessary in order to help the vision quest seeker enter into a state of humility and to undergo a kind of spiritual rebirth.The sweat lodge is central to Inipi. Prayers offered there draw on all the powers of the universe - Earth, Water, Fire and Air. In the old days, Inipi was done before any major undertaking to purify the body and gain strength and power.

Connect with Nature every day
Jim and tree
Summer is a time to revel in the fruits of life.
We take vacations to slow down our minds and refresh our spirits. It is not necessary to travel great distances to return to our core, however. Nature provides us with a direct link to our roots. I take time each day just to touch a tree and thank the spirit of life for the abundance that surrounds me wherever I am. Jim Morningstar

Return to the Elements: BEING NURTURED BY NATURE

(A 3-DAY outdoors experience) 

Jeremy Youst and Jim Morningstar are your guides

August 27-29, 2015


 Is it time for you to take a break and reconnect with the  

deep healing elements of nature?

RTE Spofford, NH

Join us as we create a Sacred Circle and return to our essential nature - fire, water, earth and air will become our allies - through ceremony, medicine wheel teachings and a purfication sweat lodge we will blend the joy of being in nature with the individual paths of our spiritual growth.

The high energy of coming home to the safety of Mother Earth and the freedom of Father Sky shall uplift our hearts, bodies, minds and souls. We will expand our senses and nurture ourselves with grace, ease and pleasure - a total renewal for the body, mind and spirit.


Location: Broadwing Breath Center, Spofford, NH

Program runs 9 am Thursday - 6 pm Saturday


To register contact Jeremy: 603-363-4331 jeremy@powerofbreath.com