The Pelvic Rock exercise relieves lower back pain and creates a pleasurable and relaxing flow of energy between the upper and lower body..
The Pelvic Rock exercise relieves lower back pain...
The Pelvic Rock exercise from the Body Aliveness Series
The Pelvic Rock exercise from the Body Aliveness Series
... and creates a pleasurable and relaxing flow of energy between the upper and lower body. It also unblocks stuck places in the pelvic area and generates an sense of well being, wholeness and joy. Jim Morningstar, PhD, demonstrates this simple exercise that anyone can do. It is one of dozens of energizing exercises in the Body Aliveness Series
I heard it said we are "Spiritual Beings having...
woman talking to mirror
Listen to your body.

... a physical experience." It struck me that my spirit did not connect well with my body; did not perceive the value of being in flesh; did not love this part of myself. My mind had over-ruled, ignoring cries from my body that it was in pain. In working with Jim Morningstar's Body Aliveness Series, I learned that we cannot separate our parts, they are partners. I discovered that the pain my body was screaming about had emotional and spiritual roots, and I learned to reunite the pieces, love myself and have more joy and fun in my life. 


As a Breathworker, the information and class experience enabled me to identify my clients' issues more readily; facilitate their process more quickly and lovingly. 


For personal healing work, I jumped into this material as if it was the only life-vest, and my little boat was sinking. Traumas may evolve in a second, or develop slowly; healing keeping a similar time schedule. The Body Aliveness Series was great then and now, more than 20 years later, I am still reaping benefits from this work.


B Gayle Dailey, nurse, artist, breathworker 


Summer Savings - $100 on Body Aliveness Series 
till July 31, 2015
Bioenergetic exercise
This is Jim Morningstar's signature course in the School of Integrative Psychology. 18 classes with audio and video recordings of life enhancing exercises.   You Will Learn:

*To identify body types and their profound influence on yourself and others

*To expand your range of expression and ability to respond to life in creative, integrated and resourceful ways 

*To identify breathing patterns in yourself and others and facilitate release of restrictions 

*To use your body as a vehicle for mental, emotional and spiritual awareness 

*To apply the skills of body energy reading and releasing to your life work