Two free breathing exercises give you the basics of what I call "maintenance breathing" and "Therapeutic Breathwork."
Two Vital Breathing Exercises for You
Life InWellness Series #2: Breathing
Life InWellness Series #2: Breathing
These two free breathing exercises give you the basics of what I call "maintenance breathing" and "Therapeutic Breathwork."
The first exercise helps you return to calm and ease in your daily life and is consonant with coherent and mindfulness breathing. The second exercise introduces you to a technique to help healing and emotional release as well as increasing your energy level and creative potential. Enjoy!
Breathing to bring harmony into your relationship...
Breathe with the Universe
A simple way to help breathe peace and love into your connection with another: as you inhale imagine you bring a ball of light energy from the base of your spine up your back to the top of your head; as you exhale imagine bringing that ball of energy down the back of your partner's body and then returning to the base of your spine. Continue breathing up your back and down their back feeling safe, protected and nurtured in your relationship. 
Join Us for a Soul Vacation - Learn to Breathe Free
   Join us this August 3-7 at Cedar Valley In Wisconsin for  a true body and soul renewal. Learn to  breathe fully and freely for personal  transformation and professional  enhancement. Take the first breath of your new life.