New York State Society of Enrolled Agents                    May 2013
Corrected Version:   
NYSSEA Conference is October 26-28, 2013
In This Issue
NYSSEA Statistics
NYSSEA goes to Vegas!
Welcome NEW Members
President's Message
2013 Annual Conference
NYSSEA is #1
NYSSEA Awards and Scholarship
New NAEA President Installed
NAEA APEX Meeting Notes

NAEA Annual Conference
August 4-6, 2013
Las Vegas, NV

NYSSEA Statistics *

2000-01:  467
as of 5/1/2013:  704

NYSSEA is the 3rd largest NAEA Affiliate.

EAs in NY:  3022

PTINS in NY:  48264

*  Information provided by NAEA
Going to the NAEA Annual Conference or NTPI?
Cosmo Hotel Vegas 2013
Visit the NYSSEA Contingent on Facebook to plan and connect !

* Facebook account required

Welcome to new NYSSEA members. This list was obtained from NAEA and includes new members who joined between May 1, 2012 through April 30, 2013

Diakte S. Aboubacar, EA
Louise Bakewell, EA
Parastoo Banisaeid, EA
Andres Belisario, EA
Arthur A. Belli, Jr,  *
Brian T. Benvenuto, EA
Stephanie Blake  *
Thomas E. Bridgeman, EA
Quanda M. Butler, EA
Lisa L. Cancellarich, EA
Wai Cheung, EA
Khalid W. Choudhary, EA
Daniel Louis Coccia, EA
David John Cogliano, EA
Vincent Cuccia, EA
Di Xin Dai  *
Mercilee B. Dixon, EA

Nicholas A. Elacqua, EA
Roger  Eller, MBA, EA, ChFC
Gilbert Ellis, EA
Kathleen Ferguson  *
Valama Foday, EA
Venkataramanaiah Gaddam, EA
Ileen B. Gold, EA

Leo Gordon, EA
Lazer Gottesman, EA
Gurinderpal S. Grewal, EA
John J. Haid  *
Carolyn M. Hallisey, EA
Nichole Heid, EA
Emilia G. Ivanova, EA

Samuel Jeremiah, EA
Elaine Johnson, EA
Parviz S. Kazi  *
Edward Kishore, EA

Toshio Kotake, EA
Michael G. Kramer, EA
Elida Laho, EA
Peter M. Lev, EA
Steven John Litteer, EA

Sharon L. Manna, EA
Richard William Micewicz, EA
Rachel Millios, EA, MBA
Issaka Mintoumba, EA
Michelle Moglia, EA
John A. Mower, EA
Panagiota Neophytou, EA
Michael P. Novick, EA, Esq
Maribel C. Nunez, EA
Adrian N. Ollivierre, EA
Daniel O'Shea, EA
Yen How Ou  *
Christopher A Pagluica, EA
Ernestine Patterson, EA
James Neal Plummer, EA
Michael F. Porcari, EA

IJ Radzinsky, EA
Eldar Rakhamimov, EA
Felipe A Rodriguez, EA
Carlos A. Ruiz, EA
Brian Sales, EA
Lisa A Sawdey, EA, CFE
Michael J. Schultz, EA
Sue Sheh, EA
Lee Slater, EA, CFP, MBA
Paul Sorokin, EA
Angel Soto, EA
William C. Sperounis, III, EA
Daniel Suh, EA
Chun Lam Tam, EA
Pedro F Then, EA
Peter Thomann, EA, CFP
Richard Torres, EA

Shinobu Uemoto, CPA, EA, CGMA
Michael L. Walrath, EA
Josephine Wan, EA
Thomas P Whitmore, EA
Donovan A Williams, EA
Kevin Michael Yochum, EA
Brian Zuniga, EA
   *  = Associate Member


Now that you have had a little time to relax after a most unusual tax-filing season, I would like to share with you what is going on with NYSSEA.  A copy of this Newsletter will also be available on the NYSSEA web site.
Message from the NYSSEA President

Congratulations on surviving yet another tax season, especially this one.  A season plagued with software problems, late approval of forms by the IRS and, of course, a last minute fix by Congress.  But EA's are professionals and survive it we did.  So put your right hand over your left shoulder and pat yourself on the back.


While we were busy working on tax returns the world continued to function.  Audit and collection letters went out and representation issues continued to emerge.  Amazingly while we toiled away, NAEA continued to work for us.   NTPI level 2 was rescheduled to May to accommodate all of our members who had registered in the Fall only to have the class canceled by Hurricane Sandy.


On the NYSSEA front, our conference planning is moving right along with a strong program to be offered at the Villa Roma Resort in October.   We have continued the effort started by Judy Strauss last year to make NYSSEA and enrolled agents a force to be considered in tax administration at DTF. 


The Loving decision has not changed our requirement for continuing education and I urge you to consider not only the topics recognized by the IRS but to go beyond that and improve your practice management and, of course, be as knowledgeable as you can be about NYS issues.


Your society needs your input to become a stronger, more responsive group.  We do have plenty of comments on the Google Group.  What I would like to see is more of you stepping up to serve on the chapter or committee level.  From there we can recruit strong leaders for both NYSSEA and NAEA leadership. Please contact me at if you are ready to help our organization move forward.  I would be happy to discuss the various opportunities we have for involvement.


I am proud to say, although NYSSEA is only the third largest state affiliate with a little under 700 members, we were the largest contributors to the NAEA PAC both in number of contributors and total dollars. (see related article)  Thank you one and all.  I hope this year we can surpass last year.  The PAC is vital to our success in representing the interests of EA's in front of Congress and the IRS.  This year Congress is promising a major overhaul of the IRC.  If it comes to pass, it will be the most comprehensive tax legislation since 1986.  A separate issue very important to us is the codification of the EA credential.  After what has just happened with the Loving case, wouldn't it be nice to have our name finally part of the code? 


We have a lot to be done between now and next tax season.  I will be visiting as many chapters as I am able.  I have just returned from Western and hope to go to Nassau/Suffolk and Metro in the near future.  So, look for me on the road and enjoy the summer.


Donald Rosenberg, EA




2013 NYSSEA Annual Conference
October 26-28, 2013 ~  Don't Miss It!

The NYSSEA Board of Directors would like to invite you (and your family) to our NYSSEA Annual Conference.  This year we are particularly excited because we have secured a new conference venue that offers recreational and entertainment opportunities for the entire family!

The Villa Roma Resort and Conference Center in located in Callicoon, NY, in the Catskill Mountain region.  Click here to go to the Villa Roma web site and see all they have to offer.

The Education Committee has planned more than 15 hours of IRS Approved CE over the weekend.  Session topics include: Basis, EIC, Health Care, Ethics, Collections, 1099A and 1099C, as well as an update from the IRS and NYS Department of Taxation.

Look for the complete Call the Conference and Registration Information to come is an e-blast in early July. This information will also be available on the NYSSEA web site.

NYSSEA - #1 in NAEA PAC Contributions
Shortly after the NAEA PAC year ended (March 31, 2013), NYSSEA was notified that not only did we have the highest number of contributors, but our total amount of contributions was also the greatest among all states participating. 

Sixty-seven (67) NYSSEA members contributed a total of $9080 during the 2012-2013 NAEA PAC campaign.

NAEA PAC is a political action committee that helps elect congressional candidates who support the goals of NAEA.

NYSSEA Members who contributed during this annual campaign include:  (listed alphabetically)*
 Jean Bak  David Grosdorf Nancy Poz
 Francine Bauer Carolyn Hallisey Allen Quinlan
 Cosimo Borzumate Roel Iway Brenda Quinn
 Sara Brandston Juda Kallus James Racaniello
 Margaret Brown Richard Kearney Michael Ripa
 Cecil Buxo William Keats
 John Roland 
 Salvatore Candela Debra Kravitz Donald Rosenberg
 Mark Cascino Phyllis Jo Kubey Gertrude Schweiger
 Gino Comparetto Ann Kummer John Sheeley
 Dianne Corsbie Doris Laffey Elina Shusterman
 Henry Coryat, Jr Michael Lawrence Anita Siew
 Frank Degen Douglas Lee Daiva Silbajoris
 Sharry Doyle David Locker David Silverman
 Michele Eaton Barbara MacDonald Henry Silvester
 Suzanne Ferrigno Sylvio Manasse Joseph Sollano
 Jeff Gentner Kimberly Manrow Marilyn Stefans
 JoAnne Giancalone Sandra Martin Judy Strauss
 Don Gilbert Karen McCrain Linda Tavolaro
 Evan Golar Vicki McGinn Melvin Wolfson
 Laura Golar Matt Meachem Ann Wongsing
 Walter Gowens Amilcar Mejia Wilbur Wright
 Gary Grab Patrick O'Hara 
 Henry Grabkowitz Jacqueline Payne 
* NOTE:  The names above appear exactly as they were reported by NAEA.  Sorry for any misspellings.
Let's top this for the 2013-2014 NAEA PAC year. For more NAEA PAC information and to make a contribution, click here to go to the NAEA web site (you will need to log in).
NYSSEA Award Nominations Sought

Each year, NYSSEA recognizes the achievements of its members and volunteers through its awards program.The Awards Committee would like you to nominate individuals who have demonstrated their commitment to improving our profession and our society. Details and information can be found on the NYSSEA web site or by clicking on the links below. Awards are presented each year at the NYSSEA Annual Conference.

Founders Award 
Nomination Criteria and Details available by clicking here.

Robert Nadel Above and Beyond Award
Nomination Criteria and Details available by clicking here.

Excellence in Public Awareness Award
Nomination Criteria and Details available by clicking here.

Deadline for Award Nominations is September 15, 2013.

Additional information and a list of previous award winners can be found by clicking here.

NYSSEA Scholarship 
Application and related information available by clicking here.

Deadline for Scholarship Applications is June 15, 2013.



NAEA Installs New President - May 10, 2013
NAEA President Betsey
One of the highlights of the May NAEA Events was the installation of the 2013-2014 President, Betsey Buckingham, EA. Betsey succeeds fellow NYSSEA member Frank Degen, EA, USTCP. Betsey and Frank are pictured here with Bob Kerr, NAEA Senior Director of Government Relations and Carol Campbell, IRS Director of the Return Preparer Office, who was the guest speaker at the Installation Banquet. Sandra Martin, EA , former NAEA President was on hand to do the installation of officers and gave a detailed account of Betsey's journey as an EA.

Other photos - 
courtesy of NAEA
Sandra Martin, EA (NY) installs Betsey Buckingham, EA as NAEA President for 2013-2014

How many NYSSEA members do you see in this photo
of the NAEA Board?

Highlights from the NAEA Affiliate Presidents Exchange Meetings in DC - May 9 - 10, 2013

I had the opportunity to attend an engaging two-day exchange with many other Affiliate leaders while attending the NAEA Fly-In Board Meeting and Installation Banquet. It was interesting to hear about how other Affiliates function and how they deal with challenges we all seem to be facing. Click here to read/download my summary report from these meetings.

Gigi Thompson Jarvis, CAE - NAEA Senior Director, Communications and Marketing gave us a wonderful Public Awareness guide for affiliates.  Click here to read/download.

Jeffrey R. Gentner, EA, 
Executive Director, NYSSEA