2011 New Logo from NAEA
December 2012
nyssea.org has a new look!

In June 2012, the NYSSEA Board approved a complete makeover of our web site.  After almost 5 months of working with a professional web designer, the updated nyssea.org web site is finally up and running.  Check it out!

A few features you should notice:
  1. Along the very top of the MAIN PAGE, notice a Contact link.  There are three ways to contact me with site or other society issues.  NYSSEA has a new phone number.  You can email me using a new email address specifically set up for NYSSEA purposes or you can simple complete the Contact Us form directly on the web site.  In all cases, my goal is to get back to you within 48 hours, most likely sooner. Notice, too, that at the bottom of each screen/page there is a Quick Contact area.
  2. The 2012-2013 Board of Directors page now includes current photos, finally putting a face to the name for our members.  Many Chapters have also opted for photos.  If you are a Board or Chapter Officer and you have a current professional digital image available, please email it to me if you want to include your photo on the web site.
  3. Notice that the gray HOME or MENU BAR drops down so that you can easily navigate the site. Each Chapter has its own page. 
  4. There are now 2 calendars to reference, one for NYSSEA state events and one for the events and meetings of the seven Chapters.  It is the responsibility of the Chapters to keep me informed of meetings so they can be timely posted.
  5.  Along to top right of the Home page, you will see buttons for both Find an EA and our acclaimed Google Group.
  6. We now have a NYSSEA Blog - notice the button at the end of the gray MENU bar.  See the article below on Member Communication for details.
  7. You can now easily share the NYSSEA web site on Facebook and Twitter.  Look for the icons near the top right of each page.
  8. Familiar with RSS?  If so, and you using a RSS Reader, you will enjoy this feature. See the article below on RSS in Simple Terms for details and further explanation, if interested.

A good web site is a constant work in progress and there are still some areas that I wish to improve and will keep working to make it the best it can be.  My goal is to make this site a comprehensive, user-friendly communication tool for our membership.  I appreciate your support, input and suggestions.

Enjoy!  Have a Happy Holiday Season!
Jeff Gentner, EA
Executive Director
Blog IconMember Communication  


Your Society, NYSSEA, recognizes that its members are all busy professionals.  On one hand, you would like as few communications as possible.  On the other hand, as tax professionals, you need to be aware of changes to rules and regulations affecting your practice as soon as possible.


We are proud to announce the addition of the NYSSEA Blog to our web site.  The primary idea behind the blog is to provide you with a place to read about changes promulgated by the IRS and NY State which are important, but not urgent.  The blog will be updated as frequently as necessary, maybe several times a day, maybe not for a week or more.  The idea is that this is an "opt-in" type of information sharing - we can update it as frequently as items come in, without the concern that we are "cluttering" your inbox. 


We will automatically add content which comes from the New York State Tax Department's list serves, and the various IRS list serves.  As you become aware of other important information related to taxes, please forward it to me, Jeff Gentner, EA, at jgentner@nyssea.org.  Please try not to forward copyrighted content, as we really can't repost it.


The blog will be a one-way message system.  In order to keep it clean and eliminate the need for a moderator, members cannot post directly to the blog at this time.


Tax questions should continue to be posted to the NYSSEA Tax Questions Google Group.  This highly-regarded communication tool has become widely used by our membership.


Urgent tax information will continue to be e-mailed to you through Constant Contact as an "e-blast".


Please keep in mind that due to the federal "CAN-SPAM" law, if you choose to unsubscribe from Constant Contact, the Society can no longer e-mail you.



RSS RSS in Simple Terms

RSS stands for several things, the most widely accepted being Really Simple Syndication. With RSS, you can subscribe to your favorite blogs and websites and when that site is updated, a headline or summary is sent to your reader. (More about readers in a moment.) How do you subscribe? It is as simple as a click away. Most blogs and web sites make it very easy for you to subscribe to their RSS feed by having the icon in a prominent place on their site. You will see a little orange icon that is the standard symbol for RSS.  To subscribe to that blog or web site, just click on the RSS icon. Then, when that blog has a new post or that website has new content, you will be notified via your reader.
Want more on RSS and how it works?  Watch this short video - click here.
Need a Reader?   The reader is the mailbox for your subscriptions. One of the most widely-used readers is Google Reader.  If you are involved in the NYSSEA Google Group or have gmail, then you already have an official "Google Account" and adding Google Reader to your account is simple.  Watch this short video to get started with Google Reader - click here.  After you get a reader, check it daily and you will see the updates of your favorite sites. This is much easier than running all over the Internet checking for new content.