Summer 2013
Vol 5, Issue 3

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Left:  ALY '14 newbies get a tour of Federal Way with Deputy Police Chief Andy Hwang, AL Board Director & AL '00 grad.
Does sunny weather bring out the best in us?  If you look at all the amazing work our board and alumni volunteers have been doing for Advancing Leadership this summer, you might think so.

ALY interns have been busy in the office prepping materials, updating supplies and managing data; both AL and ALY alums have been working with board members to plan ambitious program days for our incoming classes, research service project needs in our community, and of course, put together our 3rd annual Evening with The Stars dinner and auction.

I am always in awe of the number of alumni who model the way as servant leaders ever day, all over Federal Way and beyond. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Teri Hickel

Executive Director 

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AL Alumni Invite YOU to Evening with The Stars!

AL eve with stars Come as you are, and bring your appetite - tickets for Advancing Leadership's 2013 Evening with The Stars dinner and auction are on sale now!


Join us Saturday, October 5th, 6 - 8:30 pm, at the Federal Way Community Center for a night of fun, food, friends and yes, fundraising.  We'll be whipping up a hearty spaghetti dinner with all of the fixings, served to your table by our celebrity waiters!  Will the mayor serve your salad? Will the chief of police refill your drink?  Who will bring your bread basket - the judge, the fire commissioner, the school board director, or the senator?  Buy your tickets and we guarantee superstar service.  New this year: a no-host bar!


Priority seating will go to event and table sponsors, so consider this high profile event as an opportunity to have fun and promote your business.  AL alumni can split the cost of a table and enjoy a class reunion while paying it forward for future participants.  Sponsorships are $250 per table, $500 for Supporting Level and $1500 for Premiere Level.  Individual tickets are $25 each.


If you can't sponsor this year, consider donating an auction item or simply making a donation that fits your budget.  Evening with The Stars is our only fundraising event of the year, and all proceeds go toward our AL and ALY leadership development programs.  Your donations allow us to offer award-winning training that has immediate and long-term impact on every sector of our community.  This includes making AL and ALY accessible to all, including a scholarship program for adult applicants in need and no-cost programs for high school students.


Visit for event and sponsorship info, registration and auction donations, or contact us at  We'll see you there!

Nominate an AL Alum for Our Leadership Award
Bob Wroblewski with 2012 award winner Rose Ehl, AL '03

Nominations are now being accepted for the 2013 Bob Wroblewski Servant Leadership Alumni Award (BWSLAA).  Named for Advancing Leadership founder and longest serving board member Bob Wroblewski, this annual award recognizes an AL alumnus who has demonstrated "transformational" servant leadership in his or her community.



Only Advancing Leadership alumni and board directors (past or present) may submit a nomination; only graduates of the AL adult program are eligible to receive the BWSLAA.  The deadline to submit your nomination for this year's award is Friday, September 20th.


The nominees will be presented and the winner announced at the 2013 Evening with The Stars dinner and auction on Saturday, Oct. 5th (see details above).  Don't wait!  Nominate an outstanding AL servant leader now.
ALY Alumni Model The Way in Federal Way
ALY alums Chrissy Hart, Eugene Lee, Tyler Rivera (with friend Louisa Johnson)

Chrissy Hart, ALY '10, Eugene Lee and Tyler Rivera, both ALY '11, are spending their college break helping kids and teens in their hometown as part of a free summer lunch program.  Organized by the Multi-Service Center (MSC), Federal Way Communities in Schools (FWCIS), Federal Way Public Schools and the City of Federal Way, as part of United Way King County's Million Meals Campaign  and with support from the Des Moines Food Bank, the program provides free lunch and snacks to over 200 children and teens at six locations in Federal Way.


Each day, Chrissy, Eugene and Tyler, along with fellow student volunteer Louisa Johnson, track attendance, distribute meals and lead enrichment activities, including games, arts and crafts, and reading with kids.  "They have also been doing lots of outreach to make sure as many people as possible know about the program," explains MSC's Food and Clothing Bank Director Terri Turner, who coordinates the Federal Way program.


"It is fantastic to see our experiences in ALY come full swing as we work at the MSC, see our (ALY class) pictures up on the walls as we put into action the very skills that we developed in ALY," Tyler told us.  "During training we actually played a version of the Tinker Toys game from government day at the recommendation and guidance of Chrissy and I!"


This is MSC's first experience with a summer meals program, and with the size and scope of coordination involved, Ms. Turner admits that she wasn't sure what to expect.  The ALY alums have been a big part of making this first time effort a big success.  "They are the backbone of our program. They were enthusiastic about the program and every day had great things to say about the kids and the work."  Between their help and United Way's support, she says the summer has been "a blast!"


Tyler encourages the Advancing Leadership community to consider supporting this program by donating to or volunteering with MSC, CIS or United Way. He and his fellow ALY alums will be headed back to college soon, and they carry their leadership training with them.  "I am still so grateful for the experiences that we shared in ALY and I miss it a lot."

AL Board of Directors Take The Leadership Challenge
Bill Braswell
Judge Dave Larson
Join us in welcoming our newest board directors, Bill Braswell, Franciscan Health Systems and Judge Dave Larson, Federal Way Municipal Court.  Both Bill and Dave are Federal Way residents and long-time community leaders with strong ties to our programs.
Advancing Leadership's Board of Directors are charged with fulfilling all five "Practices of Exemplary Leadership" outlined in our guiding text, The Leadership Challenge. We have an all-volunteer, active working board.  That means that in addition to governance, our board directors are involved in every aspect of our program, participating in curriculum design, fundraising, community outreach,instruction and facilitation, and mentorship.  We ask a lot of our board, and they never fail to amaze us!
John Carnahan
That said, we want to recognize the incredible contributions of our outgoing board director John Carnahan, Starbucks.  John is also a Federal Way resident, and brought a wealth of knowledge in strategic thinking, program and leadership development and project management to his role with AL.  He advised us on developing community partnerships, and helped forge a relationship with ALY and Starbucks, setting the stage for our youth participants to receive training and support on their team projects from Starbucks professionals. John, thank you!
ALY 2.0 - Diving Deeper Into Leadership
ALY 2.0 Jenessa Ho, Adam Anthony, Chris Kim, Devan Williams plan a program day
Summer break?  Not for Advancing Leadership Youth!  The graduates of ALY '13 were back in June and August for their first sessions of ALY 2.0 - our second year program to prepare teens for the transition from high school to college/career. ALY 2.0 is for ALY alumni still in high school, and takes them from the broader view of servant leadership and community involvement to mapping personal goals and finding your unique place as a young leader in the adult world.

ALY 2.0 participants enjoy lots of personal interaction with community leaders, in-depth discussions and activities, and tips and tools to use throughout their lives.  However, these students ARE trained leaders, and we make sure they put their skills to use!  During their ALY 2.0 year, these teens serve as the student advisory council for the superintendent of Federal Way Public Schools, meeting with him to discuss and advise on key issues and decisions being made in the district.  In addition, they plan and facilitate all of the program days for the incoming ALY first year class, and are called on throughout the year to volunteer for other important work.  This year, ALY 2.0 students are filming all of the project proposals for the AL and ALY '14 classes.  Look for amazing work from these seasoned leaders this year.

Enabling Others to Act: Funding Partners & In-Kind Supporters

We are happy to introduce two new ALY 2.0 funding partners for the 2013-14 program year: Umpqua Bank and the Franciscan Foundation.  
Umpqua Bank logo Umpqua Bank, contributing at the $2500 Silver level, has been partnering with Advancing Leadership Youth since 2010, in the form of program sponsorship, table sponsorship at our Evening with The Stars event, and in-kind visits from the Umpqua ice cream truck at ALY events.  In addition, Umpqua Senior Vice President Jim Storvick serves on our Board of Directors, and several Umpqua employees have participated in the AL adult program and continue to volunteer with us.
Franciscan Foundation is a new partner for Advancing Leadership, contributing a grant of $5000; but as a part of the Franciscan Health System, our ties are strong as well.  St. Francis Hospital has been a partner since 2005, and regularly donates in-kind meeting space for our classes.  Many employees of St. Francis and several other Franciscan programs are graduates of the AL adult program, have served on our board and volunteered in our programs, and ALY 2013's team project was a collaboration with FHS Youth Violence Prevention Initiative.  St. Francis Hospital CEO Tony McLean has already met with ALY 2.0 as a key speaker and mentor.
In addition to financial support, Advancing Leadership counts on valuable in-kind donations from community partners to keep our programs viable and impactful.  Two such supporters are Grace Church Federal Way and the Federal Way Farmers' Market. 
Grace Church has been involved in our success from the beginning.  Pastor Mike McIntosh was a program founder and stayed actively involved until his death; he is the namesake of our scholarship fund for men and women needing tuition assistance to participate in the AL adult program.  Mike's son Jon, who now pastors Grace Church, is a graduate of the very first AL class, a current board member, and regular speaker and facilitator for all of our programs, and many other Grace Church staffers are AL alumni and active volunteers.  Grace Church provides in-kind meeting space for our graduation events, and some planning and program days; AV equipment and staff for classes and special events; and all of the food and food preparation - feeding hundreds of people - for our Evening with The Stars dinner and auction.
This May, the Federal Way Farmers' Market hosted AL 2013's team project: the Break the Chains fun run to raise funds and awareness to fight human trafficking in our region.  The Federal Way Farmers' Market, inspired by co-founder Rose Ehl's participation in AL '05, donated space, supplies and event promotion valued at over $1000, resulting in a turnout of several hundred runners, walkers, cyclists and donors.
Our partners are the backbone of Advancing Leadership, and a testament to the power of collaboration.  We look forward to a year of amazing service together.
Ready to Challenge The Process: ALY '14 Begins
They're off and running!  Welcome the incoming Advancing Leadership Youth Class of 2014: 

Emmett Butler, Emily Huynh, Alyssa Leon-Guerrero, Tyler Lum, Mary Lou Paule, Nadia Shibly from Decatur HS; James Black, Jack Bull, Aminata Dolo, Jenesis Garcia, Mohit Sharma, Carolynn Tiweyang from Federal Way HS;Lizette Carpenter, Nahom Yonas from Federal Way Public Academy; Emily Storvick from Fife HS; Cassie Neu from Internet Academy; Justin Kim, Allen Lunde, Lorres Kwan, Autumn Miller, Blake Null, Joseph Park from Thomas Jefferson HS; Carlos Castro, Lily Do, Daisja Flavors, Christina Marshall, Maddie Rogers, Laura  Taitano from Todd Beamer HS, Dinh Chung, Kevin Villalobos-Gomez from Career Academy at Truman.

AL & ALY Alumni in the News

Don't miss any of the latest updates on your fellow alums: join the AL/ALY Linkedin Group, an exclusive benefit for participants, alums, parents of ALY alums and current/former board members.

Julia Kim, Douglas Smith and Maddie Weinman, all ALY '13, have spent this summer as Advancing Leadership student interns!  Between the three of them, they have contributed dozens of hours preparing materials for the incoming classes, managing the online database, cleaning and organizing 15 years worth of records in the AL 'vault' and supporting the orientation days for ALY '14.  Big thanks for your volunteer work behind the scenes - we couldn't have done it without you!


Angela Griffin, AL '09, is the new president of the Washington State Child Care Aware Board of Trustees, directing public policy efforts to ensure high quality childcare in our state. She will complete the Leadership WSSDA this November, just in time to run for the Puget Sound Educational Service District (PSESD) board of directors.  Angela is also joining our volunteer leadership as co-facilitator of the ALY '14 team project, along with Morgan Griffith, AL '11.


William Barcelona and Peter Sakowicz, both ALY '12, put their creative skills to use for us by producing the "project pitch" videos for AL and ALY 2014 this summer.  Each video presents areas of need (eight total - four for AL, four for ALY) in our city and "pitches" the benefits of addressing them with the class project.  The classes must choose - unanimously- one area for their project focus.  The videos involve extensive research, interviews, and video production.


Kelly Maloney, AL '08, is running for Federal Way City Council on the November 2013 ballot.  Kelly was appointed to her current council position in January of this year, and is seeking election to continue as a councilmember.  You can learn more about her campaign at


Lisa Skari, EdD, AL '04, has been appointed to the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) Commission on Alumni Relations.  CASE is an international professional association of educational institutions.


Amy Johnson, AL '08, is co-authoring a book for the United Church of Christ about social justice, aimed at parents and faith formation leaders.  The book will be published this fall.  Stay tuned for title and availability!


Teniel Sabin, AL '09, has joined the Children's Therapy Center in Burien as their family resources coordinator.


Brook Lindquist, AL '11, has passed her State Boards for Nursing Assistant Certified (NAC). One step closer to nursing school - a true servant leadership job.


Advancing Leadership is proud of our corporate partners:
     FWPS logo horiz   Weyerhaueser logo                           St. Francis Hospital       Multi-Service Center               FW Rotary                             Umpqua Bank logo