Nov. 13, 2015
Principal's Message
The Groveport 1st Bapitist Church is a true blessing to our school.  The volunteers from the church give up their time to help our teachers and students every day and if that wasn't enough they have partnered with our PTO to plan events for our families.  The latest was a Parent Prom where over 250 people attended.  Check out these awesome pictures!

I also wanted to thank all the parents who sent items in for us to send to the soldiers.  I also wanted to thank the students on Student Council, Mrs Hardesty, and Mrs. Pence for all the time and effort they put in to organize this project and get all the items shipped off.

(Look for our Veteran's Day Celebration pictures in next week's newsletter)
Focus on Learning

Mr. Ray's 2nd graders working on Daily 5.  Reading groups are based on DRA 
levels and MAP scores. Students are working on asking and answering who, 
what, when, where and how questions to demonstrate understanding of 
details in a text.  Students enjoy working through the different stations.

Ms. Winhoven teaches 3rd graders a guidance lesson on Anger.  Why we get angry and strategies we can use to calm ourselves when we feel this emotion.  Students came up with some really great strategies/tips to control anger and how to not let it escalate.  We really appreciate all the help Ms. Winhoven provides to our school.

Linking the Classroom to Home:      
Research shows support from parents can positively impact student achievement.  Going forward our newsletters will include suggestions for strategies to implement at home to help your child succeed in their schoolwork.  The Groveport staff is grateful for the support from families and our community as we work together to help our children reach their greatest potential.Experts in child literacy unanimously report that there are many benefits to parents reading with their children. See below for how to help make reading with your child both a pleasure and a learning experience.  Also, be sure to check your student's book bag for information about the schoolwide Math-a-thon beginning the week of November 9th.

Make reading at home a priority.  Set aside 15 to 20 minutes each evening for reading with your child.  Give him/her the opportunity to sound out new words, but always supply the word before he/she becomes frustrated.  Be a role model; take turns reading or read aloud to your child. This provides an occasion for your child to enjoy the book without interruption, hear you read fluently and with expression, and see your enjoyment while reading.  Always discuss what is read.  Talk to your child's teacher about reading material or books at the appropriate reading level and visit the library to choose books about topics your child is interested in.  

On November 9th, the Rotary Club gave every 3rd grader a dictionary.  The students were very excited to receive these dictionaries and were fascinated with all the additional information included in these special dictionaries.  Thank You!

Thank you to Fire Fighter Phil for his entertainingpresentation on fire safety for our Kindergarten - 2nd grade students.  They learned a lot about how to stay safe and they thoroughly enjoyed it!


Monday, November 16th - 80's Day
Tuesday, November 17th - Cruiser Day (Red & Black)
Wed. November 18th - Favorite Movie Character Day
Thursday, November 19th - Tie Dye Day
Friday, November 20th - Favorite Team Day

Along with SPIRIT WEEK, Student Council is collecting canned food items for the Food Pantry!
Upcoming Important Dates

16th  - PTO Meeting (6:30)
24th - 45 minute early dismissal
25th - 27th - No School / Happy Thanksgiving!

1st - 3rd Grade ELA Test
4th - Interim Reports Go Home
7th - 11th - Secret Santa
9th - 2 Hour Late Start
11th - Staff Meeting
News from the Nurse
If anyone has extra clothes they would like to donate to the school for children who may need a change of clothing during school hours it would be appreciated. Items donated can be turned into the clinic.
Thank You to Our Pledge of Allegiance Helpers 
Tyler Manning - Mrs. Meyers
Tessa Hilligas - Miss Miller
Vi Dinh - Mr. Eft
Yanneiry Martinez-Lizardo - Mr. Yurasek
Ryan Hise - Mrs. Chandler

Mario Gallardo-Garcia, Kyonna Buck, Dylan Burskey, Austin Stricker, Kaizen Decker, Aubrey Carney, Kyle Varda, Lucy Viton, Chase Bachman, Sir'Myah Slate-Carroll, Andrew Wengerter, and William Ramey Jr.

Gold Slips
Gold Slips are given to students by staff members for many reasons. November Gold Slips will be given for showing the character trait of Citizenship.  Students can demonstrate this characteristic by doing their part to make their school and community a better place, cooperate, obey laws and rules, and respect authority. Students come to the office and put their gold slip in our Treasure Box. Every Friday, Mrs. Bray picks 15 -20 Gold Slips from the Treasure Box and calls those students to the office for a prize. Gold Slip winners for November 6th- Bai Le Tan, Austin Stricker, Reagan Whitesel, Kyle Swonger, Jameson Stilson, Adriann Southern, Maddie Slosar, Preveil Perkins, Malik Maxwell, Kalli Joneikis, Zach James, Kennedy Hill, Madison Gibson, Khoa Dang Dinh, and Mica Bellis - Congratulations!