August 21, 2015
Principal's Message
Dear Groveport Elementary Families,

I would like to welcome everyone back for the 2015 - 2016 school year. We are planning on having a terrific year! It is the mission of Groveport Madison Schools to build a community of learners, leaders and responsible citizens. Our Vision is Every Student, Every Lesson, Every Day!

There are many things you can do to guarantee that your child has a successful year. The first thing is to make sure you child is at school every day on time. Breakfast begins at 8:45 and all students are permitted to enter the building at 8:45. The tardy bell rings at 9:00. Another way to ensure success it to get to know what is happening in your child's classroom. Please take the time to look in their book bags each night and check for homework, agenda books, and notes from the teacher. It is also very important to read and understand the new Groveport Madison Guide to Positive Student Behavior. There have been many updates and changes. I will continue sending the electronic newsletters out on Fridays.

Thank you so much for a smooth start to the year. I look forward to a terrific year!

April Bray

Students give 1st week 
of school a thumbs up!

Focus for Learning

Students have been learning a lot this 1st week.  Many teachers have been going over the behavior expectations to set the tone for a great learning environment.  Students have been learning what is expected behavior in the classroom, but also in the common areas (hallway, bathroom, cafeteria, playground). F: Face Front / H: Hands Down / M: Mouth at Appropriate Voice Level

Some students prepare for beginning of the year assessments administered to determine where students are academically. This will help teachers plan instruction to match specific students needs.

A special thank you to Eva, Larry, and Matt our custodians for all of their hard work this summer.  This place was a mess when we all left in June, but when we returned in August it was shiny, clean, and ready for our students! Larry also took on an extra project of redoing our clinic and it looks amazing! 
Clinic Before and After Pictures - there wasn't a spot on the wall that didn't need patched and these before pictures were taken after it was cleaned and the horrific border was taken down. 

Notes from the Nurse

llness or Serious Injury
If your child has a fever of 100 degrees or more, vomits, has diarrhea or is too ill to be at school you will be notified to pick your child up.  Please update your phone numbers and/or employment information as they could have a life-threatening emergency and not be able to tell us the phone number where to reach you.  In general a student may return to school after an illness if the following circumstances do not conflict with our School Board Policies:

A. They feel well enough to participate in class.
B. They are no longer contagious.
C. They are free of fever, diarrhea or vomiting for a full 24 hours.
D. When blood or drainage is contained in a bandage. (There is no seepage.)
E. They have a doctor's note to return to school, if it does not conflict with our School Board Policies or the ODH Communicable disease manual.
Thank You to Our Pledge of Allegiance Helpers This Week
Amber Ryan from Mrs. Geisler's class
Trent Walker from Mrs. Stoever's class
Bryce Young from Mrs. Gordon's class