May 22, 2015
Principal's Message
Thank you for your dedication and service to Groveport Madison Schools. Service Awards were given out at our last staff meeting.  Congratulations to Mrs. Haemmerle and Mr. Yurasek for 5 years of service, Mrs. Geisler, Mrs. Anderson, Mr. Miller and Mrs. Workman-Patton for 10 years, Mrs. Downing, Mrs. Gordon, Mrs. Garn, and Mrs. Monhollen for 15 years of service, Mrs. Jacqueline Moore for 25 years of service, and Mrs. Pence for 30 years!
Mrs. Haemmerle

Mr. Yurasek
Mrs. Anderson and Mrs. Geisler
Mr. Miller and Mrs. Workman-Patton
Mrs. Downing, Mrs. Gordon, Mrs. Garn, and Mrs. Monhollen
Mrs. Jacqueline Moore
Mrs. Pence 
Artist of the Week

Javon Tucker

Our 3rd graders have been studying Vincent Van Gogh.  To continue this unit, we looked at several of his shoe paintings and discussed how we don't know anyone's story until we "walk in their shoes."  To begin our drawing we learned how to do gesture and blind contour drawings.  These were our warm ups.  Next, we drew a regular contour drawing of our shoe.   JaVon Tucker was selected by Mrs. Sperk for his fantastic project.  JaVon is a 3rd grade student in Mrs. Geisler's class.  This is his first year at Groveport Elementary.  JaVon has an older sister and brother as well as a younger sister.  He enjoys singing and playing football.  He also likes to draw cartoon and comic book characters. He prefers using colored pencils.  His favorite color is green.   Congratulations JaVon for being our Artist of the Week!
Focus on Student Learning
   Ms. Miller's and Mrs. Stoever's 2nd graders read, "Animal Look Alikes" a nonfiction selection from our reading series that compares similar animals.  As an extension students were paired together to create a PowerPoint presentation comparing and contrasting two similar animals.  Students enjoyed listening and looking at the pictures from the presentation today.
22 - BLT (Building Leadership Team) Meeting
25 - No School
28 - Kindness Day
29 - Staff Meeting / Student Council Field Trip / Last Day of Preschool

1 - Speech Carnival
3 - Field Day / Report Cards Sent Home
4 - Awards Assembly
5 - 5th Grade Clap Out
Gold Slips
Gold Slips are given to students by staff members for many reasons. May Gold Slips will be given for showing the character trait of Respect.  Students can demonstrate this characteristic by treating others the way they want to  be treated, being considerate and honoring the feelings, opinions, and property of others, dealing peacefully with anger, insults, and disagreements, using good manners, and no bad language. Also, students can show self-respect by being good to themselves, taking care of themselves, and not putting themselves down. Students come to the office and put their gold slip in our Treasure Box. Every Friday, the Principal picks 15 -20 Gold Slips from the Treasure Box and calls those students to the office for a prize. Gold Slip winners from May 15th- Jayden Albery, Cardae McGhee, Kyra McCormick, McKenna Lowe, Macy Legg, Jarrica Beveridge, Alivia Barrett, Eric Carter, Brandon Hall, Alaysia Hamilton, Darian Hanna, Ashton Hilling, Brian Andrews, Kha'Mya Johnson, and Sam Robinson.
Congratulations - Keep it up!