May 15, 2015
Principal's Message
It's Great to be a Cruiser!  Thank you so much to our PTO for rolling out the Red Carpet for our staff for Teacher Appreciation Week.  When the staff entered the building Monday morning all of our doors were decorated and that was just the start.  

Thank you for making us feel so special and appreciated!  
Groveport Elementary Music and Art Show
I want to say a special thank you to Mrs. Sperk (Art Teacher) and Mrs. Brunner (Music Teacher) for planning the Music and Art Show on May 7th.  It was a wonderful evening for the students and families.  I also want to thank the parents for bringing your child to school that night to perform and/or look at the artwork on display.  
1st Graders getting ready to go on stage to perform - 
so excited and looking good in their red, white, and blue!
1st Grade students singing their little hearts out :)
4th and 5th Grade Choir 
singing "Treble" written by 
Mrs. Brunner to the music 
of Taylor Swift
5th Grade Bell Choir 

Every student had at least one piece of artwork on display!
Pictures from Carnival - it was a blast!
Artist of the Week

Ryan Welch

In this project, our 1st graders were introduced to the artist Jasper Johns.  Jasper Johns is an American artist who creates meaning through his use of conventional symbols.  He is well-known for this flag painting.  First graders looked at several examples of his artwork and discussed the meaning behind the symbols.  We recreated his flag painting by making a small, medium and large painting.  These flags were displayed during the first grade music performance.  Ryan Welch was selected by Mrs. Sperk for his fantastic painting.  Ryan is a 1st grade student in Mrs. Jahn's class. He has been attending Groveport Elementary since kindergarten.  He has a younger sister, Amelia who is 4 years old. Ryan collects hot wheel cars and enjoys building motorcycles with Legos.  He loves to work with clay and draw monsters.  His favorite color is orange. Congratulations Ryan for being our Artist of the Week!


 4th Grade Kindness Club
The Kindness Club enjoying some lunch with Ms. Winhoven before 
preparing activities for our school wide Kindness day scheduled for May 28th.


18 - PTO Meeting
19 - DLT (District Leadership Team) Meeting
22 - BLT (Building Leadership Team) Meeting
25 - No School
28 - Kindness Day
29 - Staff Meeting / Student Council Field Trip / Last Day of Preschool
Gold Slips
Gold Slips are given to students by staff members for many reasons. May Gold Slips will be given for showing the character trait of Respect.  Students can demonstrate this characteristic by treating others the way they want to  be treated, being considerate and honoring the feelings, opinions, and property of others, dealing peacefully with anger, insults, and disagreements, using good manners, and no bad language. Also, students can show self-respect by being good to themselves, taking care of themselves, and not putting themselves down. Students come to the office and put their gold slip in our Treasure Box. Every Friday, the Principal picks 15 -20 Gold Slips from the Treasure Box and calls those students to the office for a prize. Gold Slip winners from May 1st and May 8th - Price Cooper, Mikie Donley, Laurel Brubaker, Chase Brown, Brady Broughton, Sydney Chandler, Taylor Eddy, Sir,Myah Slate-Carroll, Jeremy Estudillo, Ally Gearheart, Korin Hanna, Kendra Hilling, McDaniel Jean, Sophie Hawkins, Cole Byler, Chase Brown, Shepard Bray, Nia Cook, Emira Timmer, J.D. Daniel, Mikie Donley, Luca Hearld, Jaxson Kelly, Kyle Masters, Grant McGraw, Clay Patton, Ryan Pettay, Grace Pina, Priscilla Pueyo, Luke Robertson, and Eva Walton.
Congratulations - Keep it up!