April 24,  2015
Principal's Message
Assessment Information
Students will be participating in several end of year assessments depending on their grade level. Assessments coming up the next couple weeks -  4th and 5th grade PARCC.  4th and 5th graders will be taking the PARCC English/Language Arts and Math at the end of the month. 3rd grade students will be taking the PARCC Math the first week of May.  Please encourage your child to take their time and do their very best work.

Child Care for the Fall
If you are looking for dependable child care The Extended Day Program can provide quality before and after school child care for children in grades K - 5.  They only service Groveport Madison students.  They are open from 7:00 am until school starts and after school until 6:00 pm.  The Extended Day Program offers competitive prices and they are a Title XX provider.  If you are interested, please call Mrs. Grubb at 614.374.1218.  Registration packets are available in the office and also on the website at
Artist of the Week

Kaden Slone


Earth Day was Wednesday, April 22 so our 2nd graders were introduced to recycled art.  We talked about how art can be made from all sorts of materials.  The students were very interested in all of the examples.  For our project, we created flowers using old cardboard boxes and bottle caps.  Kaden Slone was selected by Mrs. Sperk for his creative project. Kaden is a 2nd grade student in Ms. Miller's class. He has been attending Groveport Elementary since kindergarten.  Kaden has four older siblings.  He enjoys art, football, basketball and soccer.  He likes to draw ninjas, people and buildings.  His favorite colors are blue and red. Congratulations Kaden for being our Artist of the Week!

Save the Date - May 7th Music Concert and Art Show

The Art Show starts at 6:00.  

Every child has at least one art project on display for the art show.


The Concert will start at 7:00.  

Students in 1st grade, 4th/5th grade choir, and 5th grade bell choir will be performing.

Positive Conduct Referrals

                                                Jayden Albery                             


At times teachers have to write students up for negative behavior that is beyond what can be handled in the classroom.  This year instead of only doing office referrals for negative behaviors, we decided to also include positive write-ups. These Positive Conduct Referrals will be written for students who exhibit good behavior and are a role model to other students. Jayden Albery was referred by Mr. Fosnaugh for making great strides in all academic areas, always volunteering to help others, and for being a first-class hard worker! We are very proud of him and lucky to have him as a student at Groveport Elementary!


28     4th End of Year PARCC Testing (English/Language Arts)

29     4th End of Year PARCC (Math Section 1)
          5th End of Year PARCC Testing (English/Language Arts)

30      4th End of Year PARCC Testing (Math Section 2)
           5th End of Year PARCC Testing (Math Section 1)

1     5th End of Year PARCC Testing (Math Section 2)
       Interims Go Home
       1st Grade Field Trip to Slate Run

4     3rd End of Year PARCC Testing (Math Section 1)

5     3rd End of Year PARCC Testing (Math Section 2)

7     Art Show and Music Concert

8     Carnival

Teacher Appreciation Week = May 4th - May 8th
Book Fair (Buy One Get One Free) = May 7th - 12th
Gold Slips
Gold Slips are given to students by staff members for many reasons. April Gold Slips will be given for showing the character trait of Fairness.  Students can demonstrate this characteristic by playing by the rules, taking turns and sharing, listening to others, not taking advantage of others or blaming others, and treating all people fairly. Students come to the office and put their gold slip in our Treasure Box. Every Friday, the Principal picks 15 -20 Gold Slips from the Treasure Box and calls those students to the office for a prize. Gold Slip winners from April 17th -  Kalista Milne, Daryl Terrell, Addi Griffen, Matthew Ward, Helana Thacker, Gavin Reeves, Ethan Manby, Andy Wengerter, Kenzi Jones-Barrera, Hunter Maragua, Eric Carter, Jeremy Estudillo, Trey Blue, Javon McDonald, Christina Thurber, and Jameson Stilson.
Congratulations - Keep it up!