April 17, 2015
Principal's Message
Let's Finish 2014/2015 School Year Strong

We only have 7 weeks of school left and it is important that we all stay focused and make the most of these last weeks.  We need students to continue to complete nightly reading and homework assignments and come to school each day with a positive attitude ready to learn. Parents can help by making sure your child gets plenty of rest, stays on a schedule, and comes to school on time every day.

Assessment Information
Students will be participating in several end of year assessments depending on their grade level. Assessments coming up the next couple weeks - MAP, 3rd Grade OAA, 4th and 5th grade PARCC. All students will take the Spring MAP assessments. Our district goal is for 70% of students to meet or exceed their growth targets.  Students in grade 3 will take the Reading OAA. Remember if your child didn't pass this assessment in the fall they will need to pass this spring in order to be promoted to 4th grade. 4th and 5th graders will be taking the PARCC English/Language Arts and Math at the end of the month. 
Focus on Student Learning

Mrs. Jahn's 1st graders working on their research projects with the 
help from their 7th grade buddies.  We love having MSC students 
in our building.  Thanks for helping our young learners!
Why is Mrs. Brunner being taped to the wall?


Students meet their SLO  Music growth target!

Mrs. Brunner made a deal with her 2nd and 4th grade students. If they worked 
really hard and met or exceeded their growth target on their music assessment 
they could tape her to the wall in the gym.  I don't know if students were more 
excited to have reached their target or to have Mrs. Brunner taped to the wall :)
Art Contest Winners
Makenna Swiney, Emira Trimmer, and Jarrica Beveridge

Groveport Elementary 5th grade students were asked to compete in an art contest. The top 3 projects selected by Mrs. Bray would receive 2 tickets to The Wizard of Oz and their artwork would be on display at the high school. Congratulations to Makenna Swiney, Emira Trimmer, and Jarrica Beveridge. Thank you to all the 5th graders who created a project and to Mrs. Sperk for running the contest and  allowing the students class time to start their projects.

The Wizard of Oz is showing at Groveport Madison High School 
Auditorium on  April 17- 18 at 7:30 p.m. Saturday matinee: 2:00 p.m.
20 - Invention Convention MSN at 6:00
21 - 3rd grade Reading OAA
24 - PTO Movie Night
28 - 4th/5th End of Year PARCC Testing (English/Language Arts)
29 - 4th/5th End of Year PARCC Testing (Math Section 1)
30 - 4th/5th End of Year PARCC Testing (Math Section 2)

MAP Testing (K-5) = April 14 - 23
All For Books = April 20 - 24
Gold Slips
Gold Slips are given to students by staff members for many reasons. March Gold Slips will be given for showing the character trait of trustworthiness .  Students can demonstrate this characteristic by being dependable, reliable, and honest. Students come to the office and put their gold slip in our Treasure Box. Every Friday, the Principal picks 15 -20 Gold Slips from the Treasure Box and calls those students to the office for a prize. Gold Slip winners from March 27th and April 2nd -  Brian Andrews, Chase Brown, Eric Carter,Brendin Caudill, Price Cooper, Kaizen Decker, Isaac Diawara, Joshua Foreman, Addi Griffen, Toby Hilligas, McDaniel Jean, Lee Legg, Taze Owens, Savvy Silongi, Jacob Skrastins, Makenna Swiney, Brandon Tabler, Ava Youden, Jameson Stilson, Ian Wilson, Kathleen Slaby, Laurel Brubaker, Micah Bridges, Helena Barnhart, McKenzie Anderson, Oronde Denby, Jeremy Estudillo, Brennan Gygi, Colby Morrison, Austin Neal, Preveil Perkins, and Abenaa Rozyla. 
Congratulations - Keep it up!