March 27, 2015
Principal's Message
Report Cards were sent home today!

Just a reminder we will be on a 45 minute early release on Thursday, April 2nd and students will be on Spring Break from April 3 - 10th.  We look forward to seeing all their smiling faces back on April 13th. 

Also, in case you didn't know the last day of school has changed. Below zero temperatures and unpredictable snow storms caused the district to close schools a total of seven days, exceeding the state's five day allotment. Therefore, students will be required to make up two additional days of instruction at the end of the year.

The last day for students will be June 5, 2014 instead of the original date of June 3rd.
Focus on Student Learning

Mrs. Downing's preschoolers practicing counting objects and remembering the 
last number spoken is the number of objects present.  Students are even learning 
during snack time as they count and place their goldfish on the number mat.

4th graders work with Mrs. CE on sequencing events from the story.  They use 
the graphic organizer on the chromebooks to put the events in the proper order.

Mrs. Pence works with 1st graders on retelling.  Mrs. Pence has placed 
sticky notes throughout the story, so students can stop and retell details 
from the story to help remember the events from the story.
The Wizard of Oz

Groveport Elementary students got a sneak peak of The Wizard of Oz which will be showing at Groveport Madison High School Auditorium 

on  April 16 - 18 at 7:30 p.m. Saturday matinee: 2:00 p.m.

Artist of the Week

Paige Gilden

Our 4th graders were introduced to the artist Henri Matisse.  Matisse was a painter but he also made a lot of artworks using paper cutouts that inspired this project.  Throughout the project we learned about the Principles of Design: balance, emphasis and movement.  The students created one emphasis piece and several smaller shapes.  They had to arrange the smaller shapes in a way that would show movement while keeping a balanced composition.  Paige Gilden was selected by Mrs. Sperk for her creative project. Paige is a 4th grade student in Mr. Yurasek's class. She has been attending Groveport Elementary since kindergarten.  Paige loves to sing, act and draw.  She likes drawing with regular pencils.  Her favorite color is blue.

Congratulations Paige for being our Artist of the Week!

Positive Conduct Referrals

                        Jayla Lee                                    Caeden Cramer


At times teachers have to write students up for negative behavior that is beyond what can be handled in the classroom.  This year instead of only doing office referrals for negative behaviors, we decide to also include positive write-ups. These Positive Conduct Referrals will be written for students who exhibit good behavior and are a role model to other students.  Jayla Lee was referred by Mrs. Myers for being extremely motivated and always putting forth her best effort.  She is responsible, respectful, and shows kindness to others. Caeden Cramer was referred by Ms. Goldman for being a hard worker, caring about his work, challenging himself, and making huge improvements with his writing. We are very proud of these students and lucky to have them at Groveport Elementary!


2nd Grade students have been learning about the pop artist, Keith Haring.  For one of their projects, the students struck a pose while Mrs. Sperk traced their silhoutte. Next, they painted themelves using bright colors.  All of the 2nd graders met in the gym last week to complete this project.  These awesome paintings will be on display during our building art show in May.

Keith Haring Takeover

13 - PTO Meeting
16 - Kindergarten Round-up
17 - Kindergarten Round-up and Spring Picture Day
20 - Invention Convention 
21 - 3rd grade Reading OAA

MAP Testing (K-5) = April 14 - 23
Annual District Art Show

Please consider attending the gallery opening night celebration scheduled for Thursday, April 16th from 5:30 - 7:00 at the Groveport Town Hall. If you are unable to attend the exhibit will be on display from April 15 - 30.  All are welcome to tour the show during normal Town Hall business hours.
Gold Slips
Gold Slips are given to students by staff members for many reasons. March Gold Slips will be given for showing the character trait of trustworthiness .  Students can demonstrate this characteristic by being dependable, reliable, and honest. Students come to the office and put their gold slip in our Treasure Box. Every Friday, the Principal picks 15 -20 Gold Slips from the Treasure Box and calls those students to the office for a prize. Gold Slip winners from March 13th and March 20th -  Derrell Tanner, Emaleigh Arcand,Tyler Broughton, Tyler Butts, David Cook, Matthew Craig-Ellis, Cassady Fannin, Kira Lee Groves, Tessa Hilligas, Lillian Kirk, Sam Lowther, Jordan McDonald, Grant McGraw, Mia Mills, Amelia Robinson, Sam Robinson, Kathleen Slaby, Ella Slosar, Bella Vargo, Ian McCaffrey, Jason Legg, McDaniel Jean, Josiah Hinkle, Kennedy Hill, Dylan Bursky, Jarrica Beveridge, Alyssa McKinley,Elayne Milner, Isabella Mollette, Caleb Reeves, Amelia Robinson, Kennedy Rufus, Orion Sopruset, Katelynn Vine, and Payne Williams.
Congratulations - Keep it up!