March 13, 2015
Principal's Message
Students haven't been able to go out for recess in a long time and finally we had our 1st day of our door recess this week. The kids were really excited to be outside.  Hopefully, we will have many sunny days from now until the end of year!  Please remind your child to play safe at recess by not playing rough or putting their hands on others. Thank you for your help.
Focus on Student Learning

Students in Mrs. Anderson's 1st grade class used the chromebooks to type their shared research papers into a Google presentation. They look like high schoolers!

Ms. Goldman's kindergarten students where working on clapping out 
syllables and then in small groups taking turns deciding how 
many syllables each word had on the picture cards.
Artist of the Week

Mason Cockerham

Our 3rd graders were introduced to the artist Vincent Van Gogh.  We recreated the painting Wheat field with Crows and discussed how artists show space and movement in their work.  The students began with the horizon line and they learned that when objects get closer to the horizon they get smaller.  Next we used oil pastels to make our lines stand out, and then we painted with watercolor.  Mason Cockerham was selected by Mrs. Sperk for his wonderful painting.  Mason is a 3rd grade student in Mrs. Geisler's class. This is his second year at Groveport Elementary.  He has a younger sister, Khloe who is in first grade. He enjoys drawing, baseball and riding his bike. Mason's favorite things to draw include dinosaurs and his family. Congratulations Mason for being our Artist of the Week!

Our PTO is Amazing
Thank you so much for decorating our front bulletin board each month.  This month students in 2nd grade wrote what they would do if they caught a Leprechaun. Here are a couple examples of what students wrote.

11 = No Preschool
16 = PTO Meeting
17 = Report Card Window Opens
18 = DRA2 (Developmental Reading Assessment) Window Opens
20 = BLT (Building Leadership Team) Meeting
22 = TBT Week (Teacher Based Team) Meetings
24 = Report Card Window Closes
27 = Report Cards Sent Home and Staff Meeting

April 2nd Early Dismissal for Spring Break 3rd - 12th
Pennies for Patients

Our Student Council is raising money for Pennies for Patients. We are having "Dollar Days" to try to raise more money. Friday, March 20th students will be able to buy a free recess. Our goal is $2015.00.
Gold Slips
Gold Slips are given to students by staff members for many reasons. March Gold Slips will be given for showing the character trait of trustworthiness .  Students can demonstrate this characteristic by being dependable, reliable, and honest. Students come to the office and put their gold slip in our Treasure Box. Every Friday, the Principal picks 15 -20 Gold Slips from the Treasure Box and calls those students to the office for a prize. Gold Slip winners from March 6th-  Isaac Diawara, Matthew Ward, Elayna Milner, Jordan McDonald, Javon McDonald, Haille Johnson, Olivia Hughes, Tony Faulk, J.D. Daniel, David Cook, Sean Callahan Jr., Brenden Bennett, Alivia Barrett, Carmeron Anderson, Austin Neal, Cameron Roberts, Marley Sheehan, Elizabeth Tackett, Drayton Tucker, and Kyle Varda.
Congratulations - Keep it up!