March 6, 2015
Principal's Message
Spring is right around the corner, but it isn't here yet.  Please remember to dress your child for the weather.  If you drop your child off in the morning, please don't cut in front of the buses. The front circle is really a bus lane, so they have priority.  It would be best to circle around the Middle School and drop you child off at the side of the building.  Parents who pick up in the afternoon, it is very important for you to make sure you get out of your car to greet your child.  Please make sure your child is not running or playing around with other students. As you exit the parking lot, please follow the flow of traffic and don't cut in line.  Thank you so much for your help keeping all the kids safe.
Positive Conduct Referrals
At times teachers have to write students up for negative behavior that is beyond what can be handled in the classroom.  This year instead of only doing office referrals for negative behaviors, we decide to also include positive write-ups. These Positive Conduct Referrals will be written for students who exhibit good behavior and are a role model to other students.  Damion Konot received a referral from his teacher Mrs. Geisler for being a hard worker, student role model, helpful, thankful, caring, and polite.  He is a great kid and she loves having him in class.  Ella Slosar was "written up" by Mrs. Anderson for going out of her way to include all students.  She is friendly, attentive, and participates often. We are so lucky to have these students at Groveport Elementary!

                     Damion Konot                  Ella Slosar
Assessment Information

Please look at the testing dates below and help your child be successful on the tests by making sure he/she gets plenty of sleep the night before and eats a healthy breakfast. There are also practice tests and sample questions students and families can check out on the PARCC and AIR website.  

Testing Schedule for 4th Grade Students

March 10th = Social Studies (State Developed Tests)

March 11th = Math Unit 1

March 12th = Math Unit 2

Testing Schedule for 5th Grade Students

March 10th = Math Unit 1

March 12th = Math Unit 2
Operation Street Smarts - D.A.R.E 
Mrs. Chandler's and Mrs. Gordon's 5th grade students participate in the D.A.R.E program.
Officer Phil Visits Groveport Elementary 
Thank you so much for the safety tips you provided our K - 2 students!
11 = No Preschool
16 = PTO Meeting
18 = DRA2 (Developmental Reading Assessment) Window Opens
20 = BLT (Building Leadership Team) Meeting
27 = Report Cards Sent Home and Staff Meeting
Pennies for Patients
Our Student Council is raising money for Pennies for Patients.  We had our kick off assembly on Monday.  We are having "Dollar Days" to try to raise more money.  We had our 1st one today. Students were able to pay a dollar to wear their pajamas.  Next Friday, March 13th students will be able to pay a dollar to watch a movie, and the following Friday they will be able to buy a free recess. 

Gold Slips
Gold Slips are given to students by staff members for many reasons. February Gold Slips will be given for showing the character trait of caring.  Students can demonstrate this characteristic by being kind, compassionate, thankful, forgiving, and helpful. Students come to the office and put their gold slip in our Treasure Box. Every Friday, the Principal picks 15 -20 Gold Slips from the Treasure Box and calls those students to the office for a prize. Gold Slip winners from February 27th -  Taze Owens, Gabrielle Adams, Brain Andrews, Logan Andrews, Conner Burskey, Sydney Chandler, Nia Cook, Jacob Dickerson, Nick Gomez, Kennedy Hill, Ryan Hise, Madison Jedlicka, Jayla Lee, Jason McDonald, Malik Maxwell, Heather Slaby, Kaden Slone, Angila Soumphonphakdy, Adriann Southern, and Jameson Stilson.
Congratulations - Keep it up!