December 5, 2014
Principal's Message
Meeting or Exceeding Growth Targets

Each morning students are reminded that they come to school to learn and to work hard to meet or exceed their growth targets.  Over the next couple of weeks all students will be participating in the mid-year MAP (Measure of Academic Progress) assessments to check how they are progressing toward meeting these targets.  Please ask your child how they did on these assessments and encourage them to always try their best!
       Multiplication Fluency    
Mr. Eft's 3rd graders are working hard to improve their multiplication fluency.  

Artist of the Week

Kyonna Buck


To continue our unit on Indian art, our 4tgraders were introduced to the "banyan tree" which originates in India.  Throughout this project students learned about negative space, horizon lines and blending similar colors using oil pastels.  Kyonna Buck was selected by Mrs. Sperk for her fantastic banyan tree.  Kyonna is a 4th grade student in Mrs. Mosure's class. She has been attending Groveport Elementary since third grade.  She has two older sisters, Shonna and Kylin.  She loves cheerleading, volleyball, reading and doodling.   Her favorite drawing material is oil pastels.  Congratulations Kyonna for being our Artist of the Week!


Positive Conduct Referrals

At times teachers have to write students up for negative behavior that is beyond what can be handled in the classroom.  This year instead of only doing office referrals for negative behaviors, we decide to also include positive write-ups. These Positive Conduct Referrals will be written for students who exhibit good behavior and are a role model to other students.  Dylan Burskey and Marley Sheehan were chosen by their kindergarten teacher Mrs. Myers for always trying their best, being responsible and respectful, and coming to school everyday ready to learn!  Congratulations Dylan and Marley - Keep it up!!


                Dylan Burskey                                                         Marley Sheehan
Upcoming Important Dates

12/2 - 12/5 = 4th and 5th grade MAP Testing

12/4 - 12/5 = 2nd grade MAP Testing

12/5 = Interim Reports sent home

12/8 - 12/9 = 1st grade MAP Testing

12/ 8 - 12/12 = 3rd grade MAP Testing

12/10 = Late Start / No Preschool

12/12 = Staff Meeting (8:00 am)

12/15 = PTO Meeting (6:00 pm)

12/15 - 12/16 = Kindergarten MAP Testing
Gold Slips
Gold Slips are given to students by staff members for many reasons. December Gold Slips will be given for  meeting or exceeding MAP Growth Targets and for being a peacemaker. Students come to the office and put their gold slip in our Treasure Box. Every Friday, the Principal picks 15 -20 Gold Slips from the Treasure Box and calls those students to the office for a prize. Here are the Gold Slip Winners from November 21st:  Rashad Marshall, Jada Butler, Sean Callahan, Eric Carter, Elizabeth Depa, Jayla Lee, Nemiah Johnson, Gabe Llewellyn, Ian McCaffery, Shyanne Meir, Dillon Noland, Daniel Nuwaki, Paige Sims, Ella Slosar, Taze Owen, Jace Webb, Jolica Butts. Congratulations Gold Slip Winners - Keep it up!


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Groveport Elementary School
 715 Main Street
Groveport, OH  43215
Phone: 614-836-4975

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