October 24
Principal's Message
Today was the end of the first grading period! The year is going fast and students need to make each day count. Please make sure your child comes to school every day on time.  We have some fun activities planned for next week.  Tuesday, students will be participating in The Great Pumpkin Run during their specials time and of course on Friday the annual Halloween Parade through the town of Groveport!  
Student Council Corner

Students & Families:


Groveport Elementary Student Council would like for you to know that we are trying to raise money to help support Adopt-a-Family for Thanksgiving and Christmas.  Adopt-a-Family is an organization that helps the less fortunate throughout the  year, but most importantly at the holidays. Part of mission is to help our community. That is why we are asking for your help.  We are selling ghost grams to raise money.  A ghost gram is a special message and a sucker or pencil, that you may send to someone in the building.  Student Council will deliver them on October 31st!  Remember, the proceeds go to CHARITY! You may purchase these for $.50 during lunch time in the cafeteria.  We hope we can count on your support!


Thank you, 


GE Student Council 2014 - 2015

Charles Viton


Kindergarteners read the book Mouse Paint by Ellen Stoll Walsh. The book introduced the primary and secondary colors.  The students used paint for the first time this year to paint their background.  After painting they had to glue the three mice on their paper.  Charles Viton was selected by Mrs. Sperk for his wonderful project. Charles is a kindergarten student in Mrs. Garn's class. Charles has an older sister, Lucy who is in 3rd grade and a younger brother, Oscar, who is 4 years old.  He loves to paint and draw using markers.  Some of his favorite things to draw are monsters, super heroes and football players. Congratulations Charles for being our Artist of the Week! 


Upcoming Important Dates

10/31 = Report Cards Go Home

10/31 = Halloween Parade and Party Schedule for 10/31

11/3 = No Preschool

11/4 = Waiver Day - No School

11/11 = Veteran's Day

11/14 = PTO Game Night and Chili Cook Off (6:00 pm)
Positive Conduct Referrals

At times teachers have to write students up for negative behavior that is beyond what can be handled in the classroom.  This year instead of only doing office referrals for negative behaviors, we decide to also include positive write-ups. These Positive Conduct Referrals will be written for students who exhibit good behavior and are a role model to other students.  Our 1st "write-up" of the year is Connor Burskey.  Connor's 1st grade teacher Mrs. Moore has referred Connor for being a great listener, always being responsible, and putting forth good effort on his work. Congratulations Connor - Keep it up!          

       Connor Burskey
Gold Slips
Gold Slips are given to students by staff members for many reasons. October Gold Slips will be given for Using Kind Words, Doing Kind Things, and Including and Accepting Others (Rachel's 1st 2 Challenges) Students come to the office and put their gold slip in our Treasure Box. Every Friday, the Principal picks 15 -20 Gold Slips from the Treasure Box and calls those students to the office for a prize. Here are the Gold Slip Winners from October 15th:  Kyle Jennings, Jamarion Lewis, Ian McCaffery, Kyra McCormick, Brandon Goshay, Jayden Burton, Gabby Adams, Jacob Poor, Jayden Albery, Jared Beveridge, Emily Yocum, Kyonna Buck, Logan Groves, Charles Brookins, and Patrick Bean Congratulations Gold Slip Winners - Keep it up!


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Groveport Elementary School
 715 Main Street
Groveport, OH  43215
Phone: 614-836-4975

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