October 10
Principal's Message
Parent- Teacher Conferences are next Tuesday, October 14 from 4:00 - 7:30 and Wednesday, October 15 from 4:00 - 7:00. If you haven't scheduled a time yet, it isn't too late, please contact your child's teacher. Conferences are an excellent time to meet one-on-one with your child's teacher, see your child's classroom, and discuss how your child is progressing. The purpose of Parent-Teacher Conferences is to share information and really focus on what is important: your child making academic growth every day. 
Congratulations 2014 - 2015 Bell Choir

Brandon Tabler
Trinity Gonzales
AJ Gacnik
Aaron Masters
Megan Mitchell
Jarrica Beveridge
Kalista Milne
Susie Swonger
Kyle Jennings
Brian Bolds
Mikey Donley
Ryan Dickerson

                         Jada Marshall

Our 2nd graders recreated the famous painting The Scream by Edvard Munch.  Throughout this project we discussed the art element space.  We made sure to include something in the background, middleground and foreground.  We also learned how to use oil pastels and watercolor paint.  Jada Marshall was selected by Mrs. Sperk for her excellent project. Jada is a 2nd grade student in Mrs. Stoever's class. She has been attending Groveport Elementary since kindergarten.  She has two older brothers and one younger brother.  She enjoys drawing and painting flowers and riding her bike.  Congratulations Jada for being our Artist of the Week!

Safety First

Parents and Guardians this is just a reminder that if your child is a car rider, please park at the Middle School Central parking lot.  You will need to get out of your car and meet your child either at the end of the walkway or at the cafeteria doors.  As the weather changes and we have more cold and wet days, please dress you child for the weather.  Also, we plan to exit from the same door even if the weather is rainy or snowy, so you might need to bring an umbrella on these days.  Thank you so much for your support keeping our students safe!
Upcoming Important Dates

10/9 - 10/15 = Book Fair

10/14 = Parent Teacher Conferences (4:00 - 7:30)

10/15 = Parent Teacher Conferences (4:00 - 7:00)

10/16 & 10/17 = No School

10/20 = Student Learning Objectives Due for Teachers

10/22 = 2nd Grade Field Trip

10/23 = Building Leadership Team Meeting (all day)

10/24 = End of 1st Nine Weeks

10/31 = Report Cards Go Home
10/31 = Halloween Parade and Party

Gold Slips
Gold Slips are given to students by staff members for many reasons. October Gold Slips will be given for Using Kind Words, Doing Kind Things, and Including and Accepting Others (Rachel's 1st 2 Challenges) Students come to the office and put their gold slip in our Treasure Box. Every Friday, the Principal picks 15 -20 Gold Slips from the Treasure Box and calls those students to the office for a prize. Here are the Gold Slip Winners from October 3rd:  Cameron Anderson, Amelia Robinsn, Tyler Rufus, Payne Williams, Bryce Young, Andrew Burton, Kharmen Freeman, Jason Legg, Ashton Hilling, Jazlyn Winski, Reagan Whitesel, Jayden Burton, and Eva Walton. Congratulations Gold Slip Winners - Keep it up!


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Groveport Elementary School
 715 Main Street
Groveport, OH  43215
Phone: 614-836-4975

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