September 19
Principal's Message
Interim Reports Sent Home Today!
Interim Reports were sent home with students today in grades 1 -5.  Please check your child's progress, sign and return the white envelope. There are a lot of assessments given during the first few weeks of school. Teachers will use the data gathered from these assessments to plan lessons.  If you have any questions about your child's progress thus far, please contact his/her teacher.

All Students in Grades K - 5 Completed MAP Testing!

Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) is a computerized adaptive test offered in Reading, Language Usage, Math, and Science that provides teachers with information to improve
teaching and learning. The difficulty of each question is based on how well a student answers all the previous questions. As the student answers correctly, questions become more difficult. If the student answers incorrectly the questions become easier. In an optimal test, a student answers approximately half the items correctly and half incorrectly. The final score is an estimate of the student's achievement level.
How long does it take to complete a test?
Although the tests are not timed, it usually takes students in grades 3 -5 about
45 minutes - 1 hour to complete each test. Students in grades K -2 usually take 15 to 30
minutes per test.
When will my child be tested and how often?
Students will be tested in the Fall, Winter, and Spring.
Do all students in the same grade take the same test?
No. MAP assessments are designed to target a student's academic performance
in math, reading, language usage, and science by adjusting the difficulty of the
questions so that each student takes a unique test. These tests are tailored to an
individual's current achievement level. This gives each student a fair
opportunity to show what he or she knows and can do. Students in grades K - 2 only take the reading and math assessment. Students in grades 3 -5 take all 4 assessments.
How do teachers use the test scores?
Teachers use this information to help them guide instruction in the classroom and to keep track of progress and growth in basic skills. The scores let teachers know where a student's strengths are and if help is needed in any specific areas.
                             Rachel's Challenge Still Going Strong!

Rachel's Challenge is the largest school assembly program in America.  It is designed to help school administrators, parents, and students create a safer and more productive places to learn and achieve.  The goal is to motivate students and administrators to embrace new values of kindness and compassion so that no one is left behind because of fear and violence in their school.   On September 9th students and staff at Groveport Elementary participated in the assemblies and learned about the 5 Challenges.  

1. Use Kind Words and Do Kind Things           

2. Accept and Include Others


4. Set GOALS

5. Keep a JOURNAL
Information from PTO

All for Books Program is a program that as a school we raise money to spend at our book fair and to also donate books to either our library or a charity. In order to raise money we are going to spend a week doing a Money Drive.  The week of September 22 - 26. Any little bit you can send in with your child helps. 

Monday Sept. 22nd = Pennies - Wear favorite Team shirt
Tuesday Sept. 23rd = Nickels - Student receives a pencil
Wednesday Sept. 24th = Dimes - Wear school colors
Thursday Sept. 25th = Quarters - Hat Day
Friday Sept. 26th = Dollars - Pajama Day

If you have any questions, please email [email protected]
Upcoming Important Dates

9/19 = Interim Reports go Home

9/22 - 9/26 = TBT Week (Teacher Based Team Meetings)

9/23 = Picture Day

9/24 = No Preschool

9/30 = DRA2 (Developmental Reading Assessment) Window Closes

10/3 = Movie Night

Gold Slips
Gold Slips are given to students by staff members for many reasons. September Gold Slips will be given for showing effort and working hard. Students come to the office and put their gold slip in our Treasure Box. Every Friday, the Principal picks 15 -20 Gold Slips from the Treasure Box and calls those students to the office for a prize. Here are the Gold Slip Winners from September 12th - Ian Wilson, Matthew Ward, Jameson Stilson, Orion Soraseuth, Gabe Slonaker, Caleb Reeves, Alyssa McKinley, Jayden King, Kenzey Jones-Barrera, Isaac Diawara, Addison Cothern, Nia Cook, Chelsea Carson, Mayah Berry, Emaleigh Arcand, Logan Andrews, Isabela Zamarripa, and Trey Young. Congratulations Gold Slip Winners - Keep it up!


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Groveport Elementary School
 715 Main Street
Groveport, OH  43215
Phone: 614-836-4975

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