Texas Alliance for Geographic Education
April 8, 2014

Promoting Geo-Literacy Across Texas
Now Accepting TCSS GeoStrand Proposals

TAGE is proud to partner with TCSS in organizing a geography strand for social studies educators at the 62nd Annual TCSS Fall Conference. All presentations are 1 hour and 15 minutes. TAGE is unable to pay the registration fee for presenters this year, but we are still sponsoring the strand and hope you will consider submitting a proposal. Presenters will need to register for the conference directly through TCSS

Proposal deadline is June 30
Submit your GeoStrand Proposal
EarthDay Texas

We are looking for a few people to assist at a booth to spread the word of the Texas Alliance at the EarthDay celebration in Dallas, April 26-27. If you are interested in assisting, please email Maggie at mhutchins@txstate.edu.
TEA Releases FAQs on Foundation HS Program Requirements

 Foundation High School Program FAQs--March 2014 (PDF, 549KB)

We recommend reading the entire document. It's a quick six pages and very informative. The document addresses social studies specifically on page 5:

Social Studies
1. Do districts have the discretion to require both World Geography and World History for all students?
Yes. School districts have the authority to establish requirements in addition to what the state requires of students for graduation. This is a local decision.

2. Can districts place students in a semester of World Geography and a semester of World History to satisfy the combined World History/World Geography requirement?
No. The SBOE must adopt Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for a combined World History/World Geography course before this will be an option available to students.

The Texas Alliance recommends that districts require both World Geography and World History for all students. Read our statement.

We are also surveying campuses on plans to implement education reforms outlined in House Bill 5. Please complete the brief survey at http://bit.ly/1cpYHSv.
Traveling El Camino Real de Los Tejas

Date: May 8, 2014 
Start:  9:00 AM - 12:00 PM 

Grade Level: 4th and 7th Grade

Time Period: Late 1600s-1800s

Join us as we travel across Texas to learn about the oldest trail in Texas, El Camino Real de los Tejas. Within this program, presenting sites will provide information on cities running along the trail including historical influences and events that have impacted the formation of the road. Remote sites can register as a presenting or view-only site for this program.  


Sol Hirsch Education Fund Grants  

Sol Hirsch Education Fund Grants are awarded annually to K-12 teachers/educators to help improve the education of their students, school, and/or community in the science of meteorology. The grants are intended to allow teachers to:

  • Purchase scientific materials and/or equipment for the classroom, school, or community.
  • Begin new school and/or community science outreach and education programs.
  • Enhance and/or expand existing meteorology/science education programs.
  • Attend accredited courses, workshops, and/or conferences related to meteorology that will significantly enhance their teaching activities.

Requirements:Teachers, program directors, school district supervisors, and other individuals or groups proposing to improve the education of K-12 students in meteorology may submit an application. The application must be completed online and consist of information related to the individual(s) submitting and a proposal regarding the initiative. The proposal should include a thorough description of activities, detailed costs (how grant funds of up to $750 will be spent), and expected outcomes of the initiative. The Education Committee (rating committee) places a high value on the creativity and expected impact of the project. Hints on how to develop the proposal are included in the online application. The project/proposal has to be approved by the school principal or equivalent type of supervisor as explained in the online procedures.


Completed applications are due June 1. Applications can be started early and saved online and submitted when all required information has been gathered and completed.


For additional information, visit:



Google Teacher Academies

This year, Google will host more Google Teacher Academies than ever before. This is a free professional development experience; however, participants must first be accepted to the highly competitive training opportunity, and then pay for any necessary travel and lodging expenses.


Google will release details on how to apply in the coming months, but in the meantime you may find out more at:   http://www.google.com/edu/programs/google-teacher-academy/.


Here are the dates for the 2014 academies:

  • June 24-25: Atlanta, Georgia
  • July 30-31: Mountain View, California
  • August 28-29: Manila, Philippines
  • September 2-3: Mumbai, India
  • September 30-October 1: Sydney, Australia
  • October 15-16: Sao Paulo, Brazil (Portuguese language)
  • October 21-22: Mexico City, Mexico (Spanish language)
  • October 28-29: London, UK
  • November 4-5: Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • November 8-9: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (Malay language)
  • December 2-3: Austin, Texas 

A World Transformed: The Geography of SE Asia

Visit TAGE's free online learning unit developed to assist teachers in providing a rigorous level of instruction on geographic concepts to high school students. Although this unit is focused regionally on Southeast Asia, content is provided within six geographic modules - physical geography, culture and religion, economic geography, environmental degradation, climate change and impact, and globalization. Learn more

Texas Alliance for Geographic Education

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