Strength and Fitness Club
Monthly Newsletter
December 2013 
In This Issue:
Happy Holidays! 

Can you believe there is only 2 more weeks left in the month?? This year went so fast! We are so thankful for all of our members! Thanks for making this year great! 


Make sure to check out our new weekly challenges! Each week our staff will post a new challenge to attempt. Each member can write their name up on the board once complete! 


Still want to get one more workout in before Christmas??
We will be open Christmas Eve 8am - 2pm with a special INSANITY at 9am.

We will be closed Christmas Day. 





Don't forget to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter!



In House Weekly Contests




Earlier this month we started a little challenge with some of the staff to see how long they can hold a plank. This challenge was kicked up a notch when members joined in! Steve Soos got up to 7 minutes!!



Then we came up with another challenge - 120 pushups in 4 minutes.

Started with Ricardo making it to 121 pushups and finishing up with Doug at 183!




Make sure you take a look at our board near our Personal Training area! 





Favorite Machine of the Month

Sometimes THE UNKNOWN can be a very intimidating thing.. not knowing how to use a certain machine, or not understanding the purpose of that machine may lead you to stay away.. and lose all the benefits that come with it!
In this new feature section of our newsletter - "Machine of the Month" - our Personal Trainers will pick their favorite machines, demonstrate how to use them, and explain the benefits of using each machine.  

This month Lynn Petschow picks the Showcase feature, the Fixed Lat Pulldown! 





"This machine tightens up triceps and your waist is going to look just like the picture! As soon as I saw that picture I was sold!" Ready to see why Lynn loves this machine so much?


In the seated position, adjust the roller pad up or down by pulling the red adjustment knob and setting the pad above the knees and thighs. After setting the roller pad height, stand up, grasp the handles, and descend slowly until your upper thighs are secured under the roller pad. To initiate motion, pull the handles down towards your chest.


Don't forget - our personal trainers are always here if you have any questions about the machines. We are more than happy to show you!


Holiday Gift Certificates Available!


We can hardly believe it's that time again for gift giving! Sometimes it can be so hard to get the perfect gift. Why not give a gift that could possibly change someone's life through fitness and health? 


We have many gift certificates to give your loved ones! Including membership options, tanning, personal training & health coaching. 



Coming in the New Year...

Youth Sports & Conditioning Class with Robert! 

Starting Jan. 15th for kids & teens. 


Focusing on:

  • Cardio
  • Srength
  • Speed
  • Balance & Coordination



INSANITY Sunday mornings 9:30am starting Jan. 5th with Meredith! 




Promotions & Specials

10 for $5

Tanning Package Special

10 Sessions / $5 per session


Non-expiring. Must buy 10 sessions.
Refer a Friend and Get a FREE MONTH membership!
See Robert or Mike for details.
Some restrictions apply.

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