Weekly Newsletter ICS PTSA

October 11, 2015
ICS PTSA Newsletter
In This Issue ...
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Senior Class Poinsettia Sale
To help offset the cost of graduation for the Class of 2016, we are continuing the popular tradition of selling beautiful potted poinsettias from a family-owned and operated nursery. These high-quality plants (6.5" pots) come in 3 colors (red, white, or pink) and cost only $16 each.

To order, simply contact any senior class student or download the online order form here. Plant pickup is Wednesday, Dec. 2nd, 2015 at noon at ICS. If plants are purchased from a student, that student will deliver your plants on that day. If you place an order from this website, please come to the school on December 2nd at noon to pick up your order. All orders and payment must be submitted no later than Friday October 30th, 2015. Email Nancy Ta with any questions.
Picture retakes are October 12th 
If your child missed getting their picture taken during registration, please make sure they are here for retakes. These are the pictures we use for all grades except seniors for the yearbook. Students will also be able to obtain an id card at this time, should they still need one.  Retakes begin at 7:30 a.m.  Also a reminder that the students must return their first picture packets that they do not like to the photographer.
Middle School Tea Thank You
Thank you to Tana Jianu (Community Building Chair) and Michaela Spaeth (Hospitality Chair) for organizing and hosting the very successful Middle School Tea on Tuesday evening. Also, a big thank you goes out to all the parents who participated. We sat in groups and talked about a wide variety of topics including getting homework done, study habits, getting organized, submitting homework online, finding time for extracurricular activities, playing sports, socializing, gaming, after school tutoring, taking P.E., attending office hours, going to the tutoring center, volunteering, and what it takes to succeed at ICS.

If you were not able to make it on Tuesday night, please consider joining us at the next Community Building event for parents. We will post the next event soon.

Robotics Club
The club began meeting on Oct 9th, but it is not too late to join as there are a few open spots. Students can come to a meeting as a trial, and then decide whether to join. The club will concentrate on robotics skills (planning, building, programming, analyzing), teamwork and leadership skills. Students will work with the VEX IQ system for middle-school students or VEX EDR for high school students. Any novice students are welcome. Majority of club members are between 6th and 8th grade. Club meetings are Fridays 2:15pm - 4:30pm in Room # 165.  Contact Takeyoshi Nakamura with questions. No fees are required to join this club; it is sponsored by the PTSA.


Volunteer Needed:  PTSA Co-Secretary
The board is in need of a volunteer to fill the Co-Secretary position. Duties include responsibility for keeping the minutes at each of the PTSA meetings, posting the minutes on the ICS PTSA website, and managing any written correspondence to/from PTSA. Excellent written communication skills required. Must be able to attend monthly PTSA board meetings and parent meetings (schedule can be found here).
For more information, please contact Kathy Thompson, Volunteer Coordinator.
6th-9th Grade Bowling Event Volunteers Needed
Parents who are interested in signing up to volunteer at the 6th-9th Grade Bowling Event will help to supervise the students as they bowl. The event will be held at Tech City Bowl in Kirkland on October 23rd from 6:00-9:00pm. Volunteers are expected to arrive 15 minutes in advance (5:45pm).  
If you are interested in signing up please fill out the form here.
Candidate Forum, LWPTSA Council, Districts 1, 2, 5
Thursday October 15th, 7-8:30PM at Redmond High School

Three seats on Lake Washington School District's School Board are up for election in November, and the time to vote is approaching quickly. Do you know who the candidates are?  Do you know what they stand for and what their goals are for our schools and our students?  Lake Washington PTSA Council and Emily Dickinson PTSA are sponsoring a candidate forum so our community can get to know the candidates better before the voting deadline. This is a neutral event to which all candidates have been invited.  
Any questions? Contact JoaAnn Ten Brinke ICS PTSA Legislative Liaison.  
Help Shape Our District's Future! 
LWSD is the fastest growing district in the state! More jobs, more houses, and more kids means we are inching our way to be the 4th largest district in the State. We are 5 elementary schools short on capacity, and those kids will be moving into middle and high-school soon. What do you want the district to do with our tax dollars? Your input and feedback are critical to ensure we keep providing great schools to our students! Please take a few moments to learn about the districts choices, and fill out the survey by October 11th.
For any questions, contact ICS PTSA Legislative Liaison JoAnn Ten Brinke .
Repeated Articles  
Yearbook Pictures Needed
  • All Students: We attempt to make sure each student is in the yearbook at least 3 times. In order to do this, we need you to submit one or two pictures of your student enjoying summer activities, travel, awards, hobbies, sports, etc.  Also, throughout the year, there are many awesome ICS events your child will be part of.  If you, as a parent, are attending any of these amazing events, please take pictures for us and send them in for yearbook. Each picture may be submitted using this link. You are also welcome to email your pictures to Cindy Simon or Tinka Basu.
  • Seniors: Senior pictures are due October 9th. We need 1 senior picture for yearbook and 1 baby grad picture and 4 walk ins for graduation. Pictures may be uploaded using this link or emailed to Cindy Simon.
Submit Creative Work For The 2015-2016 Reflections Program 
The National PTA Reflections program encourages students of all ages and abilities to explore and be involved in the arts in an educational way. Students are encouraged to create and submit original works of art reflecting on a specific theme. Students are recognized each year for their artistic ingenuity to bring the theme to life in a way that is personal and meaningful. Details for this year's submissions are: 
  • This year's theme is: Let your Imagination Fly 
  • The categories for the competition are:  Literature, Music, Photography, Visual Arts, Film/Video, Choreography/Dance 
  • The due date for submitting artwork is November 9th 
  • Registration forms and an outline about the rules can be found on this link.
9th/10th Grade Math Club Open For Registration 
This club is an optional after school activity for students who are interested in solving math problems. The club typically meets once or twice a week at ICS. Students will participate in math contests as teams or individually. Club coaches run the schedule and prepare students for those contests. Depending on interest, we may incorporate applied math topics such as lightweight data science. Please register your student(s) here. Please contact Mingtian Ni.
Student Study Center Opened October 6th
The Student Study Center opened Tuesday, October 6th, for any student who is looking for academic help or a study buddy. Our tutors, who are sophomores, juniors, and seniors, can help with any subject, from seventh grade Biology to Level V Humanities essay-editing. A few seniors will also be leading an all-new AP group study sessions this year. Visit our website for more information and to sign up for a tutoring session. Throughout the year, the bulletin board outside the library will also be regularly updated with news, study tips, and AP study schedules from the Student Study Center. We hope to see you soon!
Upcoming Events  
10.12.2015   ICS - Picture Retakes / Makeups
10.13.2015   LWSD Honor Event Rehearsal
10.16.2015   No School: LEAP Day
10.19.2015   ICS - Focus Week Info Night
10.20.2015   LWSD - PTSA Special Needs Group Meeting
10.21.2015   ICS - Focus Week Decisions Due
10.22.2015   LWSD Honor Orchestra Rehearsal (Sectionals)