Journey Inward, Journey Outward: Specifics
By The Rev. Blair Pogue

The people of St. Matthew's are hungering for depth, and our leadership desires to stay the course. We think God is continuing to call us to go deeper spiritually, and that doing so involves a change in orientation, behavior, and character that comes through regular engagement with spiritual practices and our neighbors. These practices include those that are part of St. Matthew's Way of Jesus: story, prayer, simplicity, discernment, reconciliation, hospitality, generosity, and gratitude.

Journey Inward:

Some of the resources at St. Matthew's to help us go deeper inward include:
  • Sunday morning and evening and Wednesday noon Eucharists
  • Four book groups studying Brian McLaren's, We Make the Road by Walking
  • Weekly Faith Forum (all ages), Sunday Book Group, Godly Play (Pre-K - 1st Grade), "God's Story, Our Story" Workshops (Grades 2-5), Echo the Story (Grades 6-8) and Journey to Adulthood offerings
  • Saturday morning Centering Prayer Group
  • Occasional classes focused on a spiritual practice or topic like reconciliation, exploring the Christian faith through novels, or the spirituality of aging.
  • Men's and Women's retreats
In the days ahead I want to see if the people of St. Matthew's are interested in Way of Jesus groups where people from similar vocations and professions (teachers and social workers, information technology specialists, health care professionals, professors, stay at home parents, etc.) can dwell in scripture and share the ways God is challenging and encouraging them and support one another as they serve as God bearers in the work place, volunteer organizations, neighborhoods, and homes.

I am also working with parishioner Shannon Livingston-Harris to develop a Discernment Ministry in which anyone who wants to explore an important issue or question in their life (should I change professions? Should I marry X? How should I handle a challenging person at work?) would be able to do so in the company of at least two trained discerners, who will sit with them for up to two hours, enveloped in prayer and silence, to help them find clarity.

Journey Outward:
Many of the most important ministries of the people of St. Matthew's happen Monday - Saturday. Just ask your pew mates what they do during the day, both paid and volunteer work, and you will be inspired! If we were able to map the way God is using the people of our congregation in the classrooms, boardrooms, homeless shelters, hospitals, and neighborhoods of St. Matthew's, the map would be impressive. You are teaching and mentoring the next generation, helping people move out of poverty through education and job training, engaging in thoughtful urban planning that will impact numerous lives, providing jobs, addressing people's physical, emotional, and spiritual needs, and loving your neighbors.

In the days ahead, it will be important to continue to learn what others in our congregation are doing so we can work together, network, and use our collective gifts, expertise, and social capital to help others. It is also important for us to help one another name where God is at work in our personal and professional lives, encourage one another, and hold each other accountable in life-giving ways. St. Matthew's "Journey Inward" offerings (sermons, classes, gatherings for discernment, reflection, and prayer) are intentionally designed to support the Journey Outward.

Journeying Outward as a Congregation:
  • The Blue House
  • Project Home
  • Loaves and Fishes
  • High Commitment Discernment Team Pilgrimages (includes opportunities for preparation, engagement, and reflection)
Collectively, we continue to come alongside neighbors in need locally and globally, while also continually asking "how can we go deeper relationally?" in these ministries, and "is this what God is calling us to do based on our communal gifts and 'pockets of energy'?"

To help us learn more about what God is up to in the Cities and aid our discernment, the High Commitment Discernment Team is arranging a handful of pilgrimages this Fall and Spring, including trips to the St. Paul Promise Neighborhood and the North Side Achievement Zone in Minneapolis. These trips, as well as our current social justice ministries, have been and will continue to be deepened by continuing education opportunities including "Spiritual Listening" sessions with City House, and Faith Forum offerings on everything from infant mortality in Minnesota to sessions on race and reconciliation.

St. Matthew's staff and leadership is focused on helping us all journey inward and outward, and supporting these important journeys with opportunities to pray together, learn, and reflect. May God challenge, encourage, and transform us so we can more deeply understand God's love for us and participate in God's healing, reconciling work in our neighborhoods and world.
 - The White family: Katie, Dan, Jane & Andrew                   
Giving Because We Want To           
By Dan White

Like all of you, I am a veteran of many stewardship campaigns.  I think I have heard every possible rationale and justification for giving to the church, as have you.  Sometimes we hear about "investing in our children's future" or about "our responsibility after benefiting from the church" and any number of other ideas.

In my opinion there is really only one reason to give that works for us and for God.  And that reason is because we want to.  Wanting to usually comes from a feeling of gratitude for the good things we have received from God, the many blessings we know we have received from Him.

I have been incredibly blessed.  Jane and I just celebrated our 40th wedding anniversary.   We have two wonderful adult children to show for it.  You all know how wonderful Katie is, her brother Andrew is almost as wonderful.  We are blessed to have our health.  Though Jane and I were both raised in something that looked a lot like poverty we have been able to put some distance between ourselves and those early days.

St. Matthew's has been and still is a source of many blessings for us.  We are thrilled that Katie is part of this community and that she chooses to be active here.  We were thrilled that Katie and Nick were married by Blair here at St. Matthew's.  As someone who has attended three different parishes in three years, I can tell you that you, the congregation of St. Matthew's are something special.  The warmth, the joy and the love that I feel each Sunday morning comes from God through you and is not to be taken for granted.  Through your openness and inclusiveness you have made this a special place where I feel God's blessing every time I'm here.

There are many aspects of St. Matthew's that I could dwell on as special blessings, but I would like to talk about one that I recently felt.  On September 20, just two weeks ago we celebrated St. Matthew's Day and the life and ministry of Beatrice Garubanda.  Through her powerful preaching, Blair reminded us of how we are all knit together across time and distance as the family of God.  This is of central importance to me because I want to be a part of a worship tradition that goes back at least to the time of Jesus and to be a part of the church that has gone before.  Not many parishes could make me feel that the way St. Matthew's has.

I know all of us have different reasons for thankfulness and gratitude.  I urge all of us to focus on the blessings we receive in our lives and here at St. Matthew's as we make our decision about pledging this year.
Thank you!  

Celebrating 10 Years With The Rev. Dr. Blair Pogue

This Sunday, October 11 we will celebrate the wonderful Rev. Blair Pogue and her 10 years of ministry at St. Matthew's. We are so grateful for her extraordinary gifts as a priest, administrator, leader and friend. It is hard to believe that Blair has guided our parish for a decade. At both services we will recognize her time with us and invite everyone to celebrate afterward in the parish hall.   

Michele Chiezah at the October 11 Faith Forum 

St. Matthew's parishioner Michelle Chiezah will speak in the Faith Forum this Sunday, October 11 at 9:15am.  Michelle works for the Minnesota Department of Health as the  State's Infant Mortality Consultant. The Department recently released a major report authored by Michelle, titled The Infant Mortality Reduction Plan for Minnesota, Part 1.  Although Minnesota ranks well among all states in the nation regarding infant mortality, it does not fare so well with racial disparities.  According to the report, "Minnesota has the 8th best infant mortality rate overall among all 50 states in the country. But this overall rate hides stark inequalities between Whites, American Indians and Populations of Color. More specifically, infants born to African American and American Indian women are twice more likely to die before their first birthday than babies born to White women. This heart-breaking statistic suggests that not all communities in our state have equal access to resources and opportunities that optimize health and allow families, mothers,and infants to thrive and develop to their fullest potential."   
New Member Class Oct 18 and 25
A two session class for anyone interested in officially joining the St. Matthew's faith community will be held on October 18 & 25 from noon - 1:30 in the church Library. It will include information about St. Matthew's and its history, communal gifts, "pockets of energy," and Way of Jesus. It will also include a brief overview of Episcopal history, polity, and worship. If you are interested or have any questions please email Rector Blair Pogue.
City Tips: The Calendar   

The Calendar is a tool designed to give you a glance at all upcoming activities.  Found in the main navigation menu, the Calendar collects all your events from all the groups you are part of and puts them in one place.  When you find an event you're interested in, you can click its title to see the event post in its entirety. (You don't need to scroll through the news feed to find it!). If you have questions about The City, please call the church office at 651 645-3058. We're happy to help answer any questions.    
Faith + Learning Resources     
  • Teens Encounter Christ--aka TEC--
    is a retreat for high school aged youth in grades 9-12.  This retreat is a series of talks and small-group discussions about faith.  Youth will  connect with other Christians from around Minnesota and explore their faith together in a powerful retreat setting.  Many participants describe this as one of the most powerful retreat experiences that they have experienced.  This fall it will be held at St Paul's in Duluth, MN -- Oct 16-18.  The cost is $25.  Both transportation and scholarships are available.  Contact Sheila Foster at: 612-272-6952. email:
  • Race Relations and Faith Communities - October 11, 1:00pm at Judson Memorial Baptist Church, Minneapolis.  The Rev. Dr. Marvin McMickle is the President of Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity School in Rochester, NY, who is dedicated to raising awareness about race and racism and inspiring an inclusive approach to solving community problems. He brings a treasury of wisdom and  will speak on the role of faith communities in race relations. Learn more here.
Looking Ahead: Calendar Highlights
  • October 10-11: Used Book Sale to benefit St. Matthew's library
  • October 11: Faith Forum with Michelle Chiezah, Report on Infant Mortality at 9:15am in the library
  • October 11: Celebrating 10 years with the Rev. Blair Pogue after the service
  • October 18: 60th Wedding Anniversary Celebration of Keith & Iris Ringold at the 10:30am service and afterward in the parish hall.
  • October 25: Commitment Sunday: Dedication of Pledges and luncheon.
  • November 1: All Saints Sunday with Dixieland Jazz & Children's Processional
Please share your news and photos with us: 

Visit our website for the prayer list, calendar and sermons