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_I_ too_ am America_ Inauguration Day 2017 is a one-day event set to _re_inspire_ organize_ and empower the OSU community as we enter a new chapter in American history. for _I_ too_ am America_  Brush and Brunch 10 a.m. _ 11_30 a.m. in the Alonso Family Room_ The Student Life Multicultural Center Come take part in our _I_ too_ am America_ community mural project and prepare for the day with breakfast treats_ coffee_ and tea.  Welcome 11_30 a.m. in the Alonso Family Room_ The Student Life Multicultural Center  Watch and Wonder 12_00 p.m. - 3_00 p.m. in the Alonso Family Room_ The Student Life Multicultural Center Watch live footage of the presidential swearing ceremony and inauguration day parade.  Reflection Room 12_00 p.m. _ 3_00 p.m. in the Round Meeting Room_ The Ohio Union Creating a space to pause_ reflect_ and share.   Teach-Ins 12_00 p.m. _ 3_00 p.m. in Ohio Union _See day-of-schedule for exact room assignments Teach-ins aim to address the important questions on what this country needs and how we get there. Conducted by university graduate students_ staff_ and faculty.  _I_ too_ am America_ Poetic Justice  3_30 p.m. _ 5_00 p.m. in the Alonso Family Room_ The Student Life Multicultural Center Come to inspire and be inspired by local performing spoken word artists. Also learn how to cultivate your own poetic voice_ Pizza and refreshments provided.

Multicultural Center Office of Student Life
Ohio Union, Suite 1000, 1739 N. High St., Columbus, OH 43210
614-688-8449 Office / 614-292-4462 Fax / 
[email protected]


Creating the Extraordinary Student Experience

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