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As you may know, I am in the process of obtaining my doctorate in Theology. For my current studies, I am in need of 6 volunteers to join me for a mini-course on Henri Nouwen's book, The Return of the Prodigal Son. This 4-part series will be facilitated by me at our Main office in Rocky River. Details of the course are outlined below. 

Your participation and reflection will be used to complete a class paper that I am writing to meet a July deadline. If you are interested, please send a reply to and we will reserve your seat in the session. Please only respond if you can commit to completing the 4-part series.

Participants will be chosen on a first-come, first-serve basis. I appreciate your continued support of my spiritual journey, and am looking forward to your input and revelations.


Vic Pergola
Founder and Managing Principal
May 2013
We Need You!
Prodigul Son
"The Return of the Prodigal Son" 
Mini-course on Henri Nouwen's book,
a meditation on Rembrandt's painting

Need:  6 volunteers (first-come, first-serve)
                   Strong commitment to complete series

When:  Four consecutive Thursdays
            June 6, 13, 20 and 27
            6-8 pm

Content:  "The Return of the Prodigal Son"
  • Session One: A review of the Parable in (Luke 15: 11-32) and Introduction in the Nouwen book (pages 1-19) 
  • Session Two: The Younger Son (pages 25-45)  
  • Session Three: The Older Son (pages 59-77)  
  • Session Four: The Father (pages 89-110) 

  • We will read the parable in Luke aloud prior to each session
  • We will write quietly in a journaling exercise
  • We will discuss the assigned topic per class
  • We will generate summary conclusions on the material
  • We will generate a threefold comparison: The Painting by Rembrandt:The Book by Nouwen:The Parable by Luke  
What to Bring:
  • A notebook (electronic or pen and pad)
  • A New Testament
  • Henri Nouwen's Book will be provided for each participant
  • A large poster of the painting will be available for review
  • Your reflections will be written up for a class paper due in July
  • We are interested in your understanding and critique of the methodology
  • We are looking for your thoughts on any positive growth you may have experienced
  • What is your thought on the subject matter?
  • What subject matter (spiritual) are you interested in for the future? 

Who: Vic Pergola   

  Founder and Managing Principal



Where & When:
North Ridge Annex, Suite A
Rocky River, Ohio 44116

Please feel free to forward to a friend!

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