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No-Excuses Growth
Bob Schultek

Those of you who follow this blog know that I'm always preaching that your brand message should communicate your unique value. So now, you may get a kick out of knowing that my associates and I are taking a dose of our own medicine.


Three years ago, our three growth businesses - GrowthPointe, DecisionPointe and PointeVierge - began collaborating under the umbrella name of TriPointe. You may have never noticed this since we did not follow our own branding advice when we created the TriPointe name. In our defense, at that time, we weren't yet clear about the value our collaboration could produce. 


We've since learned that business owners and leaders want our comprehensive one-stop growth shop, and our no-excuses approach to helping companies grow. So it's time that our business name reflects our novel growth program...and now we're following our own branding advice. We've combined the words growth and holistic to create our new company name,  


...and you're the first to know!


The new name conveys our proven method of synchronizing strategy with people and process, leveraging your company's distinctiveness. As experienced business builders, we identify your growth barriers and engage with your team to close the gap between your growth goals and current realities. The result is a program we call no-excuses growth. Learn more about it at


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Is commoditization threatening your business?

Same Principals-New Look!

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