
The Strandline

New York State Marine Education Association Newsletter 
November 2014


President's Note

Dear NYSMEAns,

The annual conference was a huge success. The four field trips were a big hit and the NY Aquarium tour was very exciting!  

Dr. Stephen Pekar had a presentation on climate change and Kate Orff on living breakwaters. Both lectures were engaging and informative. I personally enjoyed Charles Denison's film on Coney Island Creek which focused on the future of the Creek post Superstorm Sandy. 
I also attended the Youth Ocean Conservation Summit with approximately 20 high school students. Sean Russell challenged the students to develop ocean conservation proposals. The students were thoroughly motivated and they benefited tremendously from the experience. It was great to see high school students at a professional science conference. Conference participants also toured the new marine science lab at Rachel Carson High School.

I am honored to serve as President of NYSMEA. As my vision is to see an increase in youth membership, I plan  to  reach out to High Schools and invite science students to become members. Once students are exposed to our organization and its enriching educational programs, I hope they will become lifelong NYSMEA members and contributors to marine environmental awareness and education.

I hope to see everyone at the Holiday Dinner Party on Saturday, December 6th at 4:00 PM, held at the Jones Beach Coast Guard Station. Our speaker will be Heather Liwanag, Associate Professor of Biology, PhD, from Adelphi University. She will discuss thermoregulation in fur seals in her presentation "The Fat and the Furriest: Keeping Warm in the Cold."





Lane Rosen
NYSMEA President

Meet Our New Officers

Please join us in extending a warm welcome to our new NYSMEA officers: 


  • President - Lane Rosen, John Dewey High School, NYCDOE
  • Elementary Vice President - Milton Pesantez, Columbia University
  • Secretary - David Stolarz

Also, welcome back to our returning NYSMEA officers: 


  • Vice President - Informal Education, Merryl Kafka, retired, NY Aquarium 
  • College Vice President - Dale Stanley, Nassau Community College
  • Secondary Vice President - Blanca Ching, Fort Hamilton High School
  • Treasurer - Sarah Richards, Saint Ann's School


Learn more about our officers by visiting the Officers Page on the NYSMEA website. Thank you for your service to NYSMEA!  


NYSMEA 2014 Conference: A Great Success

Thank you to all who made the NYSMEA annual conference a great success! The theme of this year's conference was "Coastal Treasures and Troubles: Restoring, Managing, and Monitoring Our Resources." 


Thank you to all who participated in the conference committee, led by our Treasurer, Sarah Richards. Also, thank you for our hosts, the Rachel Carson High School for Coastal Studies and the New York Aquarium. 


Thank you to all who attended and presented in the conference, especially those who led workshops and field trips. A special thank you to your keynote presenters, Stephen Pekar and Kate Orff. 


Also, thank you to those who gave monetary donations, auction and food items, and educational resources. In particular, we would like to thank the Hudson River Foundation for their monetary donation to help sponsor the conference registrations of high school and college students who were able to register at a discounted rate.  


NYSMEA members get a behind-the-scenes tour of the 
New York Aquarium during the 2014 Conference.



Congratulations to our 2014 award recipients!


Founder's Award

Presented to one of the original founders of the New York State Marine Education Association who has made a life-long commitment to advancing informal marine science education.


Rick Raymond

Rick Raymond is founder and principal of The Family Business Leader/The Growth Team, a management consulting/business coaching firm assisting family enterprises and closely-held businesses with their strategic planning, growth initiatives, and leadership development. He is also adjunct faculty in the Zicklin School of Business, Baruch College, CUNY. 


Matthew Fontaine Maury Award

Presented to a member or non-member who has made a major contribution to any field related to marine endeavors, either in the sciences, education, and research, and social or artistic ventures.


Murray Fisher


Murray Fisher is the co-founder of the New York Harbor School and the President of the New York Harbor Foundation, which together manage the Billion Oyster Project, a city-wide effort to engage the metropolitan community in restoring New York Harbor.


Captains Frank DeSantis and Tom Paladino


Captain Frank DeSantis, American Princess Cruises, has navigated not only our local waterways with fishing boats, sight-seeing cruises, ferry service, and educational adventures, but also piloted boats for over 20 years up and down the east coast from Maine to Florida. We honor his commitment to advancing public education in marine science, and marine mammal research and data collection with Gotham Whale, helping to document the whales visiting New York City.

Captain Tom Paladino, American Princess Cruises, is a second-generation boat captain. His family started a boating business in 1945, and continues today with our D.O.E. vendor approved, 95 ft American Princess. Expanding from his dad's early days as a fisherman, Captain Tom has extended his mission to now include educational excursions of our wonderful waterways around Jamaica Bay, Breezy Point, Manhattan Island, and the Hudson River. The American Princess is now making a unique and significant scientific contribution, along with Gotham Whale Naturalists, to catalog humpback whale data with citizen science whale watching trips. The American Princess also creates a floating classroom with "Science at Sea" programs for schoolchildren, with a crew dedicated to safety and marine science adventures.  Captain Tom is owner and manager of the TWFM Ferry Service, accounting for this vessel's other work duties in the harbor.


Herman Melville Literary Award

Presented to a member or non-member who has made a major contribution to the world of maritime literature and/or art.


Stephen Yaeger 


Stephen Yaeger, a retired teacher, has taught general science, biology, marine biology, chemistry, earth science, and limnology. He used his talent as an artist to enhance his lessons. He conducted workshops for teachers as a member of the NYS Biology Teachers Association and the Science Council of New York. He always found teaching rewarding and never failed to combine humor and classroom discipline as tools. Now retired, Stephen devotes his time to art, photography, and history.


Strandline (n): the high water mark; the area at the top of a beach where debris is deposited.


NYSMEA Holiday Party and Lecture - December 6, 2014 (snow date: December 13)

Find more events at our Calendar page. 


DID YOU KNOW? NYSMEA Updates its website every month, so be sure to visit the links below for new Web postings!  

Join NYSMEA!  

NYSMEA holds an annual conference, periodic meetings, lectures, workshops, field trips, and boat trips
. Learn a lot, have a great time and meet some talented, energized educators with a passion for water, just like yours!  


Not a member?
Click here and join for only $20 a year.


Expiring November 2014 members can renew now on the NYSMEA website. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

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The New York State Marine Education Association (NYSMEA) is a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit organization that exists to promote marine awareness and encourage the growth and exchange of instructional resources.